
Excited about the next systems?

Posted By: Blake

Excited about the next systems? - 01/03/05 09:19 PM

These are actual shots of what the PS3 and X Box 2 gameplay will look like.

Sorry these are so large.
Posted By: Patches

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/03/05 09:37 PM

Wow, those are great! It really looks nice. BTW, isn't the projected release for PS3 2006 or something, or did I hear that in a dream? :p
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/04/05 02:57 AM

Yes, most are projecting that the next-gen consoles will be released sometime in '06. Although there's been talk that Microsoft want's to bring out it's successor to the Xbox by the end of this year, so as to have the advantage. That'd be a bad move. I'm guessing that PS3 will be released around spring of '06, with a stateside release come the fall time. Nintendo's successor? Who cares!
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/04/05 03:23 AM

yea i read microsoft is comming out with xbox 2 in time for christmas this year, and sony was gonan wait till 2006 to release it, but they may release it sooner so as microsoft doesnt have a head start on them.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/04/05 07:30 AM

Thing is, the videogame industry is a multi-billion dollar, world-wide conglomerate (sp?) The X-Box has been out for a little over 4 years now, and it has pretty much flopped everywhere except for the U.S. Whether or not Microsoft released early or not probably won't make a difference. Microsoft just doesn't have what it takes to appeal to the Japanese and the rest of the world, which is why Sony is on top, and will most likely stay on top going into the next console war.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/04/05 01:55 PM

Are you trying to give me nightmares?
Posted By: Tom

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/05/05 05:02 AM

The pictures look really cool, thanks for the info. I wasn't aware that xbox flopped, it blows out ps2 graphic wise. I'm siked about both new systems, I'll just have to get both! Just think of the war, sports, and role playing games that they're capable of. Personally I'm looking forward to a new Call of Duty.
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/05/05 05:46 AM

i dont think sony is on top , i still say its microsoft.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/05/05 04:07 PM

Originally posted by scarfacetm:
i dont think sony is on top , i still say its microsoft.
It's not a matter of opinion. You can like one better than the other, sure, but as for top console (which includes sale and overall popularity), its the PS2.
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/05/05 09:44 PM

i dont think so, sales are only because PS2 has been out longer than the xbox has.
Posted By: Blake

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/05/05 09:44 PM

It's a fact that Sony is on top by a long shot, but they also have the Asian fan base.
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/05/05 10:11 PM

its not a fact, infact the only reason its that way is because its been around longer and that its mostly sold in asia long before here so they have a jump on microsoft.
Posted By: Blake

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/05/05 11:03 PM

Sony has sold millions and millions more. And that was smart marketing by Sony to launch it first. As for the next X Box it will be launched before the PS3.
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/06/05 03:33 AM

it wasnt that they launched it first. they already had mass marketing from playstation one and at the time only sega, nintendo and sony were console providers. microsoft saw how much they could profit and launched xbox about a year after playstation released PS2. but theoratically microsoft is more popular because microsoft mass markets computers and computers in a sense could be considered a console system due to computer games and theirs millions more computers than playstations and PS2s.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/06/05 05:28 PM

The year ahead release date for the PS2 played about a 10% factor in its reign as #1 console. As scarfacetm said above, its about mass-marketing. Even if Microsoft gets a head start in the next-console cycle, what it will come down to is whether or not they will be able to appeal to a world-wide audience, rather than just the American audience. My bet is no, they won't. Microsoft has a very limited international fan-base. Whereas Sony is a Japanese corporation, who has not only proven that they can make killer games, but also appeal to the American audience as well as their own. Microsoft doesn't have that kinda skill.
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/06/05 05:40 PM

yea well you try telling that to every person in the world who owns a computer considering every computer has atleast one microsoft made program. all it is is that sony made playstation a long time before microsoft decided to enter the console market so of course their gonna have a bigger fanbase. personally i perfer xbox over playstation.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/06/05 06:01 PM

You make good points, and please don't mistake me for a Sony fanboy, because I'm not. I happen to own both an Xbox and a PS2. And granted, the success of the PS2 relied heavily on the success of the PS1. But by that logic, one would also assume that based on the commercial success that the N64 was, the Gamecube would have also faired better than it has, correct. But, to each his own. I'm not knocking Xbox, its a very well-rounded gaming system, and Microsoft has done a very commendable job with their first venture into the console world. But is it, or has it ever been a serious competitor with the PS2. Absolutely not.
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/06/05 06:30 PM

unit sales wise it has and people perfer it better due to the hard drive and not having to worry about memory cards. the reason gamecube isnt as good as N64 was is because N64 had games for everyone, teens, adults, sports fans, kids. gamecube is more ment for kids with all its younger rated games with the exception of the resident evil games nintendo has signed a contract to make exclusive. other than those gamecube is all kids games, in fact the resident evil games are the only reason i got my gamecube, the onyl gamecube games i own in fact are the resident evil ones. look at N64, it had its major support success from nintendo, gameboy, gamboy color, and super nintendo. sony's success came from not only the playstation, but also the fact that their a major home appliance producer.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/06/05 07:58 PM

Saying people prefer Xbox to the PS2 is a bold statement, and one that, sales wise, is incorrect. Xbox has the hard-drive, thats a given. But think about it. The two most successful franchises on the Xbox (excluding Halo), have been ported over from PS2, those being the Metal Gear Solid series, and the Grand Theft Auto series. Xbox doesn't have the kind of third-party support that Sony has, and Microsoft's first-party software can't hold a candle to Sony's, or Nintendo's for that matter. I'll even go so far as to say that Nintendo has the best first-party software of either of the three system (Metriod, Zelda, Mario). Xbox has Halo. Without Halo, Xbox would have went the way of the Dreamcast, and that cannot be argued.
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/06/05 08:33 PM

yes it can be argued because your forgetting about splinter cell which was ported over to the PS2 and gave them a boost AFTER microsoft created it. xbox also has ghost recon which was created by microsoft on pc and is now xbox then ported over to PS2.
Posted By: scarfacetm

Re: Excited about the next systems? - 01/06/05 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Blake Peters:
Sony has sold millions and millions more. And that was smart marketing by Sony to launch it first. As for the next X Box it will be launched before the PS3.
sony didnt intentionally launch it first they just launched it, then microsoft decided to launch after seeing how the market was.
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