
Awkward conversation

Posted By: mustachepete

Awkward conversation - 08/11/20 08:18 PM

So the last thing Michael said to Carlo is, "Come on -- get outta my sight." Just before that, though, he says, "There's a car waiting for you outside to take you to the airport. I'll call your wife, to tell her what flight you're on."

So, do you think that call took place? If so, what was said? I can see Michael at his desk: "Connie? This is Michael. I just wanted to let you know that Carlo just left...uh...for the airport. His ticket is for Flight 41, arriving at 10 tonight. What? Uh, no. I wouldn't go to meet the plane if I were you."
Posted By: olivant

Re: Awkward conversation - 08/11/20 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by mustachepete
So the last thing Michael said to Carlo is, "Come on -- get outta my sight." Just before that, though, he says, "There's a car waiting for you outside to take you to the airport. I'll call your wife, to tell her what flight you're on."

So, do you think that call took place? If so, what was said? I can see Michael at his desk: "Connie? This is Michael. I just wanted to let you know that Carlo just left...uh...for the airport. His ticket is for Flight 41, arriving at 10 tonight. What? Uh, no. I wouldn't go to meet the plane if I were you."

Oh no! Michael didn't want to give Carlo any indication about what was about to happen to him, so he told him something that seemed normal and natural to reassure him.

What I want to know about that scene is how and when did anyone get ahold of Carlo's luggage.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Awkward conversation - 08/12/20 03:16 AM

I doubt Michael told Connie anything about Carlo's disappearance because she could try to trace anything he told her.
Posted By: Lana

Re: Awkward conversation - 08/12/20 04:18 AM

“that call took place” Pete same as the call to Moe Greene “when the party started”!

Connie had already “Read the papers”! and knew
1. Michael “killed her husband”
2. “how many men he had killed with Carlo”
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