
Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education"

Posted By: Don Pope

Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/10/04 02:24 AM

With her son's future at stake, Carmela puts in some extra time with his college advisor, Robert Wegler. Meanwhile, Tony Blundetto realizes it's hard doing business with strangers, and AJ concludes there's no place like home.
Posted By: Dynamike

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 03:14 AM

Now THIS is The Sopranos that I remember!

What an episode!
Posted By: SC

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 03:35 AM

Originally posted by Dynamike:
Now THIS is The Sopranos that I remember!
Huh??? You remember "The Sopranos" as a boring show??

Tonight's episode was S-L-O-W. Well, at least we got to see Carmela's tush, and hear AJ referred to as Fredo Corleone.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 03:41 AM

I didnt like this one very much. Definetly the worst eppisode of the season. As far as I am concerned, the only thing important that happened, was when Tony B. asked to take the air bag job. Other then that, a whole lot of nothing.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 03:48 AM

Yea, I was kind of disappointed in this episode as well. What's up with the counselor?? I didn't buy his reasoning for such a quick break-up with Carm.

I liked the Fredo Corleone reference as well. AJ is such an annoying bratI wanna slap him !

I agree, my least favorite episode of the season so far, with last week's being the best.

Posted By: SC

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 03:56 AM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
What's up with the counselor?? I didn't buy his reasoning for such a quick break-up with Carm.

Gotta be a chick thing. "L" hit it on the head about Carmela using the counselor (to AJ's benefit - I never thought of that), but with that in mind, I think the counselor was right in breaking it off with Carmela.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 04:01 AM

Yea, I guess looking at it thru the counselor's point of view, I guess??? I think perhaps we know Carm better then he does. I take her for a lonely unfulfilled women who jumped at the first sign of attention. Even tho the counselor thought that what she wanted from him was to help AJ.

I don't think that's why she went for him. I think it was just that he gave her the attention she craved for, and being the "worrying" mother she is, didn't hesitate to ask for help, screwing (pardon the pun) :p things up in the process.

Posted By: SC

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 04:09 AM

Regardless of WHY Carmela chose to sleep with him, it wasn't too smart of him to go along with it.

Remember the old Jim Croce song -
"And they say,
You don't tug on Superman's cape,
You don't spit into the wind,
You don't pull the mask of the ol' Lone Ranger,
And you don't mess around with Jim".

Add to that, "You don't sleep with Tony Soprano's wife".
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 04:19 AM

Ha ha!! Yea SC, that song is fitting. I agree, it was not smart!!

Btw, what do you think the Korean guy is up to??? Do you think he's legit????

Posted By: SC

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 09:21 AM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Btw, what do you think the Korean guy is up to??? Do you think he's legit????
Brings up a good point. I think the Korean laundry owner was legit; he saw a "drive" in Cousin Tony, and he figured it'd be a good investment opportunity for himself. What he didn't figure on was Cousin Tony shirking away from REAL work, and all that it entails. That 12 grand he found (easy money) reminded him of the old days (notice how fast and HOW he went through it), and he wants that lifestyle again. Thus, he's gonna get back into "the life".
Posted By: DonMerghani187

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 12:18 PM

remember wen the teacher tells carmela you strongarmed me with ur pussy that killed me
Posted By: DonMerghani187

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 12:19 PM

remember wen the teacher tells carmela you strongarmed me with ur pussy that killed me
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 01:37 PM

I didn't like that. I would hate to be talked to that way. Yet, it did make it very clear how he felt.

Posted By: Nick totoro

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 02:51 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I didn't like that. I would hate to be talked to that way. Yet, it did make it very clear how he felt.

In all fairness, what woman would like being talked to that way...

Still, consider it miscommunication, a matter of perspective or whatever. I do think she was honestly attracted to him for whatever reason. I don't think he was thinking hit it and split, either. I think he honestly did feel used and it was just not meant to be.

Very dangerous game, though...

