
A Godfather reference (I couldn't find past posts)

Posted By: LaFamiglia

A Godfather reference (I couldn't find past posts) - 02/28/11 08:50 PM

I found this scene from the Sopranos. It's the scene where Tony is in Meadow's school, sees the staple gun, goes outside, attacks Mikey, staples his shirt to his chest, and leaves. While he's walking away he wipes the staple gun with his shirt, drops it, and walks away. Similar to when Michael killed Sollozzo and McCluskey. I looked through topics and couldn't find anything, so if there was in the past, I apologize.

The links go to YouTube, so don't be afraid to click on them.

The Sopranos
- The Sopranos

The Godfather
The Godfather
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