
The gangs I think should be in GTA IV (your opinions please)

Posted By: Don Giorgio Gambino

The gangs I think should be in GTA IV (your opinions please) - 09/12/03 06:54 PM

The Italian Mafia (1)

Why? No reason. But if need them: 1) The Mafia has a big cut of profits in California. 2) What's a GTA game without the Mafia?
Who? Your opinion. The Leones? Or a new one. IMHO, there should be 3 or 4 bosses
Weapons: Pistols, piano wires, Assault machine guns
Clothes: Varied. Variations of Armani, Gucci. They shouldn't have the same faces.
Rackets: Gun running, protection, gambling and grand theft auto ( each boss owns something)
Front: Italian restaurant, Casino, Ammun-Nation
Allies: They have come to an uneasy alliance with the Yakuzas
Enemies: The Cartel, Russians, Triads, Mafia 2
Rank: 2nd
Relationship with character: Good. His employers

The Italian Mafia (2)

Why? Read above
Who? The Don and his capos
Weapons: Ditto
Clothes: Ditto, but darker. To differentiate
Rank: 2nd and struggling
Rackets: Drugs,
Front: Nightclub
Allies: Russians, the Cartel
Enemies: Mafia 1, Yakuzas
Relationship with character: Enemies

The Tijuana Cartel

Why? The Colombian Cartels are non-existent in California. They mostly control the East Coast in the US. The Mexican Tijauan Cartel has all the power in the West Coast. The Tijuana Cartel are one of the 7 most powerful cartels in Mexico.
Who? The characters in the game could be one or two of the heads. Main head: Jose Ramon Rodriguez
Weapons: The weapon of choice of the Cartel is el cuerno de chivo (the goat's horn) which is the Mexican slang for the AK-47; pistols and machetes
Clothes: Cotton shirts, snake-skin boots and belts; straw hats.
Rank: 1st
Rackets: Cocaine and Marijuana trafficking.
Front: Mexican restaurants
Allies: The Diablos, the Russians (before)
Enemies: The Russians (after), the Italians
Relationship with character: Enemies

The Russian Mob

Why? The Russian gangs are a fierce competition to the Cartels in the West Coast.
Who? A powerful Russian boss of 40 or so. My name: Alex Yasikov
Weapons: AK47,
Clothes: black and white shirts and suits.
Rank: 3rd
Rackets: Cocaine, weapon traffic and prostitution
Front: Construction worker and bars
Allies: The Triads, the Mexicans (before)
Enemies: The Mexicans (after), the Italians
Relationship with character: Enemies

The Triads:

Why? There's a large Asian/Chinese population in California. Hence, the Triads doing their business in Chinatown.
Who? Warlords, headed by Xian-Lee
Weapons: Bats, meat cleavers, pistols and Uzis
Clothes: Blue overalls and blue and green jackets.
Rank: 5th
Rackets: Heroine and Kidnapping
Front: Chinese restaurants and fish and rice trading company.
Allies: The Russians
Enemies: Italians
Relationship with character: Enemies

The Yakuzas:

Why? Same reason for the Triads
Who? A father and his daughter
Weapons: Pistols, Uzis and
Clothes: Retro clothes. Old fashioned (The real-life Yakuzas DO wear old-fashioned suits, 70's and 80's suits)
Rank: 4th
Rackets: Gambling and prostitution.
Allies: Mafia 1
Enemies: Russians and Cartel
Relationship with character: Employers

The Diablos:

Why? The Cholo gangs are probably the biggest in California. Instead of creating a new Mexican/Hispanic gang, the Diablos and el Burro should be back.
Who? El Burro of course
Weapons: Knives, bottles and pistols
Clothes: Bandannas and caps. Shirts, jackets and tattos
Rank: 6th
Rackets: Robbery and marijuana
Allies: Cartel and Mafia 2
Enemies: The Mafia 1 and the Yakuzas
Relationship with character: Employers

The Bloods (Red Jacks)

Why? The Red Bloods are one of the two most important gangs in California.
Who? Don't know yet
Weapons: pistols, shotguns and uzis
Rank: 7th
Rackets: Robbery and Cocaine
Enemies: The Nines, Klansmen
Relationship with character: Enemies

The Crips (Purple Nines)

Why? The Crips are one of the two most important black gangs in California
Who? Don't know yet
Weapons: Ditto
Rank: 7th, struggling with the Jacks.
Rackets: Ditto
Relationship with character: Enemies

Side note: The gangsters should have different faces not like in the others. Also varied suits, but that identify them. This gangs are the real ones in California. In my opinion, we should have real gangs not like in Vice City, which had bikers, golfers, street wannabes and surfers. Ugh. Real gangs should be cooler.

