
"Blue Comet" Spoilers

Posted By: BDuff

"Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/23/07 01:14 PM

These are spoilers for the episode "Blue Comet". These were taken from Televisionwithoutpity.com...

In “Blue Comet”, written by Matthew Weiner and David Chase and directed by Alan Taylor, will play out like this:

"Silvio finds out from a cop-contact of his that Paulie has flipped, and that it happened off-screen, shortly before season 6b started. He tells Tony about it at the Bing, followed by a long conversation about how they are going to handle the situation. This is what is meant by “He’s playing both sides of the fence” from the previews. Tony reveals to Silvio that he was considering killing Paulie on the boat in “Remember When”, and regrets not doing it when he had the chance. Silvio gives Tony a weird look because he’s not sure why Tony would have wanted to kill Paulie, since he hadn’t known he flipped, he wouldn’t have had any other good reason. This leads to an argument, in which Silvio begins questioning Tony’s leadership and the amount that he cares about looking out for his crew. Tony explodes, and ends up hitting Silvio. Silvio turns back around and hits Tony, and as Tony falls backwards, Silvio realizes what he’s done and runs out of the Bing.

Phil decides to retaliate for the fight Tony had with Coco. He says that his decision is to take out Tony’s crew one by one.

Bobby does in fact get killed in front of the model train store just as many other spoilers have reported. This is where the episode title comes from. However, his son is not with him.

AJ escapes from the mental facility by jumping out of a window into a dumpster. However, he lands awkwardly and sprains his ankle. He starts calling for help, and nurses from the facility come out and have to help him back in to the building.

There’s a scene with the Feds in which they are talking about LCN and one is talking about Paulie Walnuts coming in handy in their case against Tony. The other agent corrects him, say that it is actually Carlo that they flipped recently. The other cop is stunned, but he never gets a chance to get back to Silvio with the truth ….

Tony gets a call from Silvio on his cell, who is calling to ask for forgiveness. Tony had a Melfi scene in which he realized Silvio might have been right in his opinion of Tony, and is no longer really mad at Sil. Tony tells him to meet him at the Bing to talk, and that they can’t let their feud distract them from taking care of Paulie, who will be a big problem. Tony is late getting to the Bing because Carmella calls him to say that there’s something wrong with AJ, and so Tony has to meet her at the hospital first.

Silvio gets to the Bing and is confronted by two hit-men that were hired by Phil. Having never seen the killers before, he is shot dead believing that he was actually set up by Tony. Patsy comes out as the murder takes place, and is caught off guard. The hit-men think they must now kill Patsy too, but he manages to narrowly escape on foot.

I’m told the scene at the hospital is very emotional, as AJ begs to come home and Carmella tells him that she can’t take all his nonsense anymore, and that she can’t emotionally handle it.

Tony stops by the Bing and when he learns what happened he quickly leaves, afraid he will be in danger too. At home, he gets a call from Janice that Bobby was shot dead. He tells Carm, who breaks down and cries again – Between AJ and Bobby, we see her really begin to lose it in this episode.

The episode closes at Silvio’s wake. Patsy is there and has told Tony what happened. They are also talking about Bobby. The rest of his crew is there at the service to, trying to get Tony to start a war with Phil and retaliate. Tony just stands there in silence. At the end of the episode, he sees some flowers that were sent with a card on it from the FBI. Tony looks thoughtfully at the card as the scene fades out, and we’re left to wonder if that’s the only place left for Tony to turn."

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/23/07 06:04 PM

I read that, too, BDuff. I think it would be very fitting, if it were indeed true. As I've said before, Shakespearean.

Tony would't have many options, would he? If he still suspects Paulie's a rat, even though it's not true and Carlo actually is a rat, who can support him in a war with New York? Patsy, Benny and a few holdovers from his glory days? Not really a fair fight, do you think?

Sil getting killed outside the bing has been posted on that site all year, so it does kind of fit.

Now I DO wish it was on this sunday!!
Posted By: olivant

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/23/07 06:10 PM

Remember the dream sequence where Tony is at the shore looking through the binoculars and instead of the sea he sees he and Paulie playing cards and Tony shoots Paulie? If this spoiler is true, perhaps that dream was a harbinger of things to come. But why in the world would Paulie flip?

