
So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US?

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/06/02 11:26 PM

Because from what i've seen (only the first two episodes) i've been loving it. No. 3 tomorrow and I can't wait. It's probably the only tv program that I actually make time to sit down and watch. I couldn've looked through other posts but I didn't want to ruin anything in forthcoming episodes. So what I ask is, does the quality drop from here on or remain the same? I'd have no complaints if it remains the same although I do wish to see more of Paulie and Silv. Havn't seen much tit either.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/07/02 02:08 AM

Hi Turi,

I was hooked right away as well. I think every season is great so far. Some people posting on the current season (4) are indicating it's not quite as good, but in my opinion the season is only half over and I think it's very good. Of course that's my opinion, others may disagree;, but I don't think too many will.

As far as Paulie, Silvio & uh hum......t**s go, not to worry, you'll see all three (or should I say four?)

Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/07/02 06:58 AM

It's still my favorite show, but so far season 4 has been my least favorite of all of them...hopefully it picks up a bit.
Posted By: Capacino

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/07/02 03:07 PM

I'm also enjoying this season.

It still outclasses most of what's on.

I just hope it'll go out on top, instead of hanging around long after it's expiration date.

AKA The X-Files.

Completely sucked after Duchovny left.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/07/02 03:13 PM

No way, X Files went downhill just around season 4 where everything had to link together and shit.

But i'm with you on Sopranos should go out on a high note. David Chase the creator agreed only to 5 seasons and that's it. I hope eveyone bows out at that point too. Keep it classic.

Thanks for the input on this guys and gals.
Posted By: Capacino

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/07/02 03:27 PM

Turi I may have goofed

It is season 4 when it started going downhill, as Mulder was less and less visible, the show suffered. And not just Mulder in a spaceship or whatever, when he was a strong character in the plot line, that's when it was at it's best...chasing aliens or creatures in the artic and everything in between. I didn't like when they focused on Scully's supposed abduction and especially pregnancy.

So you're right, I started watching it less and less in that season but forgot the exact steps of the slide!

Posted By: Ronnie 2 Chin

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/07/02 05:42 PM

I dont know, I think this season is as good as lasts
Posted By: Snake

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/08/02 12:38 AM

My dear Cap and m' main man Turi both dissing The X-Files?? Say it ain't so, comrades! Er, actually, I agree with you both to a point. Personally, I believe it was still a salvagable show after Mulder booked, but I'm glad they decided to pull the plug before it got too bad.

RE: The Sopranos. I like this season better than season 3, although I echo Don Corpuzzi's wish that it picks up a bit (only about 5 episodes left!). I think what happened was the hype outdid the show, and everyone's expectations were abnormally high. But if you compare and parallel it with the previous seasons, this season really hasn't strayed much (if any) from Chase's original formula. Stay with it, Turi, and let us know what you think, dude.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/08/02 02:20 PM

I'm really loving it at the minute although i've only seen upto episode 3. But I was watching it last night and thinking -why the hell do I need to see Janice seeing a shrink?-. That's a bit of a downer and isn't needed.
Posted By: Don Tissinno

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/09/02 03:15 AM

Originally posted by Don Corpuzzi:
It's still my favorite show, but so far season 4 has been my least favorite of all of them...hopefully it picks up a bit.
I'd agree...Season 4 is my least favorite...am truly disappointed with Tony distancing himself from everyone. I thought what made the series is the interplay between Tony, Chris, Silvio and Pauly...

Also, anyone notice that Carmela's scenes seem much more limited than the 1st 3 seasons? Meadow and Uncle Junior also have much lesser screen time this year. I also thought I'd read something that Bobby Baccala was going to get an increased roll.
Posted By: Carmela's Granddaughter

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/10/02 05:26 PM

I'm also very much enjoying the series this year. Did the lengthy wait for the series' return contribute to heightened expectations? Ah, who knows. I must say that the stories do seem less streamlined as in the past, but my guess is that if this is indeed the last season, with only 5 or so episodes to go, we're headed for a convergence of seemingly loose ends; hence the multiple story lines. But I'm still very much enjoying excellent acting, direction and writing.
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: So is their really a general displeasment with the new series in the US? - 11/10/02 08:42 PM

one person wines and you think everyone is crying....No way it is still good..most are mad because they can't get enough. if it was on three or four times a week with new shows, we would all be tuned in each night.....Sure everyone wants to see their own special stories lines be on only, but I would still take this show over most others on the air!
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