
Carmella sighting

Posted By: Don Marco

Carmella sighting - 10/04/04 05:06 PM

This morning I was coming out of a deli on Hudson Street in the West Village and there was a woman with her dog standing there. The dog came up to me (smelled my dog, I guess) and she apologized. When I told her no problem and he must smell my dog is when I recognized her. Kind of short, with very short hair. I told her I can't wait for the new season and she said she hears that all the time. She told me to have a nice day and walked off.

I didn't mention that I saw that same view when she getting out of the guidance counselors bed!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Carmella sighting - 10/04/04 09:36 PM

Brilliant! I would love to meet Edie Falco. Her character of Carmela is one I'd definitely like to meet--benign and benevolent. I'd like to think Falco is the same. Gandolfini I'd also love to meet.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Carmella sighting - 10/04/04 10:55 PM

Don Marco,

I work downtown south of Hudson Street and my building is right on the water. Many mornings throughout this summer my co-workers and I would see her and her dog jogging by. After the third or fourth time we called out to her " Morning Carm" and she just waved to us. We then stopped after that figuring that maybe she did not want people to recognize her. Then One morning when she was jogging by she yelled out to us "Morning Guys" and we yelled back " Morning Carm." And she got hysterical laughing.

Don Cardi
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