
The Silent Scream

Posted By: secondvertigo

The Silent Scream - 06/02/04 05:51 PM


People refer to the silent scream at the end of Part III

Is it the moments before the audible scream?

Or is the DVD different? As I have just bought the DVD boxset and Michael's scream is "blood-chilling" after Mary is killed
Posted By: kasanova

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/02/04 06:01 PM

It refers to the moment when he realises what happens and falls back and just opens his mouth with dribble rolling down mouth lol

It was a silent scream

Great piece of acting by mr pacino.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/02/04 06:03 PM

i believe this is just one of the hair raising Pacino Acting. he is that good, we can feel the intensity or the very close to perfection of Pacino's acting. This is one of my favorite parts in the whole Trilogy.
Welcome to the Family SecondVertigo!

Posted By: Robo

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/02/04 07:31 PM

correct me if i am wrong, but wasnt that silent scream a sound editing feature? i forgot where i heard/read it, i think it was commentary during the movie but somewhere it mentions that pacino was actually screaming the whole time and they muted a portion of it to help build it up...then of course i could be wrong.
Posted By: secondvertigo

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/02/04 07:46 PM

It's difficult to figure out really, it appears at first as if he is simply opening his mouth in anguish, he can't seem to let it out, then BAM, he screams and it's like all that f**king guilt and rage that he has inside him just explodes all at once, we've all been there, you wanna shout but can't quite do it, something still has to unravel in your mind

But looking at it again, it looks like Coppola edited the first part out, that whole build up to it

6 and half a dozen really
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/02/04 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Robo:
pacino was actually screaming the whole time and they muted a portion of it to help build it up...
That's what i thought too.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/03/04 10:01 AM

I don't know if it was muted or if it was really Pacino... but that's the only part of GF3 that I liked, and I didn't just like it, I was amazed. That captures so well the moment where no sound comes out of your throat, and you can't close your mouth, and it feels like your throat is constricting and it starts to hurt... you get all of that feeling from that one moment. It's amazing.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/03/04 12:21 PM

It was definately muted because when the sound is back he was in the middle of a sustained scream. There'd be a sound change if he was just beginning to scream.

For being the crappiest of all the films that was certainly it's most powerful moment from all the trilogy.
Posted By: Don Lights

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/03/04 06:58 PM

yeah that final scream of angst is powerful. I also like the following sequence when he remembers all the women he loved, as it ends with him dancing with Mary, as to me these were his happiest times of life.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/04/04 04:16 PM

I dont think its muted, but I'll have to watch closer next time. Even before I saw 3, I used to (and still do sometimes) scream and no sound comes out.Its sort of like Mike didnt want to scream, but then its just like, fuck it, I cant hold it in anymore.That is one of the best,and most realistic scenes in the trilogy, in moives period.
Posted By: AllAboutTheFamily

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/05/04 06:26 PM

The ending of that movie was so suspensful and powerful, could be the most engaging scene in the whole trilogy-the whole sequence after, too, really brought you to understand Micheal, and the tragic life he lived.
Posted By: Don Matteo

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/08/04 03:03 AM

I intentionally watched this scene again. While the audio is definitely muted during the silent scream part, something interesting happens once it comes back on. Listen closely and you will hear Pacino take one big breath before the audible scream. Clearly the audio was dubbed in later, since the video shows a constant scream and has no evidence of Pacino stopping to take a deep breath.
Posted By: deathkiss

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/08/04 03:02 PM

The mute scream is intentiional. It represents a powerful hurt and angush that he cry out but no one hears him until the end. We see children cry out like this. I think FFC got that from King Lear.
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: The Silent Scream - 06/08/04 06:40 PM

When I first watched the movies, I thought he was going to die at that moment of a heart attack. Great acting by Pacino.
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