
The real reason Tony ......

Posted By: whisper

The real reason Tony ...... - 02/17/08 06:50 AM

Sorry if this has been posted before,but what is the real reason Tony killed Christopher???

Did He do it because he really thought Chris wasn't going to make it after the crash,or was it because of his paranoia,thinking Chris fantasized his downfall,or even he thought Chris was weak and would "flip"??

I've re watched the episode a few times and i really couldn't place my finger on it.I know he was relieved to some point,but did he really want him dead??
Posted By: chopper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/17/08 09:39 AM

I think it was because he thought he was weak and would eventually flip if he was brought up on some strong charges
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/17/08 11:14 AM

If i remember didn't the airbag crush Chris's wind pipe has he didn't have a seatbealt on, so maybe Tony did him a favor has he wasn't going to make it. But it could have that he was parinoid.
Posted By: Sopranorleone

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/17/08 02:21 PM

In the episode, the doctors actually said that Chris could have survived his injuries. Tony probably told himself after the fact that he was helping Chris by relieving him of his pain. But, the real reason is that Tony felt "afraid" of Chris. Not afraid in the actual sense of the word. Tony thought that Chris, "a weak, lying, sniveling drug addict - the worst kind of bet" would easily flip to the Feds. Then, to add fuel to the fire, Chrissy making Cleaver, a film whose boss represents Tony in more ways than one and ends with the boss being brutally hacked to death, surely didn't ease Tony's suspicions.

It all really started when Adrianna was killed (sorry Olivant). I always felt that Chris thought that he had a choice - and that whoever he sided with would be obliged to thank him. So, Chris expected a thank you from Tony. But to T, Chris had no choice. Due to the nature of his profession, Chris had to give up Ade. So, why should he be thanked just for doing his job? Which is validated in "Walk Like a Man," when Chris says after the AA meeting, "Fine. But he never appreciated it."
Posted By: BDuff

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/17/08 08:36 PM

True Sopranoleone, but don't forget this. Tony had given up on Chris as his successor, at the time of Chris's death, Tony had already been grooming Bobby Bacala his unofficial Underboss.

A scene in 6B that proves this is in "Walk like a Man" where Chris comes to tell Tony about Paulie's boosting. Who's in the room? Tony, Sil, and Bobby. Hell, when Bobby asks Chris what happened, Chris doesn't even acknowledge him just shoots him a look.

Since the end of 6A, Tony was phasing out Christopher and Paulie from his inner circle. Tony could have given Esplanade to Chris, but no he gave it to Carlo. Carlo and Bobby made money and were low profile whereas Tony viewed Paulie as incompetant and Chris as a huge risk. Both Chris and Paulie were prone to violence and could be an easy target for the FBI.

I know I'm off topic, so back to my point. So when Chris crashed that car, did Tony really need Chris? He was using again, phased out by Bobby and alienating himself from the other DiMeo Capos. Killing Chris at that point didn't mean much to Tony, Chris was long gone in his eyes.

PS - Episode 9 "Glorified Crew" will be up soon
Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/17/08 09:28 PM

Some good points.I just couldn't believe it when i first saw that episode.

Tony is one cold hearted prick.Chris would have never flipped.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/17/08 09:31 PM

But you can never trust a junkie,i suppose thats what Tony was worried about..
Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/17/08 11:40 PM

Yeah i guess so,but geez.
Posted By: Sopranorleone

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/18/08 12:53 AM

Whisper, I respectfully disagree. I think its even possible that he did flip before he was killed - the cat in "Made in America" could have symbolized Chris being a rat just as easily as it could symbolize the re-incarnation of Ade or Chris.

One line of thinking: Why shouldnt he flip? He could continue writing, do something he actually enjoys doing, hang around people he wants to be around (show business people), and still have a family. In reality, he would have been better off flipping when Ade asked him too, and I think he realized that by the time of his death.
Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/18/08 03:54 AM

Good point Sopranorleone,
It is definitely possible and no doubt Chris contemplated it and then thought about how his life would have been if he had when he was with Ade.But i still think Chris would have stayed loyal.That was the type of guy he was i think.I couldn't picture him turning rat,even if he really wanted to.

Great theory of the cat though,i never thought of it like that.
Posted By: chopper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/18/08 10:05 AM

 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under
Some good points.I just couldn't believe it when i first saw that episode.

Tony is one cold hearted prick.Chris would have never flipped.

once a smack head always a smack head

they can never be trusted
Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/18/08 10:56 AM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under
Some good points.I just couldn't believe it when i first saw that episode.

Tony is one cold hearted prick.Chris would have never flipped.

once a smack head always a smack head

they can never be trusted

whatever crack head \:p
Posted By: chopper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/18/08 11:05 AM

How did you know \:p
Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/18/08 11:36 AM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
How did you know \:p

Because you remind me of myself. \:D
Posted By: chopper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 02/18/08 12:14 PM

Posted By: deadmeadow

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 03/04/08 04:18 PM

I think he saw a weakness in christopher and didn't want him to take over if he were to get killed.
Posted By: Aristotle

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 03/06/08 04:24 PM

he knew he would become a rat to have any chance in the life chris wanted to live.
Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/24/08 09:55 AM

You can never trust a drug taker, even ir they earn soooooo good, its time to make them go or lower them in rank, even further, so info won't get to them.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/27/08 10:18 PM

Originally Posted By: BDuff

Since the end of 6A, Tony was phasing out Christopher and Paulie from his inner circle.

