
who's the boss?

Posted By: soprano_don88

who's the boss? - 04/25/03 01:37 AM

well with junior's legal troubles over who's the boss? is it going to back to tony being a capo.
Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: who's the boss? - 04/25/03 02:30 AM

I could be wrong, but even before Uncle Jun's legal problems, I thought it was agreed between Jun and Tony that to save face for Uncle Jun...Junior would be the "face boss" and officially titled boss of the family, while Tony was the real boss in the background.

I think Jackie Aprile wanted Tony to succeed him or perhaps the DiMeo Don in prison wanted that also.

Well not everyone liked the way Uncle Jun was running things anyway.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: who's the boss? - 04/25/03 04:20 AM

I think the way it went was: After Jackie died, Tony agreed that Uncle J would be the boss so that Uncle J would take all the heat and attention from the cops. After the unsuccessful hit on Tony, he (Tony) essentially stripped Uncle J of his power and earnings. Tony began doling some of that back to Uncle in the subsequent episodes. I think Uncle redeemed himself somewhat by warning Tony of Richie Aprile's plot against him (as if Tony couldn't have figured it out). Now that Uncle is in the (legal) clear and his cancer in remission, he might make another move...who knows?
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: who's the boss? - 04/26/03 01:21 AM

Junior wanting his power back is, I suspect, going to be a source of conflict with Tony in Season Five.

Also, Larry Boy Barese is out of jail. Is his cousin Albert Barese just going to hand back the captaincy of the Barese crew without a protest?

These potential power struggles could be major plot threads for next season.
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