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/12/04 02:58 PM

Very good episode last night. I couldn't believe Carm got screwed over by that guy. I knew it wouldn't last but I thought AJ would have found out or something. Pretty funny stuff when Tony & Chris were talking about Buscemi's place with the dog place being a place for "snack eating" and with Kim's daughter having that "Kung-Pow cooch." Great stuff!
Posted By: parameter

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/13/04 12:47 AM

Yeah, definitely my least favorite one of the season thus far, but I guess it cannot be helped.

Does it seem to anyone else that the writer is putting a lot of "filler" since he agreed to lengthen the series? It is still my favorite show though!

Last night neeeded more Paulie, but then again , every one does, that guys is hilarious.

I remeber that pic he put on his Mom's table a couple of seasons ago... " look Ma, just like home" kills me every time.
Posted By: gusmahler

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/13/04 01:15 AM

After the first couple of episodes this season, some were complaining that the storylines weren't resolved in one episode. So the last 3 episodes have had a story arc that lasted one episode each. And now others are complaining. You can't please everyone.

I think this season has been great so far.
Posted By: Dynamike

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/13/04 03:02 AM

Wonder if Edie Falco had a "bootie double" for that one scene.
Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/13/04 04:11 PM

Good Episode

I thought the school advisor was a little out of charector when he gave Carm the boot. I don't think a man of his intelligence would use the P word.

I was rooting for Tony B to stay on the straight path. Oh well.

Watch Out Sopranos, Deadwood is gaining some momentum and is ready to pass by in the fast lane. I really enjoy Deadwood and look forward to it more than The Sopranos.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/13/04 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Daigo Mick Friend:
Good Episode

I was rooting for Tony B to stay on the straight path. Oh well.

Watch Out Sopranos, Deadwood is gaining some momentum and is ready to pass by in the fast lane. I really enjoy Deadwood and look forward to it more than The Sopranos.
Line of the night from Paulie to Tony B., after Tony tells him that's he's going into business with the Korean: "Remember Pearl Harbor".

...As for Deadwood, I think it sucks. I was looking forward to it, but by the second episode it was putting me to sleep.
Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/13/04 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Just Lou:
...As for Deadwood, I think it sucks. I was looking forward to it, but by the second episode it was putting me to sleep. [/QB]
I see your problem , if you stay awake you will enjoy it more

The last two episodes of Deadwood have been great
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/17/04 04:08 AM

episode 58

"Sentimental Education"

Directed by: Peter Bogdanovich
Written by: Matthew Weiner


"From now on, anytime somebody steps in a pile of shit - it's gonna be called a 'Blundetto

Struggling with two huge laundry bags, Tony Blundetto sets his foot on the back of his Kim's Southside Laundry truck. Just as he's about to heave in the bags, the motor starts; the truck lurches away and Tony B. falls backward onto the street. He manages to get up and give chase, only to trip and scrape his shin, leaving it a raw, bloody mess. When he gets back to the laundry, his boss, Sungyon Kim, is convinced Tony B. masterminded the theft. "Believe me," he snarls, "I no forget you professional criminal."

But Tony B. is making an honest effort at civilian life. With the encouragement of Gwen MacIntyre, his girlfriend whom he met online while incarcerated, he's diligently studying for the massage therapist license exam, an effort which is "practically doing two years of medical school on my own." Eventually, Mr. Kim comes to appreciate the additional load Tony B. is carrying and calls him into his office. He makes an offer: Kim will finance a massage studio to be run by his daughter and Tony B. "You pass test," he tells his amazed employee, "then you, me, my daughter make the big success journey."

Tony B. isn't the only one facing an academic challenge. A.J. remains perilously close to failing English, so Carmela visits Mr. Wegler. In addition to discussing A.J., Mr. Wegler, AKA Bob, persuades Carmela to have dinner with him. Afterwards, they go to his place where, for the first time in twenty years, Carmela has sex with a man other than Tony Soprano. Later, an exhilarated Carmela sneaks home past A.J., who's moved back following a physical altercation with his father.

