
Funniest moment of the trilogy...

Posted By: Patrick

Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 03:24 AM

Just wondering, but what is everyone's funniest moment of the trilogy? Two that come to the top of my head are when Clemenza in getting drunk drinking the wine at Connie's wedding and the other one is in Part III when Vincent meets with Joey Zasa in Mike's office. Vincent starts shouting and Mike mumbles, "Well, he's got his father's anger" or something like that. -Pat

EDIT: I also laugh when Vito mocks Fontane and slaps him.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 04:42 AM

While not the funniest, I always get a chuckle everytime I see the scene in Part III when Michael tells Connie "Maybe they should fear you!" Just the irony of it all, how Mike used to be, and how Connie used to be, it seems as if the roles had reversed.
Posted By: EnzoBaker

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 04:55 AM

When Signore Roberto first tries to blow Vito off in the street, then he finds out who Vito is and comes sniveling into his storefront about ready to piddle his pants.

What a misunderstanding!! Holy Mary!!

lol lol
Posted By: Silvio

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 04:56 AM

"hey Mikey why dont you tell that nice girl you love her?....I love you with all my heart!"

That always cracks me up
Posted By: Mickey

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 06:11 AM

I like the flashback scene at the end of part II, when Fredo tries to congratulate Mike, and then Sonny breaks up the handshake. To me, there's a lot funny about that scene: Fredo's use of the word "swell", the look on his face and the way he clutches his wrist after. Actually, Fredo was ripping it up that whole scene. His "they didn't know it was pop's birthday" comment is priceless. And I like how after Mike says that he enlisted in the marines, everyone gets quiet for a second, then Fredo snaps a carrot or something in half, with a comical look of disbelief on his face.

I don't know why, but ever since I saw that scene, I've always wanted to break up a handshake the way Sonny does. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to do so.
Posted By: sicilianspider

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 06:25 AM

I have to agree with EnzoBaker, that the Signor Roberto scene with Vito and Genco was entertaining. It was a complete role reversal with Roberto's added inability to open a door... Plus there was Genco's "He'll hide out in the Bronx" comment.

Some other funny scenes would have to be Michael's "true story" he told Kay about Johnny Fontane's contract.. It was also amusing when Vito was messing around with Johnny in his office.

Something oddly funny was also Luca Brasi's speach:

I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your daughter's.. wedding... on the day of your daughter's wedding. And I hope that their first child be a masculine child.... cool
Posted By: ScarfaceRH

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 06:30 AM

In Part I, I believe after Vito tells Johnny to "act like a man" we see Tom laughing. To me, that is pretty funny. He just looks like he knows he isn't supposed to be laughing, but is doing it anyway.

Also, in Part II, when Fanucci appears in the car Vito is driving and makes that noise (I'm not sure what it is). I find that pretty funny lol .
Posted By: tpbrcombo

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 07:07 AM

Part III: In the meeting between Michael, Joe Zasa and Vincent, I always liked how Vincent angrily demanded the last word in his speech "It's a little foolish of this guy, don't you think? Right? RIGHT?" and Michael is visibly startled, almost jumping in his seat, as if nobody has ever raised their voice in his office before.

Part II: The metamorphosis of Pentangeli's ad-libbed Italian song into "Pop Goes The Weasel".

But I agree, the funniest moment in the whole trilogy is Vito Corleone mocking Johnny Fontane "What am I gonna do?". I think you can actually see Al Martino laughing as well as Robert Duvall (as ScarfaceRH pointed out).

Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 12:13 PM

It's funny how Calo mimics Fabrizio when he is describing Apollonia. "... a bocca" lol

Fredo's "SCRAM!!" lol

And all of the Don Altobello scenes. lol
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 01:22 PM

"Make sure you're guys have the gun waiting there. I don't want my brother to come out of the bathroom with just his dick in his hand."

Hands down, funniest line in the trilogy.

Actually Sonny has a lot of them. I also like when Sonny gets mad over Mike joining the Army and then tells Connie, "Go show Carlo the tree."