If true, like so many of us have conjectured, Tony loses both his families. Also, if so, what about a flashback scene a la GFII of the Sopranos in happier days?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/23/07 06:31 PM

That sounds good Olivant.

As far as Paulie flipping, according to the spoiler, he doesn't actually flip. It was Carlo, but Sil's cop on the take got it wrong, but doesn't get to tell Sil because Sil is killed by Phil's men first.

This could be the "case of mistaken identity has tragic consequences" that the HBO website alludes to in it's synopsis.

It's a little more plausible than Meadow getting killed instead of Tony while driving his car, etc...

I can't wait!!
Posted By: SC

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/23/07 07:07 PM

 Originally Posted By: olivant
But why in the world would Paulie flip?

They're always talking about how lonely Paulie is... maybe Ade is giving him some "extra attention".
Posted By: olivant

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/23/07 07:25 PM

 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: olivant
But why in the world would Paulie flip?

They're always talking about how lonely Paulie is... maybe Ade is giving him some "extra attention".

Ah, yes, Ade! Where does she figure in all this? Remember, Paulie sees ghosts or apparitions. Even though he didn't "kill" her, I'll bet he knew about it.

Of course, the NJ family has always been tought of by the other familes as almost a pseudo-family. As Carmine referred to them, a glorified crew. That kind of disrespect breeds contempt which Phil has plenty of.
Posted By: BDuff

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/23/07 10:56 PM

Carlo's the rat, Chase has given us hints to that recently. He's always late, he makes it an artform. Key latenesses...

1. When Bobby breaks the news that Vito is dead who's missing? The guy assigned to kill him by Silvio, Carlo! Was probably informed by the FBI that Vito was killed. He knew before he walked in.
2. After Chris was killed and everyone is in Tony's room, who's missing? Carlo!

Key Clue...

Before the murder of Fat Dom Gamiello, Silvio was complaining about rat turds. After he disposes of Dom's head he asks Silvio about the BBQ at Sheepshead Bay and if it's still a go.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/24/07 02:40 AM

I'm not buying that "playing both sides of the fence" would refer to someone who is cooperating with the FBI. If someone was a rat, Silvio would have called them a "rat". I'm willing to bet it's Carmine he's talking about. I watched the scene with Tony at Phil's house over again, and I'm convinced Carmine set Tony up to be whacked. For whatever the reason, Phil backed out.
Posted By: Rocco_Spaccamuro

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/24/07 03:43 AM

JL, i agree with you totally, thats exactly how i see it as well.
Posted By: BDuff

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/24/07 01:13 PM

 Originally Posted By: Just Lou
I'm not buying that "playing both sides of the fence" would refer to someone who is cooperating with the FBI. If someone was a rat, Silvio would have called them a "rat". I'm willing to bet it's Carmine he's talking about. I watched the scene with Tony at Phil's house over again, and I'm convinced Carmine set Tony up to be whacked. For whatever the reason, Phil backed out.

I'm not sure Carmine and Phil would have Tony killed, doesn't commission have to approve a hit on a boss? If so, Carmine and Phil don't have the authority to kill Tony.
Posted By: Don Luciano

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/24/07 03:05 PM

This prediction seems completley probable to me.

Seeing Silvio go will be a sad, sad moment.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/25/07 01:04 AM

What makes me think that something was planned for Tony was when Phil told Carmine: "cooler heads prevailed".
Posted By: BDuff

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/25/07 01:46 AM

Yeah, why did he say that? Hmmmm...what's Little Carmine's up to?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/25/07 04:28 PM

 Originally Posted By: Just Lou
What makes me think that something was planned for Tony was when Phil told Carmine: "cooler heads prevailed".

It makes perfect sense that Little Carmine was leading Tony into an ambush but Phil changed his mind. We'll see.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/26/07 01:21 AM

Tony will find out......did Carlo really think he could fool a Soprano?
Posted By: olivant

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/26/07 02:43 AM

Remind me: what was the cooler heads scene?
Posted By: BDuff

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/26/07 05:23 PM

When Little Carmine takes Tony to Phil's but Butch won't allow anyone inside. As Tony and Carmine walk away, Phil starts yelling at them from the windown. That's where the line is said.
Posted By: Todayandcounting

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/28/07 09:19 PM

Hey All,

I don't think Paulie flips, or even gets mistaken for flipping. It just doesn't make sense... I think Chase already played that card at the start of 6B when Tony thought about whacking Paulie... Also, I don't see Sil going off on Tony for suspecting Paulie and thinking about killing him... killing him maybe, but thinking about it... whatever! I bet Sil thought about it a few times himself...

