
Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts"

Posted By: ChrisY2J

Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 01:20 PM

Tony B. and Christopher unearth some old memories during an otherwise idyllic trip to the country. Tony and Carmela plan another party; Janice lands in anger-management therapy after a sports-rage incident; Benny and Terry solve a missing-Vespa mystery; and Tony puts his sister's newfound serenity to the test.
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 01:23 PM

Going by this description and the stuff we saw in the previews, I am guessing that the killing of Ralph Cifaretto is going to come back to haunt Tony and Christopher.

In the previews, might that have been Mikey Palmice's dad they were talking to? Remember, it was on Old Man Palmice's farm that they buried Ralph's head and hands. Maybe it's been discovered.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 01:37 PM

Things must be slow around town
Isn't it alittle early for this?

Not many left. It seems like we just get started and it is almost over. What is it 13 weeks?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 02:13 PM

Yea it's early FS, but I love the conversation.

Interesting! Tony & Chris unearth old memories.....could "Cold Cuts" be Ralphie (or part of Ralphie??)

I'm sure the party Carm and Tony are planning is Meadow's engagement party. At least I think so.

Also, Janice's sports rage incident would explain the previews in which Tony was mad for getting his name in the paper. Gee, I guess I don't have to see it, since I already know.

But missing Vespa mystery??? Don't know what that's about.

Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 03:08 PM

Yeah, I know it's a little early, but I am psyched for this next episode! I think it's going to be one of the great ones.

Looks like I'm not alone when I think that this means the circumstances of Ralphie's murder are discovered.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 05:06 PM

Rumor has it that Janice is at a soccer game with her kids and gets arrested with the headlines being "Mafia Don's sister arrested"
Posted By: SC

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 06:29 PM

Speaking of Janice.....what does she and Vito have in common?

They both did Ralphie.

I think you're right, FS. The coming attractions show Tony yelling at Janice for bringing his name into the public's attention (ie. newspaper headlines).
Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 06:49 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Interesting! Tony & Chris unearth old memories.....could "Cold Cuts" be Ralphie (or part of Ralphie??)

How bout Richie Aprile, Chris did slice him up at the pork store "Cold cuts"?
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 07:46 PM

How bout Richie Aprile, Chris did slice him up at the pork store "Cold cuts"? [/QB]
Hmm, that's true, Chris and Furio DID chop Richie's body up at Satriale's.

But I don't think Richie's death matters to anyone now. Heck, people were happy to see him go. Ralphie was such a terrific earner, EVERYONE misses him (financially, if not personally).

Discovery of the true nature of Ralphie's disappearance will definitely have repercussions in the upper echelons of the mob. Discovery of the truth about Richie's disappearance wouldn't.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 07:48 PM

Possibly DMF,

Watch, the only cold cuts referred to will be their decision to have "cold cuts" at Meadow's engagement party!

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/05/04 08:54 PM

who's laughing- You hit it right on the head TIS.

Tony's going to bitch and you can almost heard that line now!
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 01:56 AM

worst episode ever! it had some interesting confrontations but not enough intrigue to maintain interest imo. still better than all the junk on the tube, but then again there's soo much junk...
Posted By: Goodfella 69

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 02:01 AM

very boring episode.
Posted By: SC

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 02:13 AM

A decent episode.

The name of the week's offering was superb. Its clearly a reference to Don Vito Corleone's often heard line, "Revenge is a dish best served cold" (which Tony characteristically screwed up).

Tony showed a definite mean streak tonight; first, trying to get Chris to drink, and then egging Janice on about Harpo. His other "side" (remorse) was shown when he offered to pay for The Bing's bartender's hospital bill.
Posted By: The Godfather

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 02:46 AM

Yes, solid episode.

Sorry to all those people who want violence and sex every week, it's just not going to happen..
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 02:59 AM

slow, it seems like they would be filling the shows up with more stuff as time is running out.