I also like Clemenza: "Oh Paulie, won't be seeing him no more!" Classic.

Or Vincent in the helicopter: "I'd like to take Joes Zaza up in one of these and drop him."
Posted By: Don Matteo

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 02:00 PM

Anything with Fanucci is hillarious to me. The scene where he jumps into Vito's truck and makes that grunting sound is tops. Also, part of the deleted bonus DVD where Fanucci gets his neck slashed is funny (yeah yeah I know I am a sick puppy to find humor in that!).
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 04:34 PM

I like the scene where Pete is showing Mike how to make spaghetti sauce, and Sonny walks in and says "Hey, cut the crap, I got more important things for you to be doing," and then eventually takes a piece of bread and dips it in the sauce.
Posted By: Dirty Blonde

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 04:54 PM

I love the part when Don Vito asks Johnny Fontaine.."You spend time with your family?"
.."Of course I do.." 'Good..because a man that doesnt spend time with his family could never be a real man.." and he looks over at Sonny, who comes in fresh from the sex scene in the upstairs bathroom with his gumar. The look on Sonny's face is priceless!
Posted By: Shoeshine Tommy

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 08:14 PM

I love the part where Woltz says to Tom Hagen, "I don't care how many dago guinea wop greaseball goombahs come out of the woodwork." Then Tom says, matter-of-factly, "I'm German-Irish," and without missing a beat, Woltz says, "Well, let me tell you something, my kraut mick friend..."

Woltz had a slur ready for everybody.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 10:00 PM

I also love the scene where Tom starts laughing at Johnny Fontaine. It's so out of character for him, that I cannot help laughing at Tom, not Johnny.
Posted By: waynethegame

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/08/04 10:58 PM

I like two scenes in particular:

1) In part II when Young Vito is driving the car and Fanucci jumps up out of nowhere and does his little "Eyyyyy" thing.

2) Part III, Michael asks Vincent "What are you doing with my daughter?" and Vincent has this big grin.
Posted By: Santino Felice

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/09/04 02:19 AM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
the scene in Part III when Michael tells Connie "Maybe they should fear you!" Just the irony of it all, how Mike used to be, and how Connie used to be, it seems as if the roles had reversed.
I totally agree, its funny how they have changed as they have gotten older.

More funny parts are when Vincent tells the guy to not make any sudden moves that he is just gonna show him a "little" something, then shoots the guy.

When Vincent shoots Joey "JOEY (two shots) Za-Za (shot)"

When Fredo walts into the room where he has a band and girls ready for Michael in Vegas.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/09/04 08:24 PM

Pretty much any scene w/ Fredo involved,as he is sort of the comic relief character with his stupidity. "He's waiting for you to leave" The whole flashback scene is pretty funny. Part 3 is just a joke in itself. lol
Posted By: Don Cannoli

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/10/04 01:39 AM

How could you forget Clemenza's line after leaving Paulie, dead, in the car.

"Leave the car. Take the cannoli."

I also thought it was funny when the daughter called Momma Corleone after Carlo beat her up. Momma was on the phone, holding a screaming baby, and was saying in the phone, "What? What? I can't hear you!"
Posted By: Silvio

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/10/04 04:21 AM

Originally posted by Mickey:
I like the flashback scene at the end of part II, when Fredo tries to congratulate Mike, and then Sonny breaks up the handshake. To me, there's a lot funny about that scene: Fredo's use of the word "swell", the look on his face and the way he clutches his wrist after. Actually, Fredo was ripping it up that whole scene. His "they didn't know it was pop's birthday" comment is priceless. And I like how after Mike says that he enlisted in the marines, everyone gets quiet for a second, then Fredo snaps a carrot or something in half, with a comical look of disbelief on his face.