I could totally see Carlo being the rat... but not to the feds, and I seriously doubt any "inside" cop would make that kind of mistake. The Carlo sequence seems to be lining up pretty well at this point... Carlo was missing after the accident and the boys from his crew were covering for him... but I don't think Paulie will have anything to do with it...

I think the "other side" in "playing both sides" can only be the NY crew... the cops are not a side... If that were the case, they would have just called whoever they were talking about "a Rat"... not refer to them "playing both sides".

There are only two sides left in the story... NY and NJ. That seems to be the way things are heading. Unless the cops save Tony in the nick of time or something stupid like that... but I doubt it. Thats' way too "daytime drama" for this show. I think the cops are out of the story, or almost out of the story... at this point I see them as little else other than a ruse to confuse us poor viewers!

Also, I would hardly call mixing up Paulie and Carlo a "Tragic case of mistaken identity"... that seems more in line with the likes of Meadow, perhaps?

Also, for all of you who thought Phil was gonna whack Tony at his own house when Carmine brokered the meeting at the end of the last ep... come on; that just doesn't make any sense.

The "Cooler heads prevailed" line Phil fires out was simply a reference to Tony's earlier comment to Phil about "cooler heads have to prevail" in the aesbestos situation. I think that line from Phil at that point was simply the final confirmation to Tony that talking was done, and that was Phil's smart assed way of going about it...

Posted By: BDuff

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/29/07 02:31 PM

Judging the casting calls for "Blue Comet" there seem to be a lot of Silvio's family members showing up...for a funeral perhaps? Would hate to see Sil take a dirt nap.
Posted By: BDuff

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/29/07 07:54 PM

New Spoiler from the AOLboards...

Phil, Butch, and Albie are discussing what to do with Tony. Butch suggests whacking him, but Phil says Tony has friends on commission and they too would end up dead. Albie suggests killing some of Tony's hierarchy. Phil agrees, tells Butch to make it happen.

Meadow and Patrick are driving around in New York to get lunch in Tony's Escalade. Some Butch and someLupertazzi members see the car and follow it, thinking its Tonys'.

Patrick drops off Meadow at the Restaurant so he can park. As this happen the NY soldiers open fire at the car, killing Patrick. Once the NY guys see it wasn't Tony they bail. Meadow is unharmed.

Once Tony hears the news he is enraged, cursing and throwing shit around at the Bing. We also learn that Little Carmine has been siding with Phil the whole time. Tony says he'll take care of him later. Silvio calls Patsy to give him the news. Patsy sits in his LazeBoy, and begins to sob.

In the next scene we see Butch eating dinner at a Chinese restaurant with his wife. Patsy storms in and shoots Butch in the head and his wife twice in the chest.

We next see Tony on the phone with Corky Caporale, who brought the two Zips from Italy to kill Rusty Milio. Tony asks Corky if he can use one of them again on a "secret hit". Corky agrees and sends Roberto. Tony then calls Silvio to meet him at the Bing.

The next scene we see AJ trying to excape from the mental hospital, but is caught by security. Carm calls Tony, and tells him what happened. Tony slams the phone and rushes to the Hospital. The next scene we see AJ yelling at Carm, saying it was her she was depressed. Tony comes in and slaps AJ, calling him a "fuck up" and that he was ashamed of him.

We next see Silvio walking into the Bing. Only Patsy is there. Silvio, thinking he was blown off by Tony walks outside only to encounter two hitmen sent by Phil. They each unload on Sil till his lifeless body hits the ground. As this happens Patsy walks outside, caught off gaurd he tries to escape on foot, but is shot to death.

In the next scene we see Paulie, Tony, Bobby, Larry Boy, Benny, and Carlo at Satriales...all quiet. Bobby thinks that maybe Sil and Patsy had something to do with Butch's death, but this only leads to an argument with Paulie. Tony then tells them he has men coming from Italy to kill Phil, they take a moment to digest it and say that it's the right thing to do.

