
Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..."

Posted By: ChrisY2J

Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/26/04 05:22 AM

Running Time: 52 minutes
Genre: Drama

Carmela and Tony reunite, if only to discuss Anthony Jr.'s dwindling college prospects. Feech takes Tony's crew on a trip down memory lane; Lorraine's allegiances get her into hot water; and AJ has a night to remember in the Big Apple.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/26/04 12:06 PM

Sounds like a fairly calm and laid back eppisode. While probably uneventful, an eppisode like this was gonna happen sooner or later. If we thought the action was gonna go all season, we were a little too optomistic.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/26/04 02:14 PM

I don't know!! I don't really mind that they have shows without any major "whackings" (although I love those surprises). I think The Sopranos family life is all a part of or plays into his crime life and can be interesting.

However, let's not assume it will be uneventful, we never really know what kind of suprises Chase has in store for us do we???? That's what makes this show so good.

Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 02:59 AM

I thought it was a pretty good episode, except for A.J. and Meadow (she's still hot though) disrespecting their mother. I always knew that Edie Falco was a good looking woman but damn!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:00 AM

LT and David Lee Roth playing poker
And Frankie Valli makes a good goombah

Mild episode, though, to say the least. Next week's preview has more action. But TIS is right, it's not all about the action. So it was just fine. AJ moving in with Tony could be interesting... Carm's gonna have a breakdown soon though.
Posted By: Goodfella 69

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:09 AM

fuck dont tell me Feech is locked up again so soon . Carmella and AJ are getting annoying .. reminds me 2 much of me and my mother when we argue and who wants to be reminded of their own reality when watching their favorite show? lol , but anyways ... when Tony sees the "goons" laughing at his jokes because they are scared, but notices Feech isnt laughing, is this to show how Tony knows Feesh ISNT scared and that he is a real threat?

Next weeks episode looks good .
Posted By: SenatorGeary

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:11 AM

Feech is gone already!?!?! this sucks.. can't take out the best character so soon.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:12 AM

I thought it was pretty good tonight. Lorraine (Patti D'arbanville (sp) is gone already???? I guess I should have seen it coming. I sense Tony is gonna have another panic attack or health problem of some sort. I don't think Feech is gone for good though.

I agree that Carm is getting pretty tensed up; and AJ's face. ha ha...as if it isn't bad enough. Crazy glued to the carpet How awful the way he treats his mother.

I didn't realize that was David Lee Roth, it took me a minute to figure out who he was. I couldn't place him. Nice hair-do tho. :p Frankie Valli's part was short, but must say convincing.

Looks like next week something may go down with Adrian! All and all I think this was a good episode.

Oh, and you don't think Tony had anything to do with taking all of Carm's furniture do you? Did I miss something or maybe it was repossessed???

Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:12 AM


Mellow eppisode but not too bad. Im sure Im not the only one that thought Loraine was gonna hang around much longer. I guess I was wrong. I also thought Feech was gonna hang around longer, but unfortunately, that is not the case. Although, I dont think we have seen the last of him yet.

The eppisode primarily dealt with the relationship between AJ and Carmella and Tony. It was interesting how things played out. AJ living with Tony should be fun to watch, but who knows how long it will last. But I think that sooner or later, AJ will want to get involved with daddy's business. And if it happens, it will be intersting to see how Tony reacts.

Basically a buffer eppisode. Its basic purpose was to fill an eppisode slot, and keep us wating for more. But at the same time it was a decent eppisode. Cant wait till next week.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:16 AM

I liked it. But then again it opened up more items and another week has gone by.
Carms pants in the final scene were the worst I have ever seen. Her neck and face are looking old, but her rear is in fine shape.

Feech gets off easy. Great way Tony handled the problem. I thought that story line would have went further though. Once you are over the hill, it is tuff to come back in.

AJ needs his assed kicked! PUNK.

Very nice touch with the card game. I love the guests.

Last shot shows Tony holding a gun over someones head. They make it seem like Christopher, but I don't think so.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:20 AM

TIs, I don't think everything is gone. I think she now understand that the house is empty. She is alone. The family is gone!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:30 AM

Ahhh! Symbolic..right after she pictures AJ as a little boy in the driveway. Should have caught that I guess. Thanks FS!!

Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:34 AM

Lets take a pool...