Vito at the Bing?
Posted By: SC

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 03:04 AM

Originally posted by fathersson:
Vito at the Bing?
Maybe he was checking out the bartender.
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 03:09 AM

I liked the episode. Especially when Both Tonys were ganging up on Chris like the old days. Once they get together, I guess they just can't help themselves. Chris will get his vengeance somehow.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 03:10 AM

Or taking care of the guys in the mens room.

Tonys anger is something else. Getting worst as his troubles build up.

What he did about Harpo was to make sure Janice didn't get better, after he knows how bad his own anger management is....
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 03:18 AM

Good episode. Loved Janice's fight! Thought Chris and Tony B might end up getting along, but after all the joking, doesn't seem so.

The poor bartender at the Bing, such a big guy always getting smacked around.

I think Tony is jealous that Janice is getting help and was mean deliberately trying to get her going. Makes me wonder if he isn't gonna reach a breaking point of some kind.

I know those two bodies that Chris & Tony B. dug up by the fence were someone the old uncle had killed, but not so certain who the other body was. Can someone clarify?? Also how awful that they were smashing the "remains".

I may be of a minority, but I thought it was a good episode.

Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 03:26 AM

The other body? The Checkoslovakia? Isn't he the guy in one of the early seasons Chris killed in the back of the butcher shop? The one Chris called a Pollack.
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 11:44 AM

That was the skeleton of Emil Kolar, the first ever murder victim we've seen on "The Sopranos"! Chris killed him in Satriale's in the first episode of the first season.
Posted By: Nick totoro

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
The other body? The Checkoslovakia? Isn't he the guy in one of the early seasons Chris killed in the back of the butcher shop? The one Chris called a Pollack.
Yeah... Email...

That could have been another "cold cuts" reference since Christopher killed Emil at Satriale's and kept having those nightmares about him.

Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 01:00 PM

This episode was terrible. Last weeks was better with Finn. Going by the previews next weeks looks great since it is the beginning of the last three episodes to air until season 6. We see Phil Leotardo shooting somebody with a silenced weapon, we hear a gunshot and a woman scream. My odds are that Tony B will not be around for season 6. Johnny Sac will have him killed because he knows it was he who pulled the trigger on Joey Peeps. As for this episode boy was fooled. I figured they were digging Ralphie up and not the guy that Chris killed. Tony beats the crap out of George at the Bing once again and as a result the guy is deaf in one ear permenently. This is another case of Tony's anger. he should have listened to Janice about Anger Management.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 01:20 PM

Interesting that most think this episode was either "good" or terrible"!

Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 01:52 PM

Surprised by Johnny Sac bluntly telling Tony S that he thinks he is full of shit regarding Tony B and the hit on Peeps. That will be the build up for the final this season.

The anger management group was classic with Janice and the group. LMAO w/ the bald guy at the end of that scene.

What was the deal w/ that slow mo camara work at the end of the scene w/ Carm & the school guy. Can't recall anthing like that being done before.

Enjoy these last three episodes. I read in Sundays paper that season six won't start to shoot until spring 2005 and Chase talks about taking his time possibly a two year wait between seasons. The loose ends will not begin to be tied upp until the earliest spring 2006

Good episode!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 02:03 PM

Are you kidding me??? That's awful. I don't understand how or why it should take so long between seasons. They only have 13 episodes per season. I thought it was a long wait before...2006 is sooooo far off.

Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 02:15 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Are you kidding me???
Unfortunatly No. In the New York Daily News TV guide yesterday there is a small article on Vincent Curantola who plays Johnny Sack

The last few lines:


"but we won't begin production on our last season of 'The Sopranos' until spring 05- So we'll be two years off the air. David Chase wants to take his time to write the final ending to the saga. My sympathy goes out to the audience."
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 02:53 PM

Tony has definitely become a more and more reprehensible character as the seasons pass. This episode really put Tony's worst qualities in the spotlight.

