
John Ventimiglia Reddit IAmA

Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

John Ventimiglia Reddit IAmA - 06/30/12 11:38 PM

Actor John Ventimiglia (Artie Bucco) is doing a IAmA on Reddit on July 9th.

For those who dont know, social media site Reddit has a subsection called I Am A where people in various roles in life answer questions posed by the sites posters. There's been a number of celebrity/succesful writer/comedian etc IAmA's over the years (off the top of my head I can think of Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Joss Whedon, Bobcat Goldthwait, Molly Ringwald, Morgan Spurlock, Asiz Asari, MC Lars, Colin Mochrie, George Pelecanos, Giancarlo Esposito, Louis CK - alright I can think of a few more but I think you guys get the picture)

For those interested, it could be a good opportunity to learn more about what it was like on the set of Sopranos, and Ventimiglia's thoughts on the show.

Here's a link to the site and relevenant subsection.
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