
Could Brian be the next boss?

Posted By: Oblong

Could Brian be the next boss? - 10/28/02 09:13 PM

I'm wondering if cousin Brian, the financial advisor, will be the next boss. He's got the financial savvy and could take the family in a different direction, away from the thuggery and dangers of drugs, prostitution, and gambling. The big money is in business. Tough guys can take care of the vices but the real money will come in these big mergers and type of deals that Brian suggested.

Chris will self destruct and Brian will slowly be groomed by Tony. You don't need a tough guy who kills people to be the boss. You need a business guy with an ethics problem.

What do you all think of that?
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Could Brian be the next boss? - 10/28/02 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Oblong:
Chris will self destruct and Brian will slowly be groomed by Tony. You don't need a tough guy who kills people to be the boss. You need a business guy with an ethics problem.

What do you all think of that?
Brian looks like a deer in headlights.I see no leadership skills or anything else like that,in him.He doesn't even know what he's gotten himself into.
Posted By: Oblong

Re: Could Brian be the next boss? - 10/28/02 09:44 PM

Yeah but that's his first exosure to it. He looks like he'll be around for a bit longer so I'm sure he'll get adjusted.

There's a reason he's been around so much lately.
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Could Brian be the next boss? - 10/28/02 10:08 PM

Right now Brian is a star in Tony's eyes because of the great Real Estate advice. I however see him getting whacked if he loses any of Tony's money. Next weeks episode deals with Tony finding some of his money missing from the storage shed where he had locked it up. Did anyone notice the scene with Brian and the stripper at the Bing last night?

Posted By: getoverhere

Re: Could Brian be the next boss? - 10/28/02 10:15 PM

Do you think carmella took it..
Posted By: Oblong

Re: Could Brian be the next boss? - 10/28/02 10:17 PM

I think what happened there was someone unlocked it to get inside and left it unlocked, then some animals got in there and ate some money.

I have another reason why Brian could be the next boss:

He's blood. They made the point of emphasizing that Christopher is blood to Tony. We always knew that but only is passing references. Why would they make Brian out out to be Carmella's cousin unless it was relevant?
Posted By: Snake

Re: Could Brian be the next boss? - 10/28/02 10:20 PM

Brian's intelligent, but I don't think he has the street smarts necessary to pull off something like that. After all, he's not going to be dealing strictly with corporation heads if he tries to steer Tony into legitimacy. I predict Carmela will find out about Brian's rubbin' elbows with Tony and put a stop to it; OR there may be some fallout from his getting his suits from Patsy's stolen merchandise...or both. OR, as Paul pointed out, Tony himself may clean Brian's clock.

(And yeah, getoverhere, I believe Carmela took it. She looked too smug in the previews )
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Could Brian be the next boss? - 10/28/02 10:24 PM

I see it in a different way....I see Tony using Carm's Family member with no regrets and he will turn on him like a bum on a ham sandwich when he gets bad advise. Just another wedge between him and Carm.

By the way that kid is lame and no one will follow an outsider like that no matter who says so.....

as far as I can see I don't think I would jump to anything after seeing previews....they haven't directed us the right way yet!
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