
Agent Sansaverino

Posted By: AllDay27

Agent Sansaverino - 10/23/16 01:10 AM

Just dove back in to the middle Season 5 and now wrapping up 6. Just noticed this and I'm sure it means nothing but has anyone else noticed that Agent Sansaverino (the ugly older blonde not hot blonde that goes undercover and befriends Adriana) is like a black angel of death to anyone she comes near?

*First Adriana (stupidly allows her to leave the FBI building which gets her murdered, is clearly her fault and immediately treated as such but fellow agents.

*Then Ray Curto, she is in a car with Raymond getting a tape that could hang a murder on Tony that Ray said he would testify to in open court and then immediately has a heart attack and dies. (This although sad almost seems ironic, imagine her telling her boss that she just got their top informer murdered and their next best choice just died in her arms without witnesses. Terrible look as an agent IMO)

*Then she is introduced to Gene Pontecorvo a single time seemingly by his handling agent in the car after Ray passes away, and nearly immediately hangs himself after this meeting. Although from a combination of several factors, not directly because of Agent Sansaverino.

Does Sansaverino have a meaning in Italian that might have any indication here or am I just noticing a coincidental series of events in the show?
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