I don't know why, but ever since I saw that scene, I've always wanted to break up a handshake the way Sonny does. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to do so.
man I didnt even think of the flahback. When Sonny gets pissed and one of the daughters goes "Daddys fighting again! hehehe"
Posted By: Rudik

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/11/04 01:01 AM

In the whole Godfather there were a few funny moments.
part 1
When clemenza is making pasta and he is trying to teach michael and then sonny is like cut the crap, but in the end he takes a piece of bread and dips it in the sause

When Don Vito slaps Johhny and says you can act like man then mocks him by saying what can i do thats a classic

when one of michaels bodygaurds in sicily said sicilian women are more dangerous than shotguns....something like that

Part 2

When frankie is sleeping during the partty

Part 3
Vincente whole meeting with joe zaza it was funny

and michael telling johnny he is gooing to in kitchen to listen to some tony bennet records

and when michael tells kay maybe they should fear you

thats some of them lol lol lol lol lol lol
Posted By: JoeMudda

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/12/04 06:05 AM

I don't think it's supposed to be, but the whole helicopter scene in part III seems hillarious to me. For some reason it reminds me of synchronized swimming lol lol lol
And the guy with his lucky coat. confused smile lol lol lol
Posted By: Hut*Hut

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/12/04 07:06 PM

I love the bit with Pentangeli in the Court room.

The way he waves his arms nonchalantly as the chaos ensues is very funny.
'They kept saying Michael Corleone did this..and Michael Corleone did that so I said *waves arms*....SURE, why not?!'

I loved that actor Micaehl Gazzo, hes my second favourite performer in the whole trilogy after Al PAcino
Posted By: Santino Felice

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/12/04 07:11 PM

Just for your reference Rudik, "maybe they should fear you" is to COnnie

and the other line is " IN Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns"
Posted By: Sophia

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/12/04 11:12 PM

I have to agree with Freddie C - it' so funny when Calo repeats what Fabrizio says , like those were the only words to describe her -
Also, I think it's crazy funny how Johnny Ola is dressed in Orange. All the other men look so "important" and dangerous, and Johnny in orange?
Posted By: Angeli DiCapelli

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/16/04 09:24 PM

funniest moment...well...in GF1, Michael to Appolonia, "it would be safer to teach you english", Appolonia back..."I know English,...Sunday Tuesday, Monday Saturday...."

That and the ENTIRE seen with Signore Roberto and the young Vito in Genco...the look on RDN's face alone when Roberto will only lower the rent $5.00 is a laugher every time...
Posted By: clint1985

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/17/04 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Just wondering, but what is everyone's funniest moment of the trilogy? Two that come to the top of my head are when Clemenza in getting drunk drinking the wine at Connie's wedding and the other one is in Part III when Vincent meets with Joey Zasa in Mike's office. Vincent starts shouting and Mike mumbles, "Well, he's got his father's anger" or something like that. -Pat

EDIT: I also laugh when Vito mocks Fontane and slaps him.
My funniset monent of the trilogy when soong is talking to mike sayin he talkin this very personal lOl I love that bit.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/17/04 04:06 PM

I have to agree with some of the others on here. The funniest scene in the entire trilogy, for me anyways, is the Signor Roberto/young Vito scene at Genco Olive Oil, where Roberto comes to apologize. I laugh every single time I see that scene.
Posted By: Mickey

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/17/04 04:53 PM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
I have to agree with some of the others on here. The funniest scene in the entire trilogy, for me anyways, is the Signor Roberto/young Vito scene at Genco Olive Oil, where Roberto comes to apologize. I laugh every single time I see that scene.
I like that one too! "Da rent. Stays. Like-a before."
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/17/04 08:31 PM

Originally posted by EnzoBaker:
When Signore Roberto first tries to blow Vito off in the street, then he finds out who Vito is and comes sniveling into his storefront about ready to piddle his pants.