How many more eppisodes before AJ's guidance counselor gets whacked? I say 4 more. what about you guys?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:36 AM

Yea RB I did see that "Furio" look somewhat in Carm tonight. If anyone Tony knows saw her, he's history most likely!

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:37 AM

No, you can look into the next room and see everything is still there. He body just blocks most of it.

Big house for one person.

The tudor looked pissed. He is driving a shitbox while this kid gets a $$$ SUV. Tony bitches about money on minute and brings home a SUV the next.

Carm and the councilor is another new line we could do without!
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:44 AM

Yeah it was a good episode, it took me by surprise to see Feetch going away so soon. But I highly doubt he's gone for good.

I think Tony handled that situation well, it wouldn't have been a good idea to have Feetch whacked since he is so well liked.

I didn't care for all the Carm/Anthony jr scenes, but that's because I find Robert Iler so damned annoying.

But I agree with another member who said that Meadow still looks hot.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:54 AM

Ha ha!! I know what you mean about AJ Iceman. I can't say he is a lousy actor, and I know he playing the part of a normal (somewhat) teenager, etc...but don't you just wanna smack him long side the head sometimes??? Guess I've been watching too much Sopranos. :p He is annoying for some reason.

I think the scenes with him and Carm tho are necessary to show both his rebelliousness and her on her last nerve. Then again, I think women tend to get into the "relationship" type scenes more than men.

Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 04:04 AM

I enjoyed the episode. I await the return of Feech. I am also enjoying Deadwood, which is turning out to be a really good show.
Posted By: The Godfather

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 04:12 AM

Outstanding episode tonight. I enjoyed Carm and Tony. AJ is a prick, if he gets whacked, party at my house (BYOB ) Feech is developing to be as good as Richie Aprile. Tony fixed him real good tonight. The card game sequences were awesome. I love this show, there is nothing more beautiful in this world.

Next week, with Tony in execution stance over someone? THATS SO GODFATHER-esque. Who do you think it is?
Posted By: Joeybats

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 04:16 AM

OK FOLKS, I think I've just stumbled upon something here tonight.
Tonight when Meadow makes a comment about because of kids like AJ she doesn't want any children,
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 04:17 AM

Originally posted by Joeybats:
OK FOLKS, I think I've just stumbled upon something here tonight.
Tonight when Meadow makes a comment about because of kids like AJ she doesn't want any children,
SO? what so special about that?
Posted By: Joeybats

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 04:18 AM

Meadow then proceeds to obviously have sex with her boyfriend. Seems to me that little Meadow will soon be eating for two. She's going to get knocked up, just watch.
You heard it here first.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 04:23 AM

Could be if she gets knocked up in her real life.

And if you were her new husband you would be taking her three or four times a day. She looks great!
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 07:22 AM

notice how carmella is kinda having an attraction to AJ's school counselor, they go out for lunch and he recommends her the book and stuff. Remember in the previews before season 5 aired with the clip of tony walkin down a hallway with lockers and hes holding up a gun with a silencer on it? maybe tony finds out about their little thing goin on and goes after the school counselor guy.
Posted By: SC

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 08:52 AM

I was really impressed with Tony's handling of Feech. It was a stroke of brilliance in setting Feech up, and Chris played his part in the setup perfectly. I don't think he'll (Feech) be out of the action completely now - remember, Paulie was still included in some episodes last season while he was in jail.

I join the list of those surprised by Lorraine's early demise, but its a great setup for a war brewing between Johnny Sack and Carmine's son.

The car theft scene (at the wedding) was kind of funny - the attendant was laying there with his head split open and the guests were bitching about their missing cars. It was interesting to note Tony's change of attitude once Feech kicked up the envelope (covering Tony's "cut" in the caper). This season continues to show, in more realistic terms, the Mob's greed in everyday action.

The endings this season have been superb, and last night's episode was no different. It was beautifully symbolic to see Carmella walking into an empty house, just as her life is "empty" now. I think that emptiness will drive her to seek comfort in a relationship with the school's guidance counsellor, and HE'LL soon be fish food (a SCHOOL of fish?).
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 11:41 AM

The part where Tony said "we need to nip this in the butt," while he was talking about Feech, I knew then that it discounted any chance of him getting whacked last night. Just an example of what should be everyone's philosophy while watching this show:
What ever you think is gonna happen, expect the opposite.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 12:50 PM

.....nip it in the BUD (refers to a flower before it blooms). BUTT, that was perfect. Had me fooled. Feech's face during the ride back to prison had a little bit of a scheming I'm-gonna-get-that-bastard-Soprano look. I think Feech knows he was set up (new parole officer). Feech may turn informant to get out of jail and get revenge.