Ya know who should be first in line to kill Tony? Georgie, that poor bartender at the Bing. He's been Tony's personal punching bag for years now. What was that, the sixth vicious beating Tony has given Georgie for no reason at all? And Georgie, while not the brightest bulb, is one of the nicer guys on the show!

It's like Tony is beating and kicking a dog for being too loyal and nice!
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 03:43 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Are you kidding me??? That's awful. I don't understand how or why it should take so long between seasons. They only have 13 episodes per season. I thought it was a long wait before...2006 is sooooo far off.

You said it TIS. That is a joke having to wait for two years to see the ending. Probably another boring ten episodes.
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 03:46 PM

Originally posted by ChrisY2J:
Tony has definitely become a more and more reprehensible character as the seasons pass. This episode really put Tony's worst qualities in the spotlight.

Ya know who should be first in line to kill Tony? Georgie, that poor bartender at the Bing. He's been Tony's personal punching bag for years now. What was that, the sixth vicious beating Tony has given Georgie for no reason at all? And Georgie, while not the brightest bulb, is one of the nicer guys on the show!

It's like Tony is beating and kicking a dog for being too loyal and nice!
Georgie is a sleeze bag. I remember in the episode where Tracy was killed that in order for the girls to use the back room Georgie had to recieve $50.00 plus a "Special Favor" in return.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/10/04 03:51 PM

2006 is to long a wait. Talk about us being suckers. Someone should take Chase aside and give him a beating like Tony did to that guy at the Bing.
By then AJ will look like a grownup and Meadow will be with a round belly with her own child. Not to mention that any of the group could have something happen to them. This is no way to treat their fans. Enough already!

Then HBO will want to show reruns for the two years building up to the new season!
Posted By: Dynamike

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/11/04 04:14 AM

My favorite line:

Adriana to Christopher...

"You could always take up male modeling."
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/11/04 11:32 AM

3 episodes left, and it looks like many things will still be ignored. Adriana and the Feds looks like it's going no where. Finn and Vito looks like it's already been forgotten about. Uncle Junior and his "mental illness" are no where to be found. Tony B is unlikely to make it to the end of the Season, but the expected "war with NY" only has 3 episodes to happen.... I just rewatched Season 1 and Tony kills the Rat in Maine, in broad daylight. He leaves the body and the murder weapon there, and doesn't care that it will be very easy for law enforcement to find out he was staying in a motel a few miles away at the time of the murder, since he even registered in his own name. This season he's sending guys to dig up bodies that were killed decades ago.
Posted By: Nick totoro

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/11/04 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Dynamike:
My favorite line:

Adriana to Christopher...

"You could always take up male modeling."
His response was even better...

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/11/04 01:24 PM

Since there is so much time til the final season, what do you bet they'll replay all the seasons before the last airs, just so we'll stay "tuned" in??

I just can't see how it can take so long, whether or not Chase takes his time or not. Still seems unfair.

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/11/04 03:58 PM

Please forgive me but, I just started to watch the Soprano's I've only seen a couple episodes this season and I was wondering why did Chris and tony B. have to dig up those remains and why did they have to smash them up If they do show previous seasons that will be fine with me that will give me a chance to catch up.
Posted By: SC

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/11/04 04:35 PM

The bodies needed to be dug up because their uncle was selling the land to developers. These developers were going to build something on the land, and the bodies would have then been discovered causing a police investigation.

They smashed the skull and other bones to make it more difficult to identify the remains if they were ever found.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/11/04 07:04 PM

I don't know about y'all, but I do like this season better than the last one. The last 3 episodes look heeaavvvy.
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/11/04 07:07 PM

Originally posted by SC:
The bodies needed to be dug up because their uncle was selling the land to developers. These developers were going to build something on the land, and the bodies would have then been discovered causing a police investigation.