Soon, things are looking up for Tony B. He passes his exam and spends his time off single-handedly gutting and renovating the storefront that will become the massage studio. Then something extraordinary happens: one night as he and Gwen are out walking, a car zooms past them and a small bag is tossed out its window. The bag contains several plastic vials and ten thousand dollars. Gwen convinces Tony B. to throw away the drugs and put the money into the business. "You are doubly blessed," she tells him.

Carmela feels blessed, too. She's enjoying a full-fledged romance with Bob and despite her initial misgivings and Father Intintola's stern disapproval, she has no intention of ending it. But one night Bob unexpectedly announces that they should "take a time out." Earlier, he used his position to strong-arm A.J.'s English teacher into raising his grade on a term paper. Now he claims Carmela is a "user" who slept with him to get him to do it. Brokenhearted, Carmela later tells her dad, "Whatever I say, whatever I do, because I was married to a man like Tony, my motives will always be called into question."

And Tony B. soon takes a detour on the big success journey. He blows his windfall on gambling, clothes for himself and toys for his sons. Then, while painting the walls of the massage studio, he quarrels with Gwen on the phone about a screwed-up furniture delivery. Immediately after, Kim shows up and within minutes Tony B. verbally attacks him. "You fuckin' stroll in?" he screams, "I'm over here bustin' my fuckin' ass!" Then it becomes physical, with Tony B. punching Kim in the face and beating him with a two-by-four. He ends up throwing out his back - and any hope of going straight. Soon after, he meets Tony S. at Vesuvio. Gingerly, he sits down, then says to his cousin, "You mentioned you might need someone to run the swag airbags."
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/17/04 09:33 PM

Tony B was the entire episode IMHO. It was funny when he and Kim were beating the crap out of one another. I thought that Tony S was going to have a quick fling with Kim's daughter.
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 04/17/04 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Just Lou:
[quote]Originally posted by Daigo Mick Friend:
[b] Good Episode

I was rooting for Tony B to stay on the straight path. Oh well.

Watch Out Sopranos, Deadwood is gaining some momentum and is ready to pass by in the fast lane. I really enjoy Deadwood and look forward to it more than The Sopranos.
Line of the night from Paulie to Tony B., after Tony tells him that's he's going into business with the Korean: "Remember Pearl Harbor".

...As for Deadwood, I think it sucks. I was looking forward to it, but by the second episode it was putting me to sleep. [/b][/quote]On Deadwood:

I think it has more cursing than the Sopranos. I have to agree it can be boring as hell.
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 08/31/04 06:19 PM

I'm bumping this thread for the benefit of our fellow "Sopranos" fans in the UK.
Posted By: The Scottish Don

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 09/15/04 09:27 AM

I enjoyed the episode a lot last night. One of the best examples of showing how the Sopranos does not just rely on one character to make a show.

Carmella and Tony B had 90% of the screentime between them and their two tales were very cleverly dealt with.

Did anyone ever find out if that was Ms Falco's behind on show? Compliments anyway!

Tony B flipping out was inevitable yet sad at the the same time. Working his balls off to pass his exam, resisting temptations until that cash windfall. Not sure I would not have done exactly the same with a lot of that cash!

Roll on next week.........
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Season 5 Episode 6 "Sentimental Education" - 09/21/04 07:20 PM

Brilliant episode. It seems the US folks aren't liking this season so much. They want continuity each week, and yet when that DOES happen they complain about subplots not being resolved? Hmmm...

Fantastic episode with not that much of Tony S. Tony B going illegit at the end will be interesting; I only hope he stays a good guy. Loved Carm's storyline. Falco's acting was perfect, as always; I haven't felt that nervous for a woman character since Alfy Singer's first encounter with a mumbling, nervous Annie Hall. AJ's the most annoying character ever, but an excellent part of the show, and Father Intintola (haven't seen him in a while!) is a big a shitface as ever.

My best part was when Tony bombed in the pool, perfectly highlighting the difference between Carm's husband and the schoolteacher. Buscemi's looking old.

Another fine episode in what I think is the best season so far!

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