Car-jacking scene was priceless. What suckers those people that play in those card games. LT looked cool. David Lee looked a little out of place.

Edie Falco shows her talents. You can feel the anxiety, frustration and desparation that she portrays. I don't know if she'll jump in the sack with teacher. She's looking for love. The relationship will have to cultivate...then in the sack. Will their be enough time?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 01:42 PM

Food for thought: Just heard on Fox news this morning that Adriana (D. Mateo?) will be starring in a new sitcom spinoff of Friends, playing Joey's sister (I beleive). Doesn't this indicate then that she most likely will be killed off????? Or at least a good possibility? I hope not, cause I like Adriana.

Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 02:21 PM

This was a good episode. Lorraine is whacked after running through the house naked and discovering her beau already fish food. Feech got off easily. It was either the can or the canal. Feech was compared to Richie Aprile ( Nip it in the bud). AJ lied to Tony. It looked like he was also doing drugs. He wasn't too happy when Tony made him go and do his Spanish homework. Tony is no pushover. Next weeks episode looks like another nailbiter.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:08 PM

Interesting, given Lawrence Taylor's problems with drug addiction and compulsive behavior, and his going on all the talk shows to plug his new book in which he states that he's discovered the error of his ways and is now reformed, that they show him gambling and drinking.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 03:12 PM

Ok, who's Lawrence Taylor??? Somebody I should know??

Posted By: Rocky

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 04:10 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Food for thought: Just heard on Fox news this morning that Adriana (D. Mateo?) will be starring in a new sitcom spinoff of Friends, playing Joey's sister (I beleive). Doesn't this indicate then that she most likely will be killed off????? Or at least a good possibility? I hope not, cause I like Adriana.

The article on cnn.com says that her part on "Joey" will not interfere with her contractual obligation to the 10-episode final season of "The Sopranos."

Still, the previews for next week made it look like something was going to happen. Then again, Chase is very good at misleading you with the previews.
Posted By: Rocky

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 04:12 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Ok, who's Lawrence Taylor??? Somebody I should know??

He was a linebacker for the Giants back in the late 80s, early 90s.
Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 04:15 PM

1. Feech, you won't see him anymore, He's gone

2. Best line of the night Feech: I came to kiss your ring Tony: Kiss the ring on my ass

3. I'll never trust the previews again- Prior to the begining of the season the scenes are shown so out of context. It looked like AJ got his butt whipped but he really got drunk, his head glued to the floor, and his eyebrows shaved. It looked like Carmela walked into the house that was completly emptied with everything taken away. Of course that was not the case. I won't fall for that again.

4. David Lee Roth needs a hair cut

5. I agree w/ MFM, Deadwood is a pretty good show. Al the saloon owner makes Tony Soprano look like a boy scout.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 06:39 PM

I couldn't believe David Lee Roth was in The Sopranos! Man that was weird, wild stuff. I'm glad that they set Feech up instead of killing him. It was only a matter of time before something happened to him. As usual another good episode. Could anyone see who Tony shoots next week??
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 07:10 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Interesting, given Lawrence Taylor's problems with drug addiction and compulsive behavior, and his going on all the talk shows to plug his new book in which he states that he's discovered the error of his ways and is now reformed, that they show him gambling and drinking.
I had the same thoughts pl. I didn't know about his book and talk show circuit, but with his history, maybe he was violating parole by consorting with known felons . He used to play golf at our town course (word was that no country clubs would grant him membership). I saw him there a few times. His shoulders are so wide he had to ride in the golf cart by himself.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Rocky:
[quote]Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
[b] Ok, who's Lawrence Taylor??? Somebody I should know??

