
The Drama

Posted By: CommonMafiaHood

The Drama - 11/22/04 10:30 PM

Hey, i have a serious problem. My sisters freinds argue with me that the drama in the godfather movies is really stupid. they say that the drama in movies like Donnie Darko, shows like 7th heaven and everwood, smallville, one tree hill are much better...and i cannot beleive that anyone can be that stupid. does anyone agree with her? please post your thoughts...and it would be great if someone who has my opinion could post something that will tell me exactly how the drama in the godfather movies is better.

I would love to hear the thoughts on this. Thanks everyone!
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: The Drama - 11/22/04 10:36 PM

The GF Trilogy is first class drama:


What more Could you ask for cool
Posted By: olivant

Re: The Drama - 11/23/04 12:37 AM

I'll go 50-50 with you on a hit man to eliminate your sister's friends.
Posted By: Silvio

Re: The Drama - 11/23/04 05:38 AM

I found Donnie Darko to be incredibly overrated
Posted By: CommonMafiaHood

Re: The Drama - 11/23/04 07:15 PM

Exactly! People like them like that kind of shit because that it appeals to them, because they are teenagers and this stuff they can relate to. But the truth is, its incredibly unrealistic. But my sisters friend still holds the idea that the godfather is stupid, makes no sense, and this stuff teaches more a lesson on life. But if you look at it, this stuff just shows u that if u get pregnant, you need to get your life together? I watched 7th heaven last night and its so unrealistic! It had some 18 year old girl who is pregnant and thinks the father is cheating on her. She does nothing but bitch and moan. And some other guy gets this girl pregnant and doesnt know how to tell his family. Goddammit!
But the godfather teaches you a better lesson on life, that you can use the rest of your life, not just as a teenager.
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