

Posted By: danielperrygin

Dark? - 04/27/12 12:00 AM

Obiously the ending comes to mind first ut there is another episode hat ends with a blank screen before the credits rle. When Tony is staying in the hotel and has the dream, when he wakes up the last time and it is dark. He calls his wife and they talk about thea dog and what not, Tony asks her if its light there yet, they talk a little more then Tony says but really is it light there yet? I cant remember if he asks if its light out yet or still dark, but either way while he is saying what he is saying the screen ges blank.

So whats the deal here? Only thing can even think is that maybe Tony is still dreaming? I got no clue here, HELP!!!!
Posted By: carmela

Re: Dark? - 04/27/12 03:30 AM

Dark? Maybe I need to pop a pill, but what is the question Daniel?

How's RD treating ya? grin
Posted By: danielperrygin

Re: Dark? - 04/27/12 12:20 PM

My question is why does the screen go blank at the end of this episode while he is in the middle of asking "is it light there yet?"
Posted By: carmela

Re: Dark? - 04/28/12 01:26 AM

Originally Posted By: danielperrygin
My question is why does the screen go blank at the end of this episode while he is in the middle of asking "is it light there yet?"

Ah ok, I get it now. Hold on, wait right there. I'll be right back with the answer. Don't you move now!!
Posted By: danielperrygin

Re: Dark? - 04/28/12 03:46 AM

lol im waiting
Posted By: danielperrygin

Re: Dark? - 05/10/12 09:00 PM

Ill start this by saying sorry SC, but does no one even have a thought on this? We over analyze everything else to do with the Sopranos and The Godfather, so why not this?
Posted By: carmela

Re: Dark? - 05/10/12 09:41 PM

lol I forgot about this thread. I got a good chuckle out of re-reading it though.
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