We next see Roberto following Phil to his goomars house. Roberto decides to wait for Phil to leave to kill him. Roberto falls asleep and wakes up to see Phil going back into the house, Roberto follows and shoots him in the back of the head. However, it turns out to be the goomar's father who only resembles Phil.

Once Tony hears the news about the botched hit, he gets angry. All the stress of the situation with Phil gives him a sudden panic attack. Carmella rushes to his aid, he then tells her to pack up because their leaving.

We next see a shopkeeper asking a large man if needed any help. When then see that it is Bobby, he asks the man if they have any "Blue Comet" sets. The shopkeeper says no and Bobby leaves only to encounter the same to hitmen that killed Sil and Patsy. Each man pumps a few shots into Bobby's chest.

We next see Tony and Carm driving when Tony's cell goes off, it's Janice. She's having a meltdown over the phone and Tony can't understand. Tony decides to see what's wrong with Janice. Tony hears of Bobby's death but is confronted by Janice because she thinks it was Tony's revenge for the fight he had with Bobby. Tony dismisses this, but Janice doesn't believe him. Tony gets back into the car and leaves Janice very distraught in her driveway.

We next see Phil quite pleases with himself. Talking with Albie about how he was always planning to rid Jersey of thr DiMeo Family and move his family on their turf. They each have a toast for Butch.

In the final scene we see Tony, Carm, Meadow, and AJ in a car driving. Carm asks Tony where they were going, Tony says, "I don't know yet."
Posted By: Buttmunker

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/29/07 08:15 PM

While I am amused by this entire thread, I take it all with just a grain of salt. I seriously doubt David Chase would have his story leaked...despite the fact that someone guessed AJ would try and drown himself in the family pool (this "spoiler" said that AJ was successful, so there you go on the authenticity of "spoilers").

One spoiler says Patsy gets away from Sil's hitmen, another spoiler says they get him in the back. Whatever! I will just watch the show on Sunday, and will I be surprised that Silvio is alive and kicking at the conclusion of "Blue Comet?"
Posted By: Buttmunker

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/29/07 08:17 PM

 Originally Posted By: BDuff

Phil, Butch, and Albie are discussing what to do with Tony. Butch suggests whacking him, but Phil says Tony has friends on commission and they too would end up dead. Albie suggests killing some of Tony's hierarchy. Phil agrees, tells Butch to make it happen.

Meadow and Patrick are driving around in New York to get lunch in Tony's Escalade. Some Butch and someLupertazzi members see the car and follow it, thinking its Tonys'.

Patrick drops off Meadow at the Restaurant so he can park. As this happen the NY soldiers open fire at the car, killing Patrick. Once the NY guys see it wasn't Tony they bail. Meadow is unharmed.

If Phil said "don't touch Tony," why the hell are Butch's men trailing Tony's car, to kill Tony?! That's no way to follow orders...
Posted By: SC

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/29/07 08:18 PM

Geeez.... this is getting crazy.

How about this? The middle Eastern guys really ARE terrorists and they sneak in a nuclear device and blow it up in Jersey. EVERYBODY dies.
Posted By: olivant

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/29/07 10:54 PM

... or this. All these hits do take place ... by Ade!
Posted By: BDuff

Re: "Blue Comet" Spoilers - 05/30/07 02:07 PM

 Originally Posted By: Buttmunker
 Originally Posted By: BDuff

Phil, Butch, and Albie are discussing what to do with Tony. Butch suggests whacking him, but Phil says Tony has friends on commission and they too would end up dead. Albie suggests killing some of Tony's hierarchy. Phil agrees, tells Butch to make it happen.

Meadow and Patrick are driving around in New York to get lunch in Tony's Escalade. Some Butch and someLupertazzi members see the car and follow it, thinking its Tonys'.

Patrick drops off Meadow at the Restaurant so he can park. As this happen the NY soldiers open fire at the car, killing Patrick. Once the NY guys see it wasn't Tony they bail. Meadow is unharmed.

If Phil said "don't touch Tony," why the hell are Butch's men trailing Tony's car, to kill Tony?! That's no way to follow orders...

I agree, this spoiler is like one long shoot em'up. Think people will die but 7 murders in an episode? Seems high. I only posted it because some seemed rational, but in general it seems completely made up.
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