They smashed the skull and other bones to make it more difficult to identify the remains if they were ever found.
This reminded me of the scene in Goodfellas when Jimmy, Henry, and Tommy have to dig up Billy Batts because the land has been sold and they are going to put condos on it.
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 05/12/04 03:19 PM

This episode opens at Port Newark on the Hackensack River. Two members of capo Carlo Gervasi’s crew, Terry Doria and Vincent “Vinny Pitts” Pitsaturo, are waiting for something. They are waiting for Johnny Sack’s guys to deliver a shipment of stolen Vespas. The Vespas are supposed to be split between the Soprano Family and Johnny. Terry and Vinny have been waiting for a long time and finaly lose patience, knowing that their half of the shipment won’t be arriving. They call their captain, Carlo.

The next day, on a New York sidestreet, Tony confronts Johnny Sack, asking what happened to the Vespas while Johnny’s new Maserati gets waxed by Sacrimoni soldier Billy Leotardo. Soprano soldier Benny Fazio and New York capo Phil Leotardo are also present. Johnny claims to not know what happened to the Vespas, saying they never arrived, probably due to heightened security due to terrorism. If they never arrived and the splitting of the goods was never gonna happen, Tony argues, then why didn’t Johnny let Carlo know?

Johnny coolly replies, “A lot of things didn’t happen that seemed like they happen. Your cousin didn’t whack Joey, the Vespas never got in my hands.” He then speeds off in his Maserati. Tony watches him go, troubled. Evidently, Johnny isn’t buying Tony’s story that Tony Blundetto had nothing to do with the murder of Joey Peeps.

Later that day, Tony’s sister Janice is attending the soccer game of her step-daughter, Sophia Baccalieri, at Summit Avenue Park. A parent for a kid on the other team, Cheryl Kolpeki, gets a little too obnoxious while cheering for her daughter. Janice glowers, then becomes enraged after Lissie, Cheryl’s kid, trips Sophia on the playing field. Cheryl and Janice get in an argument, and Janice shoves her. The woman makes the mistake of shoving back. Janice tackles her and kicks her ass in front of everyone (one of the few times I have ever liked Janice!), and the beating is caught on video by a parent filming the game.

After his New York meeting, Tony and Benny arrive at the Bing’s upstairs office, where Silvio Dante, Paulie Walnuts, and Carlo Gervasi are playing cards. Tony lets them know what Johnny had to say, and Silvio knows it’s a lie, and Tony isn’t buying it. Carlo is upset, saying Johnny owes him half the shipment of Vespas. Paulie makes a remark over Johnny’s barely-civil behavior at Joey’s funeral. Silvio notes the correlation between Tony and Johnny privately chatting at the funeral and now, no stolen goods arriving. Tony instructs Benny to go with one of Carlo’s guys to Port Newark and find out where the Vespas wound up, if they did in fact arrive.

Carmela calls Tony on his cellphone and gives him the news: Janice has been arrested. At home, Tony watches the evening news and sees it all; Janice punching the woman, Janice being tackled and cuffed by a cop as she tries to run off, Janice in the back of the police cruiser. The broadcast also notes that Janice is the sister of “reputed New Jersey mob boss Anthony Soprano.” The newscasters are having a lot of fun with this story, making remarks like “soccer mom protection program” and “it’s a Mafia-related hit.” Tony is irate.

He goes to the Baccalieri residence. Janice has been bailed out of jail. Tony, furious, yells at his sister over the embarrassment she has caused. Janice says, “That bitch is lucky I didn’t kill her!” Tony smirks, “Well, we know that,” obliquely referring to Richie Aprile, Janice’s ex-fiancee, who Janice shot to death during a quarrel three years ago. Janice is silenced, but angry. Bobby, her husband, is puzzled over that comment by Tony. Tony leaves, and Bobby talks to him outside. Tony orders him, “Get control of your wife!”

Later that night, Janice goes into Sophia’s bedroom to speak with her about the incident. Sophia is terribly embarrassed. Sophia tells her, “You’re not my parent,” and Janice gets mad, telling her to go to sleep. “Are you gonna punch me?” she replies. Bobby enters the room, and Janice steps out. In their room, Bobby lays down the law, saying their marriage is finished unless Janice goes to anger management classes.

