
Something odd on HBO.com

Posted By: The Godfather

Something odd on HBO.com - 05/03/04 09:34 PM

When on The Sopranos section of the site, when you click on "About The Show" and read the first paragraph, the last word grabs me.

The 13 episodes of the new season will focus on mob boss Tony Soprano's separation from his wife Carmela, as well as the new challenges he faces at home and work, from within his immediate family, other mob families, and law enforcement.
Law Enforcement? Absolutely non-existent, at least from the mafia stand point (I'm not considering Adriana/FBI Agent "mafia") I want to see Harris and or busts on Tony and his guys. Something like the Season 3 Premiere, Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood. That was cool.

Maybe, this law enforcement is to come...... Nah....
Posted By: SopranoFan

Re: Something odd on HBO.com - 05/07/04 01:28 AM

Why don't you consider Adriana's involvement with the Feds as tactics used by law enforcement? That's exactly what it is. We've seen that the FBI is still pursuing Tony, from the episode "Rat Pack", where Jack Masserone was a rat, and so is the still-uncaught Ray Curto. I'm sure that there's more to come.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Something odd on HBO.com - 05/07/04 04:45 AM

Originally posted by SopranoFan:
Why don't you consider Adriana's involvement with the Feds as tactics used by law enforcement? That's exactly what it is. We've seen that the FBI is still pursuing Tony, from the episode "Rat Pack", where Jack Masserone was a rat, and so is the still-uncaught Ray Curto. I'm sure that there's more to come.
I think Ray Curto's wire is going the way of the Russian. Totally forgotten about.
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Something odd on HBO.com - 05/07/04 11:09 AM

I think Ray Curto's wire is going the way of the Russian. Totally forgotten about.
I don't think the writers of the show ever "forget" any aspect of the past episodes. At any moment, you might see some character or issue from Season One suddenly being addressed in a current episode.
Issues like Raymond Curto's wire and the missing Russian Valery aren't forgotten. I just think that resolutions will present themselves when we least suspect it.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Something odd on HBO.com - 05/07/04 07:44 PM

Originally posted by ChrisY2J:
[quote]I think Ray Curto's wire is going the way of the Russian. Totally forgotten about.
I don't think the writers of the show ever "forget" any aspect of the past episodes. At any moment, you might see some character or issue from Season One suddenly being addressed in a current episode.
Issues like Raymond Curto's wire and the missing Russian Valery aren't forgotten. I just think that resolutions will present themselves when we least suspect it.
[/quote]The last 2 season have been nothing but lose ends. Almost every episode goes off in its own direction, unlike the first two seasons where the show flowed from one week to the next.
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Something odd on HBO.com - 05/07/04 09:42 PM

Originally posted by ChrisY2J:
[quote]I think Ray Curto's wire is going the way of the Russian. Totally forgotten about.
I don't think the writers of the show ever "forget" any aspect of the past episodes. At any moment, you might see some character or issue from Season One suddenly being addressed in a current episode.
Issues like Raymond Curto's wire and the missing Russian Valery aren't forgotten. I just think that resolutions will present themselves when we least suspect it.
[/quote]I am wondering if Tony will ever find out about Dr Melfi's rape and will he find the guy who did it and subsequently whack him? That would be tying up a big loose end.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Something odd on HBO.com - 05/08/04 05:20 AM

I too would like to see some of these loose ends tied up. It doesn't look like it's going in that direction now. However, this show does tend to surprise us. Maybe in the last season it'll be a one loose end after another that we finally get closure of. We can hope.

In the meantime, I still maintain it's the best show on television and I, for one still enjoy it. When the day comes that I no longer look forward to Sunday night 9:00, I'll know it's losing steam.

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