
And now, the end is near.....

Posted By: The Scottish Don

And now, the end is near..... - 06/04/03 08:35 AM

Well fellow UK folk, one episode to go. (SPOILERS AHEAD FOR AUSSIES...)

After the slightly "off the wall" episode last week, back to fast pace this time round!

Glad to see Paulie getting the jolt he needed, wish Johnny Sac had been around after Paulie had spoken to Carmine. His face was a picture....

Old Walnuts might be losing it a bit though, it was a fair old struggle to rid himself of Mimi.

Biggest set up for the finale has to be Carmella's face as Tony spoke to her at the end, she really is beyond breaking point. Seeing her all gushy like a lovesick kid earlier on was bizarre.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: And now, the end is near..... - 06/04/03 08:34 PM

No Christopher! But...
No Janice!

Possibly the second best episode this season after the one involving Ralphie. What a finale setter this was. Bit of an anti-climax with regard to Furio's exit. Carmela's really losing her patience now. Johnny Sac has given the go-ahead for the whacking of Carmine. I'm glad Carmine didn't recognise Paulie; looks like Mister Walnuts could get back on track with Tony now. Silvio is as loyal as ever.

Perhaps the funniest moment all season (for me) was Paulie's visit to Mimi's place! Forgive me for saying so, but that just cracked me up! One thing that struck me in this episode: Paulie looks as old as his mother and her friends!

Last time I'll be posting this in this forum this year: Roll on next week!


PS> The lack of British interest in this forum is worrying, isn't it Scot Don? Where are the other guys watching this season?
Posted By: The Scottish Don

Re: And now, the end is near..... - 06/05/03 08:03 AM

Good point, don't know mate!

Unless they were all on the ball and watched it on E4 a few months ago. Personally, I am a late starter to the Sopranos and have raced through series 1,2 and 3 before this current Channel 4 run of series 4.

Was slightly put out by Furio just upping sticks and dissappearing like that as well. Unless of course it is brought into the storyline next week, or indeed series 5.....

Christopher must be brought back next week I would have thought, clean and raring to go.

Another week without Janice would not go amiss though, waste of space as discussed elsewhere.
Posted By: silviodante77

Re: And now, the end is near..... - 06/05/03 08:33 PM

Hey, I'm from the UK, and I'm still watching this series of The Sopranos. And liking it quite a bit too.

re, episode 12, one of my favourite parts had to be Paulie suffocating his mothers friend, reminded me a bit of Tonys mother running her friend over. heheh

I'm wondering if Tony will do a 'Young Vito in the Godfather' and go back to Italy for revenge. that would be cool if he found out about Carmela/Furio.

so erm roll on tueday!
Posted By: TonySoprano

Re: And now, the end is near..... - 06/09/03 07:56 AM

Soprano's is on tonight for me (In Australia), weve had like 5 or so ep's. Lookin good so far.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: And now, the end is near..... - 06/10/03 10:42 AM

Tonight is the night, guys! Would have my popcorn in, but I just got a brace in a couple of weeks ago! It seems that after a whole season of building up tension, the only person to get whacked is Carmine. Sack is too clever and knows what he's doing in giving the go-ahead of Carmine's whacking; Furio has ran away just when it looked liked an affair, and thus a whacking, was inevitable, and Paulie is back on track with T.

Posted By: The Scottish Don

Re: And now, the end is near..... - 06/10/03 12:45 PM

I truly hope Paulie Walnuts does not "live" to regret his friendship with Jonny in any future series though......

One and a half hour special tonight as well, good of Channel Four to put it on at such an unsociable hour though! Thankfully, I am off work tomorrow to head south and visit London village for a couple of days.......
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: And now, the end is near..... - 06/10/03 08:56 PM

Oh I'm really glad Paulie got back on track too. I assume you meant that as well?

Finishes at 12.45 tonight! Gosh! I have a (thankfully practice) science exam tomorrow morning first thing! I'll be half dead. Luckily it is multi-choice. But it's the last episode, how could I not watch it "live!?"

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