At the illicit casino on Bloomfield Avenue run by Tony Blundetto, Christopher and Paulie talk about how much money Tony B probably makes. Chris is grousing. Paulie smiles, “No longer the teacher’s pet?” and tells Chris that now he knows how he felt when Tony was favoring Ralphie Cifaretto over him.

The next day, Chris and Adriana are sampling cakes, planning their eventual wedding. Tony and Tony B roll up outside in the boss’s white Escalade. Tony honks the horn and Chris joins his cousins in the SUV. Tony tells Chris to speak carefully, since he just get his truck serviced and hasn’t had a chance to check it with anti-bugging equipment. They speak in codes. “Our friend with the orchard is moving and retiring to Florida, and you still got your canned peaches up there, and it would be bad if somebody opened the canned fruit.” Chris gets the message. Tony B is to join him and help him out, because Tony’s “old man has a few jars up there also.”

What they are really talking about is that their Uncle Pat Blundetto, a retired mobster who has been living in upstate New York on a farm, has sold his property and is moving to Florida with his daughter, Louise. The Soprano Family, specifically Chris and the late Johnny Boy Soprano, have the bodies of a few murder victims buried there. They have to remove the remains before bulldozers and land developers arrive and find them.

As he packs for his trip, Chris tells Adriana about old Uncle Pat and his farm. When they were 12 or 13, the boys of the family would spend a summer on Uncle Pat’s farm, where he would school them in the use of guns. He has some good memories and bad memories from there. When he was 11, Chris was up there with his older cousins, the two Tonys. They relentlessly teased and bullied him. Chris isn’t too fond of Tony B, not only for picking on him when he was a little kid, but also for getting the casino.

Adriana listens to all this, and gently suggests that they leave this life, move to somewhere else, do something different with themselves. She says he could go back to writing, or maybe try male modeling. He says about the male modeling, “I’d probably be a success, but I don’t want to be around those fuckin’ people.” (Methinks they’re both a little deluded; Chris ain’t all that good looking!)

Chris tells Adriana that they can’t leave: “I’m a soldier, Adriana.”

At the Soprano house, Tony is upset to see that Carmela has had the pool drained. She tells him that she was tired of paying the electric bill for the pool, and he’s the only one who uses the pool anyways. Tony fumes, and for a moment it looks like Tony is going to hurl her into the empty pool. Carmela confronts him about polluting all of the local divorce attorneys, then walks inside. Tony calms down, then talks to her about planning a party for Meadow’s engagement to Finn.

Janice goes to another of her anger management classes, run by a Dr Phillip Seepman. She is among a collection of real lunatics, all with anger issues. She argues back and forth with an equally outspoken black woman, Evelyn Greenwood, over racial tensions, prompting a member of the group to smirk and mutter, “This is fuckin’ classic.” After much banter, Janice actually gets the message: “A lot of things are out of our control, what we can control is our response to those issues.”

Chris and Tony B drive up to Uncle Pat’s farm in the Hudson Valley in Chris’ Hum-Vee. At first, Chris, who resents his cousin, isn’t saying much as Tony B tries to make small talk. But eventually, feelings warm a little when they share memories of Uncle Pat’s farm.

Tony has a therapy session with Dr Melfi. They speak of Tony’s anger issues. She tells him, “depression is rage turned inward.” They speak of Janice and her problems. Melfi asks Tony to tell her about the Soprano family temper. Tony says, “It’s bad for business, it clouds your judgment. We forget, the old guys who started this thing, they didn’t get mad. They just smiled and nodded and made sure you got it later.” In yet another great Tony Soprano malapropism, he tells her, “Revenge is like serving cold cuts.” He also mentions how anger issues led to the demise of John Gotti. Melfi is taken aback at such casual, familiar mention of the name of the notorious gangster, perhaps reminding her of what kind of guy Tony is, exactly. Tony goes on to tell Melfi how Janice is taking anger management classes, and maybe she’s on the right track, though he’d never do that himself.