Chris yeah, but Paulie?

Chris was an addict. An addict can be trusted to be unreliable and Chris had risen too high up to be able to be unreliable. Tony killed him here because of his close relationship with him years earlier when he promoted Chris while overlooking his numerous faults and then it got to a point where they weren't as close and Chris couldn't be saved by Tony's favoritism this time.
Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/27/08 10:55 PM

Still, he could have told him to F#ck off. He didn't have to kill the poor bastard.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/28/08 12:01 AM

Originally Posted By: whisper
Still, he could have told him to F#ck off. He didn't have to kill the poor bastard.

You commit numerous federal crimes with a guy, kill people, etc. and want to leave him alive when he has been harboring resentment for you for awhile now and probably always will?

It was only a matter of time one way or another where Christopher would cause a clusterfuck in Tony's life.
Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/28/08 08:11 AM

That is not something you can prove though! Perhaps Chris may have gotten over it!! Had one of his cries in Tony's arma etc etc
Posted By: olivant

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/28/08 06:02 PM

To all Mafia members, everyone is utilitarian and expendable.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/29/08 08:39 PM

Originally Posted By: whisper
That is not something you can prove though! Perhaps Chris may have gotten over it!! Had one of his cries in Tony's arma etc etc

Riiiiiiiiiiiight. And Ade is alive.
Posted By: Sopranorleone

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/29/08 09:05 PM

No matter how many times Chrissy would cry in T's arms (or whatever else), it would only be a temporary relief. Eventually, something would come along and he'd be back to dreading him all over again. Also, if the FBI were to come knocking down his door, he'd turn T and the gang in in a second if he was facing jailtime.

The Sopranos series really showed the evolution of Christopher Moltisanti. He really loved T and the mob life in the early seasons, but, as things changed and developed, he desired something else in his life - and a different career.

I always thought (and this was confirmed in this past season's "Walk Like a Man") that the whole Aide fiasco (no matter HER fate) was the sparkplug that let things deteriorate very quickly between Chris and T. Tony saw it as, hey, you're in the mafia and you took an oath. This thing of ours is above family. If Aide is a rat, you have no choice but to turn her over to us. Then, why should you be thanked and be given special favors and requests when you're just doing your job? ("How many times are you gonna play the Adrianna card?").
Now, from Chrissy's point of view, he had to make a DECISION and whoever he sided with should be grateful. Chris went with the rules of the mob and turned her in to T. ("But he never appreciated it!"). Chrissy wanted a "hey, thank you, Christapha. You made the right choice," from someone.
But, "they shit on your pity."
Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/30/08 05:43 PM

Looks like I stand alone in this. I just don't think he would have flipped. I like to think, despite some harbored resentment towards Tony, he wouldn't have turned rat. I'm the opposite to you all. I reckon Tony and Chris would have mended the relationship. Oh well..dare to dream.
Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/30/08 05:44 PM

Originally Posted By: Longneck
Originally Posted By: whisper
That is not something you can prove though! Perhaps Chris may have gotten over it!! Had one of his cries in Tony's arma etc etc

Riiiiiiiiiiiight. And Ade is alive.

and Ade is alive. Silvio keeps her as a sex slave!!
Posted By: Longneck

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 05/30/08 05:51 PM

Originally Posted By: whisper
Looks like I stand alone in this. I just don't think he would have flipped. I like to think, despite some harbored resentment towards Tony, he wouldn't have turned rat. I'm the opposite to you all. I reckon Tony and Chris would have mended the relationship. Oh well..dare to dream.

Can I have some of whatever the hell you're smoking?
Posted By: Mr.MojoRisin

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 06/01/08 03:11 PM

I always figured he was just sick of his always lying to him about his drug use and was pissed at him for always being such a wreck. He was a liability plain and simple.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 06/03/08 08:44 PM

He killed Chris because he knew he couldnt trust him anymore.

Posted By: whisper

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 06/04/08 04:33 PM

Originally Posted By: Longneck
Originally Posted By: whisper
Looks like I stand alone in this. I just don't think he would have flipped. I like to think, despite some harbored resentment towards Tony, he wouldn't have turned rat. I'm the opposite to you all. I reckon Tony and Chris would have mended the relationship. Oh well..dare to dream.

Can I have some of whatever the hell you're smoking?

Yeah, But it'll cost ya extra, since your such a know it all. tongue
Posted By: Frankie_Castellamare

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 08/14/08 12:29 AM

I kinda thought it was bad writting when after Chrissy was dead they said they found cocaine in his system, when heroin was clearly his drug of choice..
and he was also nodding out at the wheel which showed he was high on H (good acting by the way) and Tony noticed that. and you could see the shame in his eyes right before the accident. he knew Chrissy would never be what he wanted him to be.
I think Tony killing Chrissy was the most disturbing moment I have ever wittnessed on film. I had to stop it at first and take 15 before finally finishing that episode..wow!

for the folks who feel Tony shouldn't have killed Chrissy must have been missing something.(although it did catch me by surprise!) because the build up was very obvious...
Posted By: olivant

Re: The real reason Tony ...... - 08/14/08 02:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
He killed Chris because he knew he couldnt trust him anymore.


I think he murdered Chris more because he was just too much of a burden. Tony never knew whatChrs was going to screw up next and he had to continually compensate for him and be prepared for anything. I guess that's a form of trust, but I look at it that Chris was just a burden.
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