
Need the name of a certain song.

Posted By: BEavis

Need the name of a certain song. - 05/08/09 01:02 AM

Sorry if I can't provide accurate details, but I have a certain song stuck in my head for quite some time.

The song plays out during the opening scene of either season 3 or 4 when Tony walks down his driveway, picks up the newspaper, and the camera switches to the newspaper and it reads "Mob violence up over construction jobs" or something along those lines. Then we see Tony nod in disapproval and walks back up to his mansion.

The song I believe starts off with some electronic loop, and then you hear the piano play (the part actually stuck in my head).

Any suggestions are much appreciated.
Posted By: Mark

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/08/09 01:36 AM

I remember that song. If I recall the title includes something about "destruction"? Heavy drum beat with a "punky" sound?
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/08/09 06:47 PM

I remember that song but sorry dont remember the name, im sure somebody will come up with the answer. Have you checked the credits at the end of the episode.

Posted By: BEavis

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/08/09 08:27 PM

I would, but I don't have any of the seasons.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/08/09 09:48 PM

Could ya'll be referring to Eve of Destruction?
Posted By: BEavis

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/08/09 09:55 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Could ya'll be referring to Eve of Destruction?

I don't think so. I did a quick youtube of the song and wasn't the song I was looking for.

Does anyone know if it's season 3 or 4 when Tony reads that caption in the newspaper? Maybe if I knew which episode it was I could hunt down that song.

Upon further research, I'm gonna guess the song is in the opening episode of season 3. Wikipedia mentions the garbage war I mentioned earlier in my first post:

Tony is still running his crew and is concerned about a possible garbage war involving his company, Barone Sanitation


After further research, I can now confirm that the song playing in the opening scene of Mr Ruggerio's Neighborhood is the song I've been looking for. I skipped to the credits, but no songs were listed.
Posted By: stevapalooza

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/09/09 03:36 AM

It's called "World Destruction" by John Lydon

Next time youre stuck for a song do what I do, type whatever lyrics you know into a google search (make sure to put quotation marks on it so you only search for the exact phrase). Chances are you'll find the song's lyrics listed on some lyrics site, along with the title and artist. I learned that trick looking for "You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory", which was used in season 2.
Posted By: BEavis

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/09/09 03:49 AM

Wasn't that the song playing at the ending credits?
Posted By: stevapalooza

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/09/09 10:28 AM

World Destruction? Yeah. It was used at the beginning and at the end of that episode. Same song.
Posted By: Mark

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/09/09 01:08 PM

Great song. It has a good beat and you can dance to it.
Posted By: Paddy

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/09/09 05:55 PM

Originally Posted By: stevapalooza
It's called "World Destruction" by John Lydon

Actually, I think the song is by a band called Time Zone, but I could be wrong.

The HBO website, under the Sopranos link, also has song listings for each episode by season.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/12/09 12:29 AM

The song's "World Destruction" by Time Zone ft. Johnny Lydon's vocals.

It begins and ends the season four opener, "For All Debts Public and Private".
Posted By: stevapalooza

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/12/09 01:06 AM

Hey, we were both right!
Posted By: BEavis

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/13/09 06:18 PM

I'm gonna assume that the piano interlude is dubbed in for theatrical purposes in the song during the opening sequence of the episode.
Posted By: 4eyedPrick

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 05/19/09 09:01 PM

You can find the whole soundtrack of the show here http://silverstone.orconhosting.net.nz/sopranomusicguide/
Posted By: BEavis

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 06/04/09 04:23 PM

Thank you so much 4eyedprick!

Here's the song I've been talking about:

Posted By: The_Don_Is_Dead

Re: Need the name of a certain song. - 06/21/09 06:21 AM

Only line from the song i remember were "The richer getting richer and the poorer getting poorer."
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