Chris and Tony B have dinner with their Uncle Pat and cousin Louise. When she leaves and goes inside, they tell Uncle Pat that they need his help locating the remains of Johnny Boy Soprano’s victims. They know where Chris buried his victim, but don’t know where the others are.

Late that night, Chris and Tony B dig up Chris’ murder victim. As they work, they become closer, sharing jokes about Tony and commiserating. When Chris mentions that Tony is a heart attack waiting to happen, Tony B smiles and says of Tony, “Our bodies are 86% water. His last blood test, he was 65% zeppola!”

They hit paydirt, finding the skeleton they are looking for. Chris reveals that this is his first murder victim, a Czechoslavakian. (This is a real blast from the past! Longtime “Sopranos” watchers will remember this is Emil Kolar, who has the dubious distinction of being the first-ever murder victim we see on this show. Chris put four slugs in his head at Satriale’s. Emil was part of a family of Czech gangsters who were muscling in on Soprano territory in the carting business. The disappearance of Emil made them back off and get out of the Sopranos’ business.) Chris tells Tony B that this is the second time he’s had to move Emil’s remains. The first time, Chris had buried him under a thruway overpass in New Jersey, and Georgie the Bing bartender helped him dig it up and move it when land developers were going there, too. Apparently, Chris next buried him on Uncle Pat’s farm.

They are determined to make it the last time Emil has to be moved. They take his skeleton into an old barn and use heavy hammers to smash up his bones, then place the pieces in a bag. As they work, Chris thanks him. No big deal, Tony B says, you’re my little cousin. Tony B also tells him about the rumors swirling around about him and the death of Joey Peeps. He tells Chris the rumors are untrue. He also tells Chris that he knows people likely resent him over getting the casino, but he figures it was owed to him for doing his time in prison. Chris changes his attitude and agrees with him over the Bloomfield casino. They throw Emil Kolar’s bag of smashed bones into a lake.

That same night, at Port Newark, Benny Fazio and Terry Doria, one of Carlo Gervasi’s gorillas, chase down a port security guard to question him about the missing Vespas. Using the guard’s own nightstick, Benny hammers away at the guard’s kneecaps. The guard tells them what they want to know: the Vespas did, in fact, arrive, and they were taken by the men of New York capo Phil Leotardo.

Benny and Terry report this to Tony, Silvio, Carlo, and Paulie. Tony is furious that Johnny is doing this to them. He tells the others that Johnny has it in his head that Tony B had something to do with the murder of Joey Peeps, and now is messing with the Sopranos financially. Tony loses his temper and smashes his pool stick.

The next day, Carmela runs into Robert Wegler, the high school counselor and English teacher she had an affair with, at AJ’s school. It is very awkward. Wegler clumsily apologizes, and Carmela tells him she is going back with her husband, then walks away. As she walks, the look on her face says, “What did I just say THAT for?”

Meanwhile, Chris and Tony B are fishing with their old Uncle Pat. Suddenly, it hits him: he remembers where Johnny Boy Soprano buried his victims, a couple guys named the Johnson Brothers.

Tony speaks with Janice. Janice seems much happier and calm. The anger management classes are helping her a lot. She apologizes to Tony for her behavior, saying she knows it’s bad for business. She says she is really trying. Tony tells her that he is happy for her, but he really isn’t, it’s obvious.

As Chris, Tony B, Louise, and Uncle Pat play pinochle, Tony arrives at the upstate New York farm for a visit. He wants to check with his guys, see how they’re coming along. It’s all good, Tony B and Chris tell him. That night, as Tony relaxes outside and peacefully smokes a cigar, Chris and Tony B dig up the bones of the Johnson Brothers, smash them up, and throw them in the lake. Mission accomplished.

