
What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll!

Posted By: Raymondo Corleone

What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/06/07 02:27 PM

I thought it would be cool if we had a vote on how we think the Sopranos is going to turn out - the poll expires on the Monday following the US airing of the last episode, so you need to get your skates on if you want to vote.

Please, no spoilers here, and if you by some reason you know what happens at the end then it's up to your discretion as to whether you vote.

If you choose the last option, maybe tell us what you think will happen!
Posted By: Raymondo Corleone

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/06/07 08:37 PM

Oooh flipping to the feds is in the lead!
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/07/07 03:31 AM

I think Tony survives and it will be almost business as usual.
We'll just never get to see how his crime family rebuilds.
I really think the ending is going to be anti-climactic.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/07/07 03:38 AM

 Originally Posted By: Just Lou
I think Tony survives and it will be almost business as usual.
We'll just never get to see how his crime family rebuilds.
I really think the ending is going to be anti-climactic.

Putting myself in Chase's shoes, and knowing that a Sopranos movie would most likely be a financial success (even though nothing is definite on a movie...yet), it would be smart to leave Tony alive so there would be the opportunity to see if/how Tony rebuilds the family. I really love not knowing what to expect in the ending. \:\)

Posted By: olivant

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/07/07 04:26 AM

 Originally Posted By: Just Lou
I think Tony survives and it will be almost business as usual.
We'll just never get to see how his crime family rebuilds.
I really think the ending is going to be anti-climactic.

As I've posted elsewhere, I can see the final scene being Tony sitting in front of Satriale's puffing on a cigar. That's as anticlimatic as you can get.

Of course, I can see that scene as the camera pans to his profile looking up the street. And who do we see off in the distance walking toward him down the sidewalk? - you guessed it, Ade.
Posted By: Raymondo Corleone

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/07/07 08:45 AM

So, in these scenarios you both describe, would you see Phil getting killed off? Thinking about it, I think that at least one of Phil and Tony must get killed/go to jail - they can't both exist in the same place for long now that the sh1t's hit the fan.

Not long now!!! Man, I don't think I've ever been so excited about a tv programme!!!
Posted By: SC

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/07/07 08:58 AM

 Originally Posted By: olivant

Of course, I can see that scene as the camera pans to his profile looking up the street. And who do we see off in the distance walking toward him down the sidewalk? - you guessed it, Ade.

I'm beginning to think you're serious (about Adriana being alive). Please tell me you're not.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/07/07 01:30 PM

My prediction about the last episode may contain huge spoilers.

Warning, Spoiler:
Tony loses the key players in his crew. Paulie and Patsy are the only ones who remains loyal to him.

He's sitting alone in a restaurant, waiting for his family. They stroll in one by one, with the last one, Meadow, about to enter and the screen goes blank.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/07/07 05:23 PM

I would be SHOCKED if Phil survives the series. That's whether Tony has a "happy ending" or not. That's all I can really predict with any real confidence.

As far as what I'd like? I like Cardi's idea alot and Olivant's to some degree (minus Ade the zombie walking the streets of Newark's North Ward).

I think Lou summed it up best: Anti-Climactic.
Posted By: BDuff

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/07/07 05:58 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Tony loses the key players in his crew. Carmela leaves him.

He's sitting alone, ala Michael Corleone in GFII, in his chair by the empty pool, and the ducks, who flew away in the first season, come back. But there's no water for them to land in.

The show started with the ducks flying away in the first episode, and now they come back in the finale.

I'm leaning this way as well. However I see Tony countering the hits on Bobby and Silvio. Van Standt said on the radio this week that Made in America is just as, if not more violent than Blue Comet.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/09/07 02:21 PM

Wow, all morning they've had various stories on the ending of the Sopranos. They just had Artie on, who "says" he really has no idea how it ends. Either he's being sly and not talking (likely) and/or I'm thinking several different endings may have been filmed and nobody knows which will be used.

Also, they say a poll shows that 40 per cent of the Soprano viewers don't want to see Tony die in the end, but more than half viewers think Tony should pay for his crimes in some way. Several comments were made about how the last two/three episodes making most viewers dislike Tony.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/10/07 03:41 PM

They are discussing the finale off/on all morning. They insist the producers are totally mum on the ending, which makes me wonder about the validity of the spoilers that have been posted (that I thankfully not been opening just in case) \:\) According to the producers they say it'll be an "explosive & controversial" ending. Hmmmmmm! Won't be long now.

They just had Vito on MSNBC and asked his prediction of how it will end. He tends to think Tony "will' survive, but Phil won't. He says that he thinks something will happen to one of the kids.

The host brought up an interesting question though. Would fans want it to end (or would they accept) with Tony flipping??? What do you think?

Also, they discussed the possibility that perhaps the fans will expect more and it may not be as big as we think.
Posted By: SC

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/10/07 03:54 PM

 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
The host brought up an interesting question though. Would fans want it to end (or would they accept) with Tony flipping??? What do you think?

Also, they discussed the possibility that perhaps the fans will expect more and it may not be as big as we think.

I now longer think Tony will flip (although as late as the beginning of this season I thought that was a possibility).

Chase has historically NOT resolved many issues (just as all issues don't get resolved in real life) and I don't expect everything to be tied up in a neat bundle after tonight's episode ends.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/10/07 04:06 PM

 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
The host brought up an interesting question though. Would fans want it to end (or would they accept) with Tony flipping??? What do you think?

Also, they discussed the possibility that perhaps the fans will expect more and it may not be as big as we think.

I now longer think Tony will flip (although as late as the beginning of this season I thought that was a possibility).

Chase has historically NOT resolved many issues (just as all issues don't get resolved in real life) and I don't expect everything to be tied up in a neat bundle after tonight's episode ends.

I agree SC and I think by now any fan of the show who thinks that any of the other storylines we wanted tied up, will be disappointed. I'm ok though with that though. The whole series is based around Tony and both his families and now I think the question is going to be what happens Tony & and family?

I am open to most any scenario (that I can think of) ending, except I really don't want Tony to die(and don't think he will).

It's been a lot of fun analyzing this show with you guys. Sort of like we are BB therapists . Never have I torn apart a characters/show and speculated so much on a fictional tv show. I'll miss it.

Posted By: SC

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/10/07 04:22 PM

 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Never have I torn apart a characters/show and speculated so much on a fictional tv show. I'll miss it.

I know exactly what you mean.... I KNOW its fiction BUT its become a big part of my relaxing. I don't know what I'll do on Sunday nights anymore. \:\(
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/11/07 03:12 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

He's sitting alone, ala Michael Corleone in GFII, in his chair by the empty pool, and the ducks, who flew away in the first season, come back. But there's no water for them to land in.

The show started with the ducks flying away in the first episode, and now they come back in the finale.

C'mon people, be honest here. When Tony was out by the pool and looked up in the sky, how many thought, for a split second, that we were going to see the ducks again?
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/11/07 03:14 AM

I thought so too until I remembered he drained the pool.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/11/07 03:18 AM

he's gonna have dinner with his family at an ice cream parlour and that's the end. lol
Posted By: Buttmunker

Re: What do you think happens to Tony - Ultimate poll! - 06/13/07 08:22 PM

I think Tony will be garrotted, then stabbed repeatedly. I see this all happening, I do.
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