He was a linebacker for the Giants back in the late 80s, early 90s. [/b][/quote]Not just A linebacker. THE linebacker. The best linebacker of his time and possibly ever. Also, arguably the best defensive player of all time. I worship LT.
Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/29/04 10:12 PM

I had no idea that was Lorraine until they killed her. Same thing with those men who stripped her towel off. I thought it was just some random crime by a couple a loser predators who were about to rape her.
Posted By: Don Tissinno

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/30/04 03:37 AM

It is going to be interesting what happens next week. The text preview on DirectTV says "While Chris is on a road trip, the crew discusses rumors about Adriana". The the video preview shows her dispairing at her predicament. Chris is sent on a whacking and then a lonely road with the crew surrounding Tony who appears to be pointing a gun at "someone". Then there's a voice over of an apparently tired Adriana asking "What happened?" and Tony replying "I got to tell you about that?"

I can't wait!
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/30/04 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I couldn't believe David Lee Roth was in The Sopranos! Man that was weird, wild stuff. I'm glad that they set Feech up instead of killing him. It was only a matter of time before something happened to him. As usual another good episode. Could anyone see who Tony shoots next week??
I hate to say this, but it looks like Christopher. I played it back a few times frame by frame, and it looks like him. In the scene, Christopher's Hummer is in the background, but he is not one of the 4 men standing there. Also add Adriana's final comment in the trailer. Of course I could be 100% wrong since the trailers are almost always misleading.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/30/04 11:37 PM

Can someone summarize the murder of Lorraine and her boyfriend? I was flipping back and forth with Dream Job and missed the whole thing. Thanks.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/31/04 12:54 AM

Basicaly, some thugs busted into the house while Lorraine was in the shower. One of the thugs caught her, but she started running through the house naked. Ultimately, they were both shot at point blank range in her house.
Posted By: The Godfather

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/31/04 01:39 AM

LOL, Lorraine looks terrible in the nude.
Posted By: Buttapcanrican

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/31/04 04:35 PM

That had to be a body double on the running shot
Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 03/31/04 11:04 PM

Posted By: Jonny Lips

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/01/04 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Just Lou:
[quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b] I couldn't believe David Lee Roth was in The Sopranos! Man that was weird, wild stuff. I'm glad that they set Feech up instead of killing him. It was only a matter of time before something happened to him. As usual another good episode. Could anyone see who Tony shoots next week??
I hate to say this, but it looks like Christopher. I played it back a few times frame by frame, and it looks like him. In the scene, Christopher's Hummer is in the background, but he is not one of the 4 men standing there. Also add Adriana's final comment in the trailer. Of course I could be 100% wrong since the trailers are almost always misleading. [/b][/quote]I dont think it is Chris that Tony shoots because in the review for April 18 says this:

Episode 7-In Camelot: Tony learns about lingering emotional and financial mysteries from his father's mistress; Junior sees the benefit of attending funerals; Christopher enables a friend's addiction

So we know Chris doesn't die yet. Also if you look in that scene where Chris's Hummer and the guys standing around Tony, I think that is Christopher right behind Tony. I'm guessing that since it is Tony doing the killing, it must be personal. My guess... Tony's Capo, Raymond Curto. Then again, who the hell knows!
Posted By: Robert

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/01/04 03:11 AM

Originally posted by ChrisY2J:
Running Time: 52 minutes
Genre: Drama

Carmela and Tony reunite, if only to discuss Anthony Jr.'s dwindling college prospects. Feech takes Tony's crew on a trip down memory lane; Lorraine's allegiances get her into hot water; and AJ has a night to remember in the Big Apple.
A shame Lorraine got killed. She is hot.
Posted By: Don Tissinno

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/01/04 04:51 AM

So we know Chris doesn't die yet. Also if you look in that scene where Chris's Hummer and the guys standing around Tony, I think that is Christopher right behind Tony. I'm guessing that since it is Tony doing the killing, it must be personal. My guess... Tony's Capo, Raymond Curto. Then again, who the hell knows!
Could the Johnny Sack, Carmine Jr. War finally be heating up?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/01/04 05:21 AM

For some reason I can't copy/paste the link, but on the Soprano's site it says this about Sunday's episode, titled, "Irregular Around the Margins."

"While Christopher is away on business, the Soprano crew plays a game of "telephone" with rumor involving Adriana"?????

Can if finally mean they are finding out about Adriana??? We've been fooled before, so who knows?

Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/01/04 06:48 PM

I get the feeling that Tony or someone has the gun over Adriana's head. After all, next week the crew do discuss a rumor concerning Adriana
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/01/04 08:16 PM

I can’t believe they’re still using the storyline of AJ being this great football player. The guidance counselor said something like “football is our ace in the hole”. AJ wants to go to Arizona or Arizona State? I am pretty sure there are no 5’8, 160 lbs linemen in Division 1. For that matter, any level of college football. Most high school linemen aren't even that small.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/01/04 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Jonny Lips:
I dont think it is Chris that Tony shoots because in the review for April 18 says this:

Episode 7-In Camelot: Tony learns about lingering emotional and financial mysteries from his father's mistress; Junior sees the benefit of attending funerals; Christopher enables a friend's addiction

So we know Chris doesn't die yet. Also if you look in that scene where Chris's Hummer and the guys standing around Tony, I think that is Christopher right behind Tony. I'm guessing that since it is Tony doing the killing, it must be personal. My guess... Tony's Capo, Raymond Curto. Then again, who the hell knows! [/QB]
I wonder if Tony found out about Adriana, and in order to find out if Christopher is involved, he is pointing the gun at him, like he's about to be executed, to see what he has to say. I'm just grasping at straws, but we'll find out Sunday. It seems pretty clear though, Chris doesn't die this week.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/01/04 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Jonny Lips:

So we know Chris doesn't die yet. Also if you look in that scene where Chris's Hummer and the guys standing around Tony, I think that is Christopher right behind Tony. I'm guessing that since it is Tony doing the killing, it must be personal. My guess... Tony's Capo, Raymond Curto. Then again, who the hell knows! [/QB]
I also forgot to mention, if it is a killing, it must be someone "big' and "Personal" for Tony to have his Captains standing around, and pulling the trigger himself. Raymond Curto is a very good guess.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/03/04 05:30 PM

I have a feeling Tony has the gun over Tony B's head.

But ya never know?
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/03/04 08:26 PM

Originally posted by MobbingForMoney:
I am also enjoying Deadwood, which is turning out to be a really good show.
I'm trying to like Deadwood, but so far it's putting me to sleep.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 04/05/04 02:23 AM

This is the first Sopranos I have seen in a long time, and I mean LOOOOONG time.Who is Feech that you keep talking about? Is he the guy who had the TVs parked in his garage?At the end it did look like Chris that Tony was about to whack, but like I said, I havent had HBO in a long time.It was a pretty good episode though, I liked it.
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 08/31/04 06:15 PM

I'm bumping this thread for the benefit of our fellow "Sopranos" fans in the UK.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 09/07/04 08:39 PM

Just been reading through the initial posts of this thread, and must say that I am shocked by the amount of "it was an okay episode" phrases and those similar to it.

There's something about watching a new Sopranos episode, and I thought that, at least at the time, last night's episode was one of the finest I've ever seen, and definitely the best so far this season. Brilliant directing by Rodrigo Garcia with the rare inclusion of some (fantastic) soundtrack music.

Robert Loggia is the greatest addition to the show this season, and I don't think we've seen the last of him. His acting throughout the season so far has been phenomenal--way better than Proval as Richie Aprile, for I think he's more of an out-and-out hotheaded mobster, whereas Richie was always just a snake. Couldn't stop laughing with delight at Tony's sitdown with Feech. Love seeing Tony lose his temper like that.

Brilliant to see Carmela and AJ's relationship falling even more apart, and Tony having to step in. Fantastic stuff.

I also found it interesting how the Johnny Sac and Little Carmine's war has progressed along nicely, without either of the two actually being in the episode!

Excellent episode. The best of the lot so far.
Proper review coming up after I see the next two episodes as well.


PS> I just skipped through the last few posts in this thread to avoid possible spoilers re: Adrianna, but I must say that next week's episode looks amazing (as always). Who was Christopher shooting at uncontrollably with that glare? And I've played the last execution-style scene about twenty times now, and I still can't see who is kneeling, though it looks like Adrianna is standing on the far right.

CAN'T WAIT! Roll on next Monday!!!!

Posted By: don vencent

Re: Season 5, Episode 4: "All Happy Families..." - 09/29/04 05:17 PM

I like feech he was cool guy. HIM and his crew got down I was mad when he was going to jail.
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