After finishing their grisly chore, the three mobsters have dinner at a steakhouse near their uncle’s home. And just like when he was 11 years old, Tony and Tony B pick on their little cousin Christopher. Chris is obviously hurt by it all, especially when Tony tells him to go have a drink. Chris, who has been in rehab and has difficulty every day struggling to maintain his sobriety.

That night after dinner, Tony watches “60 Minutes” at Uncle Pat’s. He sees a report on how terrorists could use cargo containers to smuggle weopans or even themselves into the United States. He is disturbed by this, and says so the next day over breakfast. Tony and Tony B start to pick on Chris more, who decides to leave and head back to North Jersey rather than stay and go turkey hunting with his cousins.

As he drives home, Chris has tears in his eyes from the bullying from his older cousins, as he relives it all over again.

The next day, the two Tonys arrive at the Bing, where Vito Spatafore is pretending to be interested in the topless dancers. Tony and Tony B join Silvio, Paulie, and Patsy Parisi at the bar for a drink as Georgie bartends. Tony starts a conversation about the “60 Minutes” piece he saw on terrorism, and how lacking US’s security is. Georgie innocently makes a dumb comment, as he often does. Tony yells at him and snaps, giving him a vicious beating with the cash register’s till. Georgie is badly bloodied and injured by the time the other gangsters pull Tony off him.

The next morning, Paulie arrives at Tony’s house to report on Georgie’s condition. Just as Paulie arrives, Tony’s latest female conquest, a nurse from the dermatologist’s office, leaves. Paulie lets Tony know that Georgie will be okay, but he’s going to have permanent hearing loss in one ear. Feeling regret over his outburst, Tony gives Paulie money to make sure Georgie gets the best treatment. Paulie tells his boss that Georgie has quit the Bing and doesn’t want Tony to visit him at the hospital, and never wants to see him again. Paulie leaves as Tony sits, feeling bad over how his lack of control caused such needless problems.

Carmela and Rosalie Aprile talk about Carm’s encounter with Robert Wegler. She says she doesn’t know why she told him she is getting back together with Tony, it just came out.

Tony has dinner at the Baccalieri family house with Janice, Bobby, Sophia, and Bobby Jr. Tony marvels at the patience and serenity his sister now shows to everyone. He is plainly jealous. During dinner, he shows what a prick he can be. He baits Janice, taunting her over her failed first marriage and estranged son, Harpo, who lives in Montreal. Tony stoops really low, saying, “What’s French-Canadian for ‘I grew up without a mother?’” and saying in a French accent, “Socre bleau, where is me mama?”

Janice snaps, enraged, and tries to stab Tony with a fork. The kids are terrified, and Bobby stops her. She bursts into tears, saying of her brother, “I hate him, I hate him!”

Tony smiles at the damage he’s caused, and walks out.
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 08/31/04 06:42 PM

Posted By: The Scottish Don

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 10/13/04 10:04 AM

Everything just picking up to the right pace for the last three episodes now!

Johnny Sac was in only one brief scene, but what an intent was shown in it. Tony S and his bare face lie is a death sentence for Tony B by the sounds of it.

God these guys can dish it out, but not take it! Chris crying like he was 11 again because the Tonies were taking the piss? What a big jessie!

Tony's own anger management is completely out of control, for as much as I cannot stand Janice, that was a low blow making sure she had to lose the plot in front of everyone. Going to be a very sad and lonely old man is our Tony at this rate!

Yet again, the preview for next week seems to be leading to mini climaxes all over the place!

PS That slow mo with Carmella looked like a blip in a dvd, very odd indeed!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Season 5, Episode 10: "Cold Cuts" - 10/19/04 09:00 PM

Great episode again.

Tony's dark side was shown more than ever last night. Nasty thing to do to Janice at the end--terrific acting though.

The slow-motion freezeframe was odd; nothing ever happened like that before.

Other than that, though, the directing was great--loved the extreme low shot in the drained pool, and the hand-held work.

For those of you who don't know, this episode was directed by Mike Figgis, director of such films as Timecode and Leaving Las Vegas.

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