
Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife

Posted By: MaryCas

Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/02/07 04:54 PM

The death of Hesh's girlfried (Rae???, I'll call her Rae). Was it natural? She seemed to young for a natural death OR did Tony have it done? How? but more importantly or perplexing - Why?
Funny that he shows up with the $200K while Hesh is sitting shivah. What did it accomplish for Tony? I'm at a loss for this one if he did have done.
Posted By: SC

Re: Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/02/07 04:59 PM

I saw her death as purely coincidental. It did, however, allow us to see Tony's basic goodness spring into action (by the fact he coughed up the $200G's).

Whatever else was up Tony's ass in that episode was also resolved at the end (he came clean with a true apology to Carmella and he went through with his promise to help Marie Spatafore).

These three "acts of kindness" let us see that Tony is back to "normal" now.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/02/07 05:15 PM

It's almost as if we were being shown that we can worry all we want about one thing and then something else can happen. Hesh was expecting to be killed by Tony and the unexpected happened in that his girlfriend wound up dying. In a strange twist, her sudden death wound up making things right between Hesh and Tony again.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/02/07 05:41 PM

I agree. Sometimes, we are misdirected. More and more it appears that Chase is illustrating that Tony is just like the rest of us in many reagrds. Sometimes he's up, sometimes down. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, etc. Sometimes he makes good decisions, other times he makes bad ones. And, to some extent, he is remorseful. I don't know. Who is the real Tony? For that matter, who is the real Olivant, or Don Cardi, or SC, or Turnbull (of course, we all know who the real Babe is)?
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/03/07 12:45 AM

Tony is a bit schizo. I think we want to believe that his good side is the dominant one, but I still feel a bit uneasy about this one. I respect your opinions and believe that your explanations are credible, but.....
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/03/07 01:13 AM

 Originally Posted By: olivant

(of course, we all know who the real Babe is)

And who would that be and how do we know?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/03/07 01:41 AM

FWIW, I think, starting from the first episode this season when Tony was concerned about his age,and now concerned perhaps about his power within the family; and not having enough money, that he's at a point in his life where he's reflecting on things he's done, and maybe, just maybe getting a "little" bit of a conscience. It began last season when he was in the hospital in a coma and had that weird "dream".
Much like Michael Corleone in GF III(only Michael was much older)who finally it seemed repented. However, I too would be uneasy thinking he'll make a oomplete turnaround. You can't change a leopard's spots.

I do know as one gets older, we go through a reflection stage, although granted, us average Joes aren't mobsters.


Oh, as far as Hesch's girlfriend??? I do wonder what she died from. Firt thing I thought was Tony had a hand in it.
Posted By: Raymondo Corleone

Re: Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/03/07 09:23 AM

A stroke apparently. I think I saw it on the HBO site somewhere. It would make sense anyway.

Either that or she sacrificed herself to bring some interest into an otherwise dull and uneventful episode \:p
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/03/07 12:06 PM

 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
just maybe getting a "little" bit of a conscience.

Now I feel that Tony always had a conscience. That was his problem being a mobster. That is part of the reason that he needed therapy. His subconscience was eating at him whenever he did something wrong. What I think that is happing now is that his conscience is begining to come to the surface. I beleive that as you said he is at an age where he is starting to reflect on his life, couple that with the possibility that his therapy is finally helping him, and he now sees on the surface, that he does have a conscience.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Episode 3 - Hesh's girlfriend/wife - 05/03/07 05:03 PM

...but on the other hand. He has been missing his therapy sessions; he was having his doubts about Paulie; I think he was even questioning Christopher's loyalty; he couldn't let the Bobby fight go...his gambling is getting worse; the fact that he owed Hesh money was eating at him; the Phil L. thing is eating at him. I think he's heading for a major implosions.
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