
Philly Parisi

Posted By: That Moltisanti kid

Philly Parisi - 02/22/04 07:35 PM

Hi, I may have missed something obvious here(again) but why was philly parisi whacked by gigi cestone. anybody know?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Philly Parisi - 02/22/04 08:25 PM

Philly had been singing like a canary about Tony's business regarding wanting to kill his own mother. Tony heard about this, didn't like it, and thus had Philly's brains splattered all over his car window.

Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Philly Parisi - 02/22/04 09:03 PM

Not only that, CAPO, but Tony was also cementing his own position as boss by killing Philly Parisi.

Tony was taking over as the new boss while Junior was in prison. But there was still Junior's crew, still loyal to Junior, to contend with. Philly was the new capo of the Junior Soprano crew, and he was NOT under Tony's thumb like the other capos. He was still pro-Junior and anti-Tony.

Running off at the mouth just gave added impetus to Tony to shut Philly up for good.
Posted By: That Moltisanti kid

Re: Philly Parisi - 02/22/04 09:41 PM

cheers fellas. now it seems obvious.
cheers capo :p
Posted By: Don Arvido

Re: Philly Parisi - 01/10/06 02:57 PM

Philly seems to arrive out of nowhere, tho. Do we get to see Philly at all before the scene where Gigi pops him? I know he appears in adream sequence later on, but do we get to see him at all before he gets whacked, i.e. very early in season 2 or in season 1?

In the end of season 1, Juniors so called 'followers' who would pose a threat to Tony are taken care of by Tony, Paulie and Chris, which gives us the impression that the threat was under control. Philly then appears out of the blue in season 2, and is then immediately whacked...

I assume he must have been in Juniors crew along with Signori &o in season 1, but was never seen.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Philly Parisi - 01/10/06 09:04 PM

I remember David Chase saying in an interview somewhere that he was so dissappointed when Philly was killed so quickly because he liked Dan Giramaldi (sp?) so much that he created a new character, his twin brother Patsy, simply so Giramaldi could come back.

I do have to agree that Giramaldi is a great actor. If you just watch his hands and his eyes when he talks, certain body language type things, you really see how much he puts into it.
Posted By: Don Arvido

Re: Philly Parisi - 01/11/06 05:12 PM

Yes, he's very effictive. I particularly like him when Patsy warnes off Gloria Trillo.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Philly Parisi - 01/13/06 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Don Arvido:
Yes, he's very effictive. I particularly like him when Patsy warnes off Gloria Trillo.
Yeah i like that scene too....
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