

Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend


I pulled this from a UK entertainment site. this sounds great.

LONDON ENGLAND British film director Guy Ritchie has come close to signing an agreement with TV cable network HBO and Sopranos creator David Chase for a future 10 episode project slated for filming in 2006/2007. It is believed that the un-named project is a prequel to Chase’s successful Sopranos cable series. The project is set forty years prior to the current series and will explore the early days of the New Jersey Crime family. It has been learned that current cast members Michael Imperioli and Steve Buscemi have also signed on to write several of the new episodes. Ritchie will direct the first 4 episodes and then hand the camera off to acclaimed Independant film director Sola Profil
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: GREAT NEWS SOPRANOS FANS - 04/01/04 03:25 AM

Just like GFII with the prequel. Sounds interesting though. It would be in the 50's/60's then.

Maybe Chase is already thinking of Plan B when the Sopranos leaves the airwaves hu? From what I've read Gandolfini is getting tired of the role, and of all the characters I don't think he can be replaced. Something to look forward to when the Sopranos go.

Posted By: Mardini

Re: GREAT NEWS SOPRANOS FANS - 04/01/04 04:30 AM

Wow this is great. Just what I've always wanted. I had a feeling there were going to do something about it. Hopefully we'll learn more about Johnny Soprano and Uncle Junior in their early days, and Tony's mom and how crazy she was. I've always loved the flashback scenes from those earlier episodes. I hope they do a good job. It's worth checking out.
Posted By: Don Luciano

Re: GREAT NEWS SOPRANOS FANS - 04/04/04 11:32 AM

Sounds amazing!!
Hey everyone, i've been trying really hard to not read what was gonna happen in S5 but i failed and i've read all of ChrisY2J's episode reviews. :rolleyes:
Damn my lack of will power!! Sounds incredible so far i must say. Good to be back.
Don Luciano
Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: GREAT NEWS SOPRANOS FANS - 04/02/05 04:52 PM

I dug this up from last year. It was my April Fools Hoax that noboby figured out.

I was reading the DavVinci Code at the time so I tried to be clever

I posted it at 9:12pm on March 31, but eluded that the news came from the UK which would make it April 1 in the UK.

Secondly the independant directors name is a anagram for April Fools.

Well I guess I was too clever, maybe next year I will just report that somebody famous died
Posted By: Rick

Re: GREAT NEWS SOPRANOS FANS - 04/02/05 09:23 PM

It will be good if all the original main cast was in it just set earlier....cos i like Johnnny sack as a character and Paulie. so im not sure. I would rather have new episodes as the same. anyone else agree?
Posted By: chenille

Re: GREAT NEWS SOPRANOS FANS - 04/11/05 11:54 PM

I would love to see more on Tonys father..the few episodes where Tony flashed back to his childhood and also the episodes with Polly Bergen were fascinating..he was actually charasmatic..or as charasmatic as a sociopathic killer can be!! what a great actor
Posted By: Moscarelli

Re: GREAT NEWS SOPRANOS FANS - 04/12/05 02:01 AM

Hello! Did you not just read DMF say that it was an April Fools Joke...
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: GREAT NEWS SOPRANOS FANS - 04/21/05 07:24 AM

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