All gangs could fit. I have substituted the Colombian Cartel with the Mexican for reasons explained down here. The Yardies and the South Side Hoods are substituted with another Mafia family and the Russians.

Also the Hollywood guys and rednecks are not exactly gang members. Neo Nazsi and Klaners are jsut small time gangs that just hang around. They are there just to "play" with them (if ya know what I mean)


Hollywood Guys

Why? Not gang, but a group of bodyguards of a Hollywood producer you do errands
Who? A hollywood Producer or actor (your opinion)
Weapons: Pistols
Clothes: They dress with suits and short-sleeved black shirts
Rackets: Movies
Relationship with character: Employers


Why? Just for the hell of it.
Who? The head is a 30 something skinhead
Weapons: Pistols, chains and knives. And spikey brass knuckles
Clothes: Drak-Green overcoats, pants and black shirts. Military boots.
Rackets: Drugs
Relationship with character: Enemies


Why? They're funny
Who? A guy named Billy Bob
Weapons: Shotguns and sticks
Clothes: overalls, jeans, dirty shirts and straw hats.
Rackets: They just hang around.
Enemies: The construction company owned by the Russians who want to take over their trailer park.
Relationship with character: Employers

Klu Klux Klan

Why? Like the Neo Nazis
Who?A supremacist guy
Weapons: Molotov cocktails, shotguns-
Clothes: White hoods
Relationship with character: Enemies


Main Missions

Mafia 1 (3 or 4 bosses)- From 25 to 30 missions
Yakuzas (2 bosses)- 10 missions
Russians- Four
Cartel- Five

Side Missions

Diablos- 5
Rednecks- 4
Hollywood producer/actor (1 or 2 bosses)- 6 or 7
Donald Love- 7
The Mayor- 6
Corrupt cop- 7

Between 72 to 79 missions


Mafia 2
Red Jacks
Purple Nines
Neo Nazis
Klu Klux Klan

Giorgio Luigi Gambino
Posted By: DonEthereal_313

Re: The gangs I think should be in GTA IV (your opinions please) - 09/12/03 08:31 PM


Sounds ok to me...only problem is, it's all wishful thinking.

I think it would be cool if you could join any of the gangs that are in the game, or just be neutral and work with all of them (until you get caught).

And please don't call them "Blue Crips". It's derogatory to refer to street gangs by their colors...at least with the Crips. Who knows what those idiot Bloods think...

Don Ethereal
Posted By: Don Giorgio Gambino

Re: The gangs I think should be in GTA IV (your opinions please) - 09/12/03 09:47 PM

Excuse moi, Don Ethereal. I just did so to counterpoint the colors Blue and Purple. Is fixed now.

Giorgio Luigi Gambino
Posted By: DonEthereal_313

Re: The gangs I think should be in GTA IV (your opinions please) - 09/13/03 12:05 AM


Understandable, I just meant more for anytime your out. I don't know how often you roll through the "hood", but, just keep the whole color thing in mind.

Don Ethereal
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: The gangs I think should be in GTA IV (your opinions please) - 09/13/03 03:50 PM

i think one of the mobs should be the vercetti's. there could be 3 italian family's too. the vercetti's and leones could be allies due to their shared hatred for the forelli's which could be the third mafia. i had an idea a while back about playing as joey leone after just expanding to the west coats. it'd be cool and interesting if you were to play as him because :
1. you'd be playing as a past employer
2. you'd be working with other pasy employers
3. if my idea of having 3 family's did work it'd be intersesting because you'd be allies with your character from vice city and beable to see what he's like 20 years later.
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