
Worst Scene in Trilogy

Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/19/04 01:51 PM

I know everyone here is going to pick a scene from Part III, but really, are there any bad scenes in Parts I & II?

Mine is...

Part III - Atlantic City massacre. This is soooo corny. I mean come on, FCC & MP, you couldn't come up with a better line than "This is my lucky coat!" Really bad, man. I also hate the various Don's running around and then flailing their arms as they're shot. It's funny after a while. And where most of Part III was able to keep the modernization hidden, this scene used a helicopter.

Didn't gel.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/19/04 02:27 PM

Alas, GFIII has so many bad scenes that it's hard to choose a "worst." My vote goes for Vincent's goodbye to Mary at the opera house, closely followed by Vincent and Mary making it in the restaurant kitchen.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/19/04 02:55 PM

I must agree. That whole gnocchi scene is awful. Andy Garcia is incredibly sexy, but that whole scene just left me cold.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/19/04 05:26 PM

The meeting with Frank Pentangeli and the Rosato brothers in the bar. Too confusing.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/19/04 06:22 PM

Hanger, I also thought the helicopter massacre was a bit ragged and corny. Besides "my lucky coat" another unconvincing moment was the Don muttering "sonofabitch" through his bloody mouth. And as usual, there were too many bullets flying around for Michael, Vincent and Neri not to get hit. Everyone but them?

GF- hard to come up with a bad scene. I think there are some lines that are written or delivered poorly. When Don Vito brings Sonny's body to Bonasera and says, "are you ready to do me this service." Sounds like he is asking him to change the oil in his car. Too stiff and stilted.

GF2 - Rocco getting shot and falling. Bad job.
Posted By: Buttmunker

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/20/04 11:21 AM

The worst scene in Part II: any scene with Diane Keaton, particularily when Kay is telling Michael that "it was an abortion." Diane Keaton is a great actress, but you wouldn't know it from watching this overdramatic performance. "All this must end..." Oy.

Too many bad scenes in III to mention.

Part I: I may be in the minority, but I thought the opening scene in GFI after Bonasara asks, "you my friend...Godfather?" and he takes the Don's hand and kisses it. "Good," Vito says and it just seems kinda...weak. Aside from that, there isn't much bad you can say about the original. "Bada-beep-bada-bap-bada-boop-bada-beep!" and there you have it.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/20/04 05:46 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Buttmunker:
[QB] The worst scene in Part II: any scene with Diane Keaton, particularily when Kay is telling Michael that "it was an abortion." Diane Keaton is a great actress, but you wouldn't know it from watching this overdramatic performance. "All this must end..." Oy.

rolleyes You have got to be kidding. Kay was outstanding in all three films, especially in the scene that you reference. This scene is central to the theme of the entire second movie, possibly the trilogy: how Michael loses the people he cares about most while gaining power through murder & deceit.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/20/04 06:00 PM

You tell 'em, goombah!!!

Can't dictate how anyone feels about any particular scene, but to view that one the 'worst' is a vast underestimation of its impact on the entire film.

Keaton's delivery, by the way...was perfect. Can anyone even try to imagine the emotion of Kay when she's blurting all this out.

As for the TRUE worst scene of the Trilogy, I'll go along with those who mentioned the infamous 'gnoochi' event shared by Mary & Vincent.

Posted By: Silvio

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/20/04 06:04 PM

I dont know how parents fighting the death of their baby could be OVERdramatized tongue
Posted By: Busta

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/21/04 02:31 AM

Lately, Ive been seeing a lot of features on Diane Keaton and whenever they show clips of her from The Godfather, they always show the "abortion" scene. Mainly beacause It was a very well acted scene by her and Al.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/21/04 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Buttmunker:
Part I: I may be in the minority, but I thought the opening scene in GFI after Bonasara asks, "you my friend...Godfather?" and he takes the Don's hand and kisses it. "Good," Vito says and it just seems kinda...weak.
eek Wow! That is my absolute favorite scene of the trilogy!

"Bonasera... Bonasera... What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? Had
you come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering
this very day. And that by chance if an honest man such as yourself should make enemies,
then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you."

My favorite dialogue of the trilogy.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/21/04 04:18 AM

This is a tiny scene, but it always irritates me.

The scene where Johnny Fontaine arrives and Connie goes running to him yelling "Johnny..Johnny.....Johnny, I love you!"

