
The Sopranos - A Family History

Posted By: Liz_85

The Sopranos - A Family History - 06/05/03 10:37 AM

I started reading this book the other day, it's not what I expected. As well as being an episode guide for the first three seasons, it tells the story of the Soprano family as if they were real. The author, Allen Rucker, starts by saying he's been watching the Soprano family since 1956 and felt compelled to write this book because they're so interesting.
Anyone read it?
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: The Sopranos - A Family History - 06/05/03 09:14 PM

I haven't read it or heard of it Liz, but, it sounds great. Really interesting.
Please give us a review when you've finished it as wether it would be worth tracking down for a read or not

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: The Sopranos - A Family History - 06/06/03 01:25 AM

I haven't heard of it either Liz. If the author has known them since 1956, I assume it begins when Tony was born, or a young boy????

Yes, do let us know how it is. It sounds as though it may be interesting.

Posted By: Liz_85

Re: The Sopranos - A Family History - 06/06/03 05:28 AM

It's definately worth checking out if you can find a copy.
It starts with the Johhny Boy's involvment in his 'life of crime', and then goes on to detail Tony's childhood, some great insights into his mother there, and then when he met Carmela, and even letters he, allegedly, wrote to her.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: The Sopranos - A Family History - 06/06/03 10:39 AM

The one I've read only covers seasons one and two. It tells the whole history of Johnny and Livia's parents immigrating. A good Crime Family tree (up to the end of season two in mine) is also included. A great must-read book for any fan. Lke Liz said, it s written as if The Sopranos are a real life Mafia Family, with sources from Jeff Wernick--who actually appears in the show on the news as a Mafia expert-- and FBI reports on the Family.

Recommended for any fan.

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