
Nice Guy?

Posted By: Santino Felice

Nice Guy? - 08/19/04 06:55 PM

Don Tommasino was looked as being a nice guy, but after killing Don Ciccio ( who was the bos of the town), didn't that make Don Tommasino the new boss of the town? and there aren't that many "nice" bosses in Sicily
Posted By: that.fat.clemenza

Re: Nice Guy? - 08/19/04 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Santino Felice:
Don Tommasino was looked as being a nice guy, but after killing Don Ciccio ( who was the bos of the town), didn't that make Don Tommasino the new boss of the town? and there aren't that many "nice" bosses in Sicily
It was Vito who killed Ciccio, Tomassino was there as backup, and he took one in the leg for his troubles. It is interesting to think about how that left that Family after the murder. I'm sure someone was in line by then anyway, given how old and weak Ciccio was when he was assasinated.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Nice Guy? - 08/20/04 01:28 AM

No, he was not a nice guy.His role was explained more in the book. He was a protector for the rich land owners,he kept the poor from makeing claims on it.He also prevented damns from being made,as he controled the water.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Nice Guy? - 08/20/04 02:25 AM

The only people we see him around are Vito and Michael. They were his friends, so he was nice.
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