
Godfather and The Simpsons

Posted By: Raymondo Corleone

Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/26/03 08:39 PM

Hi all,
Just watched an episode from the new series of the simpsons on Sky One, and about half the episode revolved around the Godfather. It was well funny, did anyone else see it? Maggie wanted a bed-time story so Moe told her the story of the Godfather, and then the Godfather Part II. He even cut up an orange and stuck it in his mouth, and then Maggie got caught up with Fat Tony cos he did the orange trick too. Very funny.
Posted By: Special Kay

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/26/03 08:58 PM

Yes, that episode (although not as funny as others) still remains one of my favorites.

Other great GF references on Simpsons:

Marge's impression of Sonny beating up Carlo


Sudio Exec 1: This is worse than Godfather 3

Studio Exec 2: Now, let's not say things we can't take back orange
Posted By: Rota

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/26/03 10:20 PM

I found the Godfather Reference in the Season 3 episode "Lisa's Pony" pretty funny. They even had the GF music to accompany the scene where Lisa finds out there's a pony on her bed.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/26/03 10:51 PM

I never saw either of those eppisoded!!!!!!!! Im pissed because I thought I saw all of them. I like the one where BArt and milhouse find The comic book guys illegal videos. adn one of them is called godfather 3 good version.
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/26/03 11:03 PM

shit! I don't remember to see any of these episodes. Although, I'm already laughing with these quotations you said
this must be awesome, because The Godfather trilogy are my favorite movies (part 3 not that much) and Simpsons is my favorite tv show.
I think I may have seen these episodes, maybe all of them, but I watch Simpsons daily as far back as I remember and I just watched the Godfather for the first time this year, so I may have watched them and I didn't get the jokes.

PS: don't you think that before start watching TV at all, people should watch The Godfather? is amazing how many quotations are there about it. I have seen in Seinfeld, analyze this, that's 70 show, my wife and kids, you've got mail and som others
Posted By: TheCrazyMan

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/26/03 11:28 PM

Let's not forget the bit where Homer imagines himself as a Don, and he looks like Fanucci from GF II in the white suit and hat. One baker going up to him asking to try his pastries.

"Now that's-a a good-a donut."

Priceless stuff man.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/27/03 01:03 AM

Never seen that one,Crazyman, but the other ones are great.By the way,Fat Tony is voiced by Joe Mantegna.Go to snpp.com and search for Godfather referances. You'd be suprised.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/27/03 01:52 AM

I like the one where Bart works as a bartender for Fat Tony and one of the milking rats is wearing a wire when the cops come. so fat tony says to the rat, "ur not a brother ur not a friend... ur nothing to me."
Posted By: Enzo da baker

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/27/03 02:15 AM

this is all funny.i love Simpsons and godfather refs. cant think of anymore right now but i love them lol
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/27/03 02:19 AM

Theere is alot of simpson mob references. My favorite one was the one whre FAt tony and his gang attack Homer at his house. baby maggie starts shooting at them and fat tony says, "Johnny tightl lips, can u see the shooter?"
He replies, "ehhh, I see alot of things."
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/27/03 02:47 AM

Originally posted by raggingbull2003:
... "ur not a brother ur not a friend... ur nothing to me."
Actually he says,"You're not a pet ,you're not a friend...."
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/27/03 03:33 AM

oops! my bad.
Posted By: Researcher

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/27/03 11:03 PM

Guys, post these episode names! I really want to see em, of the one's you've mentioned i've only seen the Lisa's Pony one, and The Strong Arms of the Ma (the one where Marge beats up a mugger Sonny style). Post the names grin !
Posted By: Rota

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/28/03 12:39 AM

The Fat Tony one is on Season 3 in the episode "Bart the Murderer." However, I'm not sure if the character appeared again, or if Joe Mantegna reprised his role.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/28/03 12:54 AM

Yes Fat Tony has been Joe Mantegna many times
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/28/03 01:46 AM

Thers a Scarface Refrence...

"In this country, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the woman"

This is when he got a stash of Sugar
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/28/03 01:48 AM

Really?! That's awesome! Which one is that? (Whats it about?)
Posted By: Rota

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 10/29/03 12:31 AM

Yeah, Mike what episode is that? Oh, and thanks for clarifying the thing about Fat Tony.
Posted By: Researcher

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 11/05/03 11:37 AM

Keep providing the titles people grin
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 11/06/03 02:21 AM

The one with the Scarface referance is called Lisa's Rival. its pretty funny. Homer is protecting his pile of sugar in the backyard and says to Marge in a Cuban accent,"In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women..." and snores(not snorts)
Posted By: DannyMontana

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 02/08/04 07:22 AM

A am gonna have to bump this thread up because I just remembered another Simpsons-Godfather reference. In the episode where Apu is having an affair, Homer has a flashback of Apu's wedding and Homer gets up on stage, takes the microphone and tries to sing the song from Connie's wedding in GF 1. I myself could not stop laughing.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 02/09/04 02:59 AM

There's one w/ Don Vittorio and he makes Krusty and Homer ride through a loop on a mini bike and Homers head hits the wine glasses on the bar and it plays the Sicilian theme(when Mike first saw Applonia)
Posted By: boneear

Re: Godfather and The Simpsons - 02/09/04 05:32 PM

This isa thread I made in the TV secion...
Don Homer
Some of the highlights ohwell
When Bart works as a cocktail waiter in Fat Tony's 'Legitimate Businessmens club':
'Bart: Uh, say, are you guys crooks?
Tony: Bart, um, is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving
Bart: No.
Tony: Well, suppose you got a large starving family. Is it wrong to steal
a truckload of bread to feed them?
Bart: Uh uh.
Tony: And, what if your family don't like bread? They like... cigarettes?
Bart: I guess that's okay.
Tony: Now, what if instead of giving them away, you sold them at a price
that was practically giving them away. Would that be a crime, Bart?
Bart: Hell, no!'


Fat Tony: "Than it is agreed, our website will be crime.org"

And Homer: "Mmmmmm Organised crime"

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