
Consiglere - Sopranos

Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Consiglere - Sopranos - 07/04/02 03:08 PM

I apologise for the spelling.

Yes I know what it means.

What I want to know is if each capo has his own consiglere, or if only the boss normally has a consiglere.

Like in the first season of the Sopranos the guidebooks describe Silvio as Tony's consiglere, even though Tony is still only a capo.

Does this mean that Raymond Curto, Jimmy Alteri
and Larry Boy Barese had their own consiglere's too?

I was never clear if Mickey Palmice was Junior's consiglere or just a soldier.

Some use he was as anything!

Thanks a lot.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Consiglere - Sopranos - 07/04/02 03:15 PM

I don't believe so, WiseGuy_1872 (and welcome to the boards, btw!). Mikey wasn't either, although he was supposedly being bumped up at the time he was bumped off. I'm not sure what he was being bumped up to, though. Actually, we're never told, but I'm just going by what little I know about Mafia stuff, The Godfather, etc. Say, where's Turnbull when you need him? Oh, Tuurrnnbuulll...
Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Re: Consiglere - Sopranos - 07/04/02 03:44 PM

Thanks a lot Snake - you're right where are the experts when we need them!!

I think taking advice from Mikey Palmice is a bit like sticking a gun in your mouth.

As Raymond Curto said

"Mikey Palmice has been a disease since the day he was born"
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Consiglere - Sopranos - 07/04/02 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Wiseguy_1872:
I apologise for the spelling.

Yes I know what it means.

What I want to know is if each capo has his own consiglere, or if only the boss normally has a consiglere.

Like in the first season of the Sopranos the guidebooks describe Silvio as Tony's consiglere, even though Tony is still only a capo.

Does this mean that Raymond Curto, Jimmy Alteri
and Larry Boy Barese had their own consiglere's too?

I was never clear if Mickey Palmice was Junior's consiglere or just a soldier.

Some use he was as anything!

Thanks a lot.
Only the Boss of the Family has a Consigliere. No one else. In the first season of Sopranos, Jackie Aprile was the boss. However he is struck with cancer and appoints Tony acting Boss. So even though tony is a capo, he is now "acting" boss and makes Silvio his Consigliere. Later on, after Jackie Dies, in order to avoid an all out war, and hea6t from the feds, Tony makes Uncle Junior believe that he is the new Boss, while all along Tony is the one really calling the shots. As for Mikey Palmice, I don't believe that he was a consigliere, I think that he was just a soldier who played bodyguard to Uncle Junior.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Re: Consiglere - Sopranos - 07/04/02 03:53 PM

Thank you Don Cardi.

All my respect.
Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Re: Consiglere - Sopranos - 07/04/02 05:21 PM

Don Cardi - with due respect.

I don't know if Tony was ever officially made 'Acting Boss' in Season 1. Remember Jackie Aprile himself was the Acting Boss for real boss Eckley Di Meo.

I just think it worked out that way - Tony was liked by the other capos so Junior just had to take it.

The fact is when Jackie died, Tony didn't want the heat and the strong possibility of 'time as a guest of the government' that came with it. Also, there was frequent mention of Junior being backed up by New York.

Anyway, I won't quibble. Any confusion I'm sure was intended. I bet real wise guys love to confuse the government about who is in charge of what.

Thanks a lot for your info on the role of consiglere. Silvio's advisory role is never clear, but he does have habit of telling Tony what's going on.
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