
Michael Imperioli in One more day

Posted By: Beth E

Michael Imperioli in One more day - 11/20/07 01:29 PM

This seems like it might be a chance to see Michael in something new. I don't know how interesting it looks though. I think it's scheduled to start airing December 9 on the USA channel. I know the USA channel usually airs movies more then once.

Imperioli is back for 'One More Day'

The Sopranos' Michael Imperioli tries on a different kind of troubled character — a broken-down ballplayer — in Oprah Winfrey Presents: Mitch Albom's For One More Day.

The character, Chick Benetto, is estranged from his daughter and struggles with alcoholism. "He never quite recovered from losing his career as a ballplayer," Imperioli says. The ABC movie is planned for the upcoming TV season and is the second Albom project for the actor, who appeared in The Five People You Meet in Heaven.

As Chick is about to kill himself, he stops when he has a chance to spend one more day with his deceased mother (Ellen Burstyn). "She takes him to various points in his life, and he learns what actually was going on," he says.

Sopranos makeup artist Stephen Kelley helps Imperioli age from 20 to his 50s.

For an even younger Chick, he gets the help of his son, Vadim, who plays the character as a boy. It's the first time they've acted together. "It's great," Imperioli says. "It's a good experience."
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Michael Imperioli in One more day - 11/20/07 09:11 PM

Sounds like he'll do a great job, Beth. I'll keep an eye out for it.
Posted By: Sopranorleone

Re: Michael Imperioli in One more day - 11/20/07 11:44 PM

I can't wait to see it. Imperioli's really an underrated actor - he, and Gandolfini too, should have easily won an Emmy....anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Would anyone happen to know when this airs?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Michael Imperioli in One more day - 11/21/07 12:29 AM

Oprah Winfrey presents?

As Paulie says about Beansie: "Jesus Christ fucking kill me now."
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Michael Imperioli in One more day - 11/30/07 01:34 PM

I saw previews of it last week. I'll try to watch. I agree Imperioli is a very good, underated actor. Yet, I can't get over thinking of him only as Christopher. \:\/ I'll keep waiting for the potty mouth to begin. I'm sure he'll do great.

Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Michael Imperioli in One more day - 12/13/07 01:36 PM

I watched the movie as well and liked it. The actor who played Chip's father as a senior was also on the Sopranos as the head of the task force. He wanted results and Adriana paid the price.
Posted By: Sopranorleone

Re: Michael Imperioli in One more day - 12/13/07 06:53 PM

 Originally Posted By: Paul Pisano
I watched the movie as well and liked it. The actor who played Chip's father as a senior was also on the Sopranos as the head of the task force. He wanted results and Adriana paid the price.

It was shown? When? What channel?
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Michael Imperioli in One more day - 12/13/07 09:10 PM

It was on this past Sunday night on ABC.
Posted By: Sopranorleone

Re: Michael Imperioli in One more day - 12/14/07 08:22 PM

Damn! Anyone know of a rerun?
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