
Favorite Sopranos Enemy

Posted By: Snake

Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 03:31 AM

I would've done this "poll" style, but since I haven't completed season 3 yet, I would've left out some! Anyway, which of Tony's enemies is your favorite...you know, the one you love to hate?


My favorite thus far is/was Richie Aprile. I'd seen the actor in other bit parts, the last of which was an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. In that one, he was such a quiet, meek, timid guy. But then I saw him in season 2 of The Sopranos! Man! Total transformation! I absolutely hated the guy! I don't think I've experienced such joy in a long time as when Janice popped 2 slugs in the bum!
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 04:35 AM

I agree 100%, Snake! Richie was not only the best and most convincing Tony-enemy, he was also the best new-starter character in the series so far. All the other enemies had something comical or vulnerable about them, but not Richie--he was pure menace! Interesting that he was played by David Proval, who was a pudgy, almost-lovable character in Scorsese's "Mean Streets" (which I continue to urge you to see, if you haven't already).
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 05:06 AM

Yes, that scene really surprised me!!! I didn't expect it, but wasn't sorry to see him Whacked either!!!


Btw Turnbull, what is your opinion of the Sopranos? I assume you like it??? How about in comparison with the GF series?? Just curious since I value your opinions on these shows/movies!!
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 05:17 AM

How about Tony's mother.

but seriously I like Ritchie Aprile, plus I like Ralphie(cannot remember his last name though)
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 05:19 AM

Yes Iceman, How about Tony's mother??? Wasn't she the most annoying person ever!!!!! No wonder Tony has "issues"!!

Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 03:21 PM

Richie Aprile was a good enemy, especially since the first thing he did when he was introduced to the show was beat the crap out of that pizza guy and then later paralyze him by running into him with the car.

To me, Ralphie so far is a nuisance rather than an enemy. Plus, Joe Pantoliano really doesn't seem thuggish enough to be a mafia guy. It's probably because I've seen him in a lot of other things like The Fugitive, Memento, the Matrix, and even La Bamba.

I found Livia annoying but I never really thought of her as an enemy either, even though she tried to have Tony whacked.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 04:02 PM

I always liked Richie he was one of my favorite characters in The Sorpanos. But it seems like everything I like turns right into shit. Wow Ralphie was in La Bamba. Ive seen that show like a hundred times.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 05:02 PM

When I first was watching Richie I hated him and wanted him dead, and was happy when he bit it! But in retrospect, I hated him so much cuz he was such a GREAT character!! I now just wish he wasn't killed so soon - Ralphie is okay, but doesn't compare to Richie. Livia was annoying, but not so much an enemy...

Posted By: Snake

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
Interesting that he was played by David Proval, who was a pudgy, almost-lovable character in Scorsese's "Mean Streets" (which I continue to urge you to see, if you haven't already).
I swear to you, Turnbull, I'm gonna watch it! In fact, when I picked up The Sopranos 3, I asked the guy if they had it on DVD and he said "no." So now, dense me, I don't know if he meant it wasn't available on DVD (although it seems I recall seeing it somewhere) or they just didn't have it. It was Best Buy, and they usually carry the DVDs until they're either discontinued or getting dated. I suppose if I can't find the DVD, I'll check Blockbuster and try to rent it on VHS (if they have it).
Posted By: Don Corpuzzi

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/02/02 06:59 PM

Originally posted by DonPalentino:
Wow Ralphie was in La Bamba. Ive seen that show like a hundred times.
He played Ritchie Valens' manager/agent. In the movie, he's bald.
Posted By: Don_oF_Miami

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/03/02 04:21 AM

I agree Richie did great acting for Sopranos 2nd season. He was the man you loved to hate. But in the end when I watched the season all over (about 30 times) I kinda felt sorry for him. I noticed he did try to keep the peace between him and Tony. He did seem a little too rushed about getting his business back but who wouldnt after doing a dime? At times I swear I felt really bad the way Tony treated him but I also understood Richie would do shit that would annoy the hell outve anyone. Dont get me wrong Tony is my favorite charactor besides Christopher but I didnt agree with every decission he made. Anyone else feel the same?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/03/02 04:46 AM

TIS: I watch "Sopranos" religiously, and here in NJ, "Sopranos" is practically the State Emblem, but a GF Trilogy it ain't. (For my HBO money, "Sex in the City" is the best show on TV.)
Corpuzzi: You're right on the money: Ralphie is more a nuisance than an enemy. But Pantoleone played a really menacing character in "Bound," a little-known but terrific Mob/heist movie.
Snake: "Mean Streets" is on DVD--I own a copy, bought it from Amazon.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Favorite Sopranos Enemy - 09/03/02 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
Snake: "Mean Streets" is on DVD--I own a copy, bought it from Amazon.
Thanks for the tip, man! I dunno, though, about Ralphie being just a nuisance, Turnbull. Of course, I've only seen the first six episodes of season 3 as of this post. But from what I've seen, he's pretty friggin' wicked!
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