What a misunderstanding!! Holy Mary!!

lol lol
Yeah this scene really sticks out for me as well. I laugh every time I see it.
Posted By: cannoli

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/17/04 11:25 PM

Two: in GFI, when Luca gives his little speech to Vito and forgets his lines (at COnnie's wedding)

IN III when the old geezer who's shot full of holes during the helicopter death scene looks up and yells SONOFABITCH!!!
Posted By: Chancre

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/18/04 05:21 AM

During the "cake-cutting" scene in GFII, Michael's thug is attacked by birdshit. Mr. C must have liked it b/c it stayed in the final cut.
Posted By: Remember Vito Andolini

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/18/04 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Krlea:
I also love the scene where Tom starts laughing at Johnny Fontaine. It's so out of character for him, that I cannot help laughing at Tom, not Johnny.
Is it supposed to be like that in the script or Duvall lost it and FFC dedided to keep it in the final cut?
Posted By: Patches

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/20/04 03:17 PM

I laughed so hard when Don Altobello was asking that guy to hit Mike and he asks that guy to do the donkey in Part III. OMG that was hillarious!
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/21/04 07:37 AM

Another scene that really sticks out for me is in part 3. Although I guess it really isn't funny considering what happened, but at the atlantic city massacre this don refuses to leave without his coat.

"It's my lucky coat" then he's gunned down. Oh the irony in that.
Posted By: Cemetery Mink

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/21/04 10:01 AM

I'd have to say the "maybe they should fear you" scene, but for a different reason.

Pacino's delivery just makes it such a great "out of left field" come-back.

By deliberately saying it in such a childish way, he's mocking Connie's over-the-top seriousness. Great stuff.

Another good 'insult' from Michael Corleone; "you are what your are."

Having gone something like 2 years without watching those movies, I was actually under the impression I had invented that line myself, then realised where it was from when I watched Part III again.
Posted By: Alex Morello

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/22/04 11:48 AM

"Make sure you're guys have the gun waiting there. I don't want my brother to come out of the bathroom with just his dick in his hand."


And Godfather Part III. The whole movie was a joke lol
Posted By: gilbe99

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 07/24/04 06:28 AM

My top 5 hilarious Godfather moments

1. Part II. the coffee shop scene with Fannuci and young vito. Fannuci's creepy but hilarious grunting laugh after Vito tells him he is short on money.

-cracks me up every single time

2. Part I. the scene where Sonny whoops Carlos' ass WWE style with the garbage can lid. It was also great when he bit carlos' knuckles.

3. Part II. in the coffee shop when Fannuci gives his signature creepy ass hilarious grin and sips his espresso really quick.

- I dont know call me weird but i thought that was hilarious.

4. Part III. the scene at the opera where one of the characters on stage comes over to hug the other character and supposibly bites his ear. then the camera gets a close up of Vincent and he has himself a chuckle recalling his Tyson style moment with Zasa earlier in the film.

-The irony was what made me laugh

5. Part II. Yes i am in agreement with most of you Fannuci's surprise "come out of nowhere" stunt when he hopped into Vito's car with that classic: "eeeeeehhhhhhh!

-What can i say Fannuci is the funniest character in the whole trilogy hands down.
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 08/06/04 05:28 PM

the hores head in the bed was funny.Also Joey zasa said all bastard are lair that was funny too.
Posted By: Santino Felice

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 08/06/04 05:40 PM

A couple parts are funny

1. When the twins yell to their mother that Sonny is fighting again with uncle Michael
2. When Fredo brings Michael to the room in Vegas and waltz in, he looks like Andy Kauffman.
3. When Fredo gets to the hotel with the 2 Million and the guy tries to take his bag and he is struggling for it.

Also Mary's frolicing scene after Michael tells her she can't see Vincent, freakin teletubbie
Posted By: Santino Felice

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 08/06/04 05:41 PM

A couple parts are funny:

1. When the twins yell to their mother that Sonny is fighting again with uncle Michael
2. When Fredo brings Michael to the room in Vegas and waltz in, he looks like Andy Kauffman.
3. When Fredo gets to the hotel with the 2 Million and the guy tries to take his bag and he is struggling for it.

Also Mary's frolicing scene after Michael tells her she can't see Vincent, freakin teletubbie
Posted By: dragonwrangler95

Re: Funniest moment of the trilogy... - 08/07/04 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Alex Morello:
"Make sure you're guys have the gun waiting there. I don't want my brother to come out of the bathroom with just his dick in his hand."
Yeah that was a good line, I hate when that happens to me
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