
Similarities of Vito's hit and Hit on the Comission and aftermath

Posted By: UnderBoss

Similarities of Vito's hit and Hit on the Comission and aftermath - 06/25/04 04:03 AM

Has anybody else notice that the hit on Vito and the events that follow are very similar to the sequence of events surrounding the hit on the COmission in GF III?

I say that because this is the sequence of events for the hit on Vito. He is picking out fruit, he sees his assailents and then runs, fruit falls, he gets shot. Michael makes his bones, comes up with a fool proof plan to take out Solozzo, does it and Vito recovers.

In GF III, just before the hit, fruit starts to roll in abandon, caused by the helicopter's turbulance that's hitting the building. The hit on the commision takes place. Michael has a diabetic attack following this event, undoubtably due to the stress of event and the dread he has of being sucked back in, is hospitalized, goes into a coma and may or may not survive. (although this is different than being hit by bullets follow me on this one). In a very similar way as Michael did, Vincent discusses with Connie and Al Neri in the hospital chapel that hitting Zasa is the best way to go. Concocts an ingenous plan, that Neri and Connie both overlook goes for it, takes out Zasa. Michael survives and as Michael did, Vincent proves himself as Michael did with Solozzo.
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: Similarities of Vito's hit and Hit on the Comission and aftermath - 06/25/04 01:13 PM

Great point. I never really thought about it like that.

Whereas Vito's injury was physical from being shot, Michael's injury was more psychological at seeing his goal to go legitimate go down the drain.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Similarities of Vito's hit and Hit on the Comission and aftermath - 06/25/04 02:42 PM

Nice observation about the fruit rolling around.
Posted By: AllAboutTheFamily

Re: Similarities of Vito's hit and Hit on the Comission and aftermath - 06/26/04 04:59 AM

I did realize the similarities between the fruit in AC and at Vito's assasinatiopn attempt but I never looked into it as much as you did.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Similarities of Vito's hit and Hit on the Comission and aftermath - 06/27/04 03:03 AM

The movies,especially 3, have a lot of scenes and dialog similar to the other ones.
Posted By: Don Schulini

Re: Similarities of Vito's hit and Hit on the Comission and aftermath - 06/27/04 02:22 PM

What to think of the similarity of the setting in which Zasa and Fanucci are murdered. Both during a parade, in their own neighbourhood.
Posted By: Don Matteo

Re: Similarities of Vito's hit and Hit on the Comission and aftermath - 06/27/04 02:44 PM

1. The whole fruit thing is not an accident. See the other posting on this page about oranges.

2. From another perspective, you could also draw a parallel between Zasa's killing and the killing of Bruno Tattaglia. Both hits were ordered by those assuming power while the current Don was hospitalized and unable to make the call. Additionally, both hits were ones that neither Michael nor Vito respectively would have ordered. The key difference here is that Sonny ordered the hit on Tattaglia while Vincent did the deed himself, presumable because it was personal between him and Zasa. And of course it is hillarious when Vincent looks at him after the shooting and says "Zasa" in a funny way.

3. The common tie between the murders of Fanucci and Zasa is indeed being murdered during the festa in the nieghborhood. Unfortunately, I think this was a result of FFC borrowing old ideas for GFIII.
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