
Favorite Episode?

Posted By: howardsternisgod

Favorite Episode? - 11/01/02 02:06 AM

Yeah, this has probably been done before but oh well, huh? What's YOUR favorite episode(s) of The Sopranos?

Mine are "Pine Barrens" and "Amour Fou". I liked "Pine Barrens" a lot because of the "chemistry" between Christopher and Paulie...it was great watching them sweat it out, so to speak, in the freezing cold. I liked "Amour Fou" because of all the tension that built up in the episode: looney Gloria driving Carmela home and seeing where Tony lives, Tony reprimanding her, Jackie Jr.'s botched robbery...good stuff!
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Episode? - 11/01/02 02:18 AM

I don't know if I have one single episode that I liked more than any other, probably because all of the episodes run together so well. But if I had to pick one, I would probably say that I liked the one where Tony and Meadow went to visit a bunch of colleges in season 1.
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Favorite Episode? - 11/01/02 02:24 AM

University,with Ralpie and the stripper.
Posted By: TonySoprano

Re: Favorite Episode? - 11/01/02 10:43 AM

"Pine Barrens" of course , "College" and "Employee of the month"
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Favorite Episode? - 11/01/02 02:34 PM

Pine Barens is my favorite episode God it was funny as hell.
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Favorite Episode? - 11/01/02 02:43 PM

Mine is House Arrest. Junior stole the show.

Posted By: Capacino

Re: Favorite Episode? - 11/01/02 03:46 PM

I don't know the name, but the one where Tony went to visit Pussy's widow was great.

I loved how he saw the caddy and took the baseball bat *BAM* one fail swoop smashing the car window and blowing the horn. Loved that whole scene.
Posted By: QueenAssassin

Re: Favorite Episode? - 11/01/02 08:10 PM

I like all the episodes, but i like the "Commendatori" episode.
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: Favorite Episode? - 11/02/02 04:27 PM

This seems to be most everyone's favorite, and for good reason: "Pine Barrens". It's the perfect "Sopranos" episode. Paulie and Chris were hilarious. The intrigue with the Russian mob was great. There were some incredible Tony/Gloria scenes.

I also like "Amour Fou", "College", "Employee Of The Month", "The Knight In White Satin Armor", "Full Leather Jacket", "No Show", "Nobody Knows Anything", "University", and the pilot episode. Yeah, those are my Top Ten, in no necessary order.

This episode wasn't one of the very best, but it had what I think is the best ending of any Sopranos episode: "Pax Soprana". This is when the New Jersey and New York mobs have that dinner party for Junior and the undercover FBI guys are snapping pictures of everyone. Then, the FBI agent in the office placed the pictures on the bulletin board, throwing out the pic of the late Jackie Aprile Sr, crossing out "capo" on Junior's pic and writing "boss", then placing it right above Tony's pic. It was very symbolic, and the moment was made all the better by the choice of music for the scene.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Favorite Episode? - 11/04/02 03:15 AM

Originally posted by ChrisY2J:
This episode wasn't one of the very best, but it had what I think is the best ending of any Sopranos episode: "Pax Soprana". This is when the New Jersey and New York mobs have that dinner party for Junior and the undercover FBI guys are snapping pictures of everyone. Then, the FBI agent in the office placed the pictures on the bulletin board, throwing out the pic of the late Jackie Aprile Sr, crossing out "capo" on Junior's pic and writing "boss", then placing it right above Tony's pic. It was very symbolic, and the moment was made all the better by the choice of music for the scene.
I felt the same way watching that episode...I loved that ending scene too...it had a huge symbolic feel to it, and it made you feel that special something that is indescribable but comes every now and then with a movie/TV show, you know? I downloaded the instrumental version of the song which was playing then too, and I listen to it occassionally...it reminds me so much of that scene...by the way, it's called "Paparazzi" and it's by the rapper Xzibit, for anyone who was wondering.
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