She just comes off as so fake in that scene, the way she is showing off to everyone that they are close. The acting is great though because I suppose that is how FFC wanted it to seem. Talia does a good job.
Posted By: Bella Mafia UK

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/21/04 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Krlea:
The scene where Johnny Fontaine arrives and Connie goes running to him yelling "Johnny..Johnny.....Johnny, I love you!"
Oh god...yes!!!! How irritating was that? smile smile

Scenes in GFIII I dislike: (1) Its only a small part, but when the whole family have arrived in Sicily for Tony's performance - there is a shot of the house they are staying in and brash American music is playing (nothing personal to Americans, but it just doesn't go with the Sicilian backdrop!).
(2) When Michael and Kay are talking in the kitchen after he has taken her out on a tour of the area for the day - he tells her that when he lived in Sicily before, and got married, he spent a lot of time in that room thinking of her. I know this is an issue which has been debated a fair bit in this forum, but my belief is that the minute Michael set eyes on Appollonia, Kay was well out of the picture. That statement from him just didn't ring true, and actually ruined my view of his relationship with Appollonia in the first film.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/21/04 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Bella Mafia UK:
... there is a shot of the house they are staying in and brash American music is playing (nothing personal to Americans, but it just doesn't go with the Sicilian backdrop!).
I was listening the the director commentaries the other day and FFc said the reason that scene was in there is becuase he liked the idea of it.Nothing more rolleyes
.... but my belief is that the minute Michael set eyes on Appollonia, Kay was well out of the picture. That statement from him just didn't ring true....
That is just another lie.Its trying to show Michael cant not lie to Kay. Notice she is standing in the very same spot that Applonia is in the first one after Mike shuts the shutters.There is now way he was thinking about Kay.
Posted By: UnderBoss

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/24/04 09:16 AM

I perused most of the posts and I would say some of those are under the general quality level we expect from the GF trilogy. I would have to disagree with the helicopter massacre; it was a very creative scene I felt. But I do think FFC's attempt at levity fell a little short here with the “my lucky jacket” line. It defiantly was one of the cheesiest, capricious and out of place pieces of dialogues.

Personally, I think the worst scene was where Mary was sitting with Michael on their patio eating lunch and have a “heart to heart”. In this scene Mary (Sofia Copolla), tries expresses her affection and devotion for her family. I feel this is a horrible scene because it’s so poorly acted by Sofia Copolla, who can’t even fain sincerity, this of course is contrasted by Al Pacino’s excellent acting in this scene, that seems to have been pulled off with the same ease that he would have eating an orange. Also this scene is supposed to be all about the acting and due to the almost awkward acting on the part of Sofia, I feel much is lost here.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/24/04 06:49 PM

I hate the scene in Part III where Michael, Mary, and Anthony are walking along the wall in Sicily, and Anthony delivers the line "How can a country that's so beautiful, be so violent?" Cheesy delivery. And the following few minutes, when Michael confronts Mary about her relationship with Vincent. The whole "Then I love him first," and "NO DAD!", its the pinnacle of terrible acting in that film. Damn that Wynona Ryder and her tummy ache!! If only she had been well enough to play Mary....
Posted By: Mickey

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/25/04 12:50 AM

I'm going to go along with whoever said any scene with Diane Keaton. I especially dislike when Kay and Michael are dancing at the party in the beginning of Godfather II. She delivers some cheezy lines in that scene.

Michael: How's the baby?
Kay: Sleeping inside me.
Michael: Does it feel like a boy?
Kay: Yes. Yes it does, Michael.

I mean, come on!! Seriously, who the hell talks like that?

Then she proceeds to hassle Michael about making the Corleone family legitimate. Leave him alone for christ sake!! Let him handle his business!!
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/25/04 01:57 AM

is not the worst, but I don't like that whole scene when Michael is riding in Sicily with Calo and Fabrizzio, then they meet Appolonia, talk to her father and all that stuff. is not a bad scene, I just find it one of the most boring in the trilogy. the worst scene, in terms of acting and filmmaking at all, has to be anyone with Mary Corleone at it.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Worst Scene in Trilogy - 07/25/04 02:35 AM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
... The whole "NO DAD!", its the pinnacle of terrible acting in that film.
That is quite possiblly the most expressionless line ever said.
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