

Posted By: MrGreene

Wives - 06/18/04 06:11 PM

Hello everyone!
I've been thinking that the way Vito and Michael acted (beside their own personality) was influenced in certain way by their couple:

Mamma Corleone was devoted to her family. She cared about their sons, their grandsons and the family union. Was an important part of each and every Corleone. Even Mike resists to kill Fredo as long as she's alive. She never got involved into Vito's business (In GF II we saw her asking Vito to help a neighbor, and that's it). I would say that SHE WAS THE FAMILY.

In a opposite way is Kay. She always asked Michael to get out of the business.She aborted their son. She wanted to know what was the whole story about. She really made Michael go out of his mind. mad (I can't imagine Don Vito closing a door on Mamma Corleone's face).

Certanly both women had a strong personality. But they assumed their role in a very different way.

Whatcha think?

Posted By: Krlea

Re: Wives - 06/18/04 06:17 PM

Someone once told me that you can judge a man's character on the happiness of his wife and the respect given to him from his children.

Mamma Corleone always respected Don Vito. She would never disagree with him in public (from the book) and seemed to always be very happy. She seemed happiest with her husband and family.

Kay, on the other hand, came off as being naggy and obviously disrespected Michael when she went through with an abortion knowing full well what it would mean to him.
Posted By: UnderBoss

Re: Wives - 06/18/04 06:42 PM

Personally, I think both woman represent different aspects to both men. Mama, was old school, she allowed Vito to go along with what he wanted to do, she was happy but submissive in her role, old school.

Kay on the other hand represents new ideals and changing times and not to mention was Michael's better half literally (his voice of reason). I think Michael married her because he did want to go legit, but the allure of the lifestyle and the knowledge with which he has in running a family always gets the better of him.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Wives - 06/18/04 10:35 PM

Well, MrGreene, it's about time somene acknowledged the important role of the women. Great! smile
Mama Corleone was the heart of the family. She represented the tie with Sicilian ideals of family and parenthood. As long as she was alive, she stood for, "you can never lose your family," no matter what. That's one of the reasons Michael didn't whack Fredo until after she died. When she died, the only person in the world who could have kept that ideal alive in Michael died.
But Kay was influential in her own way. She was, to use a hackneyed phrase, Michael's "better half." She was the American ideal of "legitimacy." Although Michael's nature pulled him toward gangsterism, Kay constantly set within him a kind of dynamic tension between the dark side and what he wanted to be, even if he could't be.
Posted By: MrGreene

Re: Wives - 06/18/04 10:44 PM

Nice to read your comments.
I think all of us have this influence from our "other half". wink
Posted By: deathkiss

Re: Wives - 06/19/04 12:47 AM

Mamma, like ALL women in the turn of century, fell into the only role that was open to her. To care for her husband and children.

Kay, on the other hand, had more opportunities afforded to her. She was educated and was wanted to think for herself, instead her husband thinking for her. Unlike mamma, she did not feel that she had to stay married.

Connie wanted to be married in 1 and 2, but she had a problem in obeying anyone except her father.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Wives - 06/19/04 03:08 AM

Originally posted by deathkiss:
Mamma, like ALL women in the turn of century, fell into the only role that was open to her. To care for her husband and children.

Kay, on the other hand, had more opportunities afforded to her. She was educated and was wanted to think for herself, instead her husband thinking for her. Unlike mamma, she did not feel that she had to stay married.

Connie wanted to be married in 1 and 2, but she had a problem in obeying anyone except her father.
Plus Kay couldnt cook anything but Corned beef and cabbage eek
Posted By: deathkiss

Re: Wives - 06/19/04 08:35 PM

You know, I have never seen Kay do anything domestic, not even fluff a pillow. I doubt if she can make corned beef and cabbage.
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