
Luca Brasi

Posted By: HevyDevyGK

Luca Brasi - 05/04/04 03:23 PM

Does anyone think Luca as better in the book than in the film. He's still brilliant in the film but I felt his character could have been more developed.
Posted By: Patches

Re: Luca Brasi - 05/04/04 03:34 PM

I think they should have included the scene with the midwife when he orders the newborn baby to be killed to show that really cold side of Luca.
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Luca Brasi - 05/04/04 03:51 PM

But michaels story about the band leader made us know he was a worthy ally to the don
Posted By: HevyDevyGK

Re: Luca Brasi - 05/04/04 04:58 PM

Yeah I thought if they had filmed the scene with the midwife and the baby it would have been quite good. but then it's not really necessary. And I don't think the actor playing Luca was very experienced
Posted By: goombah

Re: Luca Brasi - 05/04/04 09:08 PM

Originally posted by HevyDevyGK:
Does anyone think Luca as better in the book than in the film. He's still brilliant in the film but I felt his character could have been more developed.
I think Luca's character was victim of time limitation. There are only so many characters that you can develop in a movie without losing the audience, which ran nearly 3 hours as it was. The book has much more room to flesh out the roles of Luca, Johnny, etc.
Posted By: Robo

Re: Luca Brasi - 05/04/04 09:39 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
Originally posted by HevyDevyGK:
[b] Does anyone think Luca as better in the book than in the film. He's still brilliant in the film but I felt his character could have been more developed.
I think Luca's character was victim of time limitation. There are only so many characters that you can develop in a movie without losing the audience, which ran nearly 3 hours as it was. The book has much more room to flesh out the roles of Luca, Johnny, etc. [/b]
a similar story takes place in GFIII, the infamous twins that were very easily defeated by a single assassin, were originally written as having this amazing background of why they were so GREAT. listening to the commentary from FFC he wanted to create this story about them, but with the limited amount of time that was given by paramount he was not able to follow through with his objective.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Luca Brasi - 05/04/04 11:45 PM

I also feel that scene would have been too violent. I know that sounds crazy coming from a Godfather film, but involved a baby not grown men. It would have turned off alot of people to Luca Brasi. As it stood without the scene I actually really liked his character. If I had seen that scene I would never have been rooting for his character.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Luca Brasi - 05/05/04 01:42 AM

Originally posted by HevyDevyGK:
I felt his character could have been more developed.
Hey, thats what GF4 is for! No, I agree with you fully he was such a "scary" guy, but we never gets to see why exactally he was so scary,save for Mike's story.But in a way, it makes him even more scary, because you are left to imagine why he is so feared.
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Luca Brasi - 05/05/04 08:39 AM

I feel that both Al and Rocco didnt get enough character development, especially Neri, in the book he is given an entire chapter on how Michael saves him and makes him his enforcer his 'luca brasi' in the movie he just 'appears' FFC should have really at least filmed some scenes showing how he came to be there
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