
A tale of two Pats......Geary and Webb.

Posted By: johnny ola

A tale of two Pats......Geary and Webb. - 12/27/18 02:53 AM

While watching Casino recently. During one of my favorite scenes when Pat Webb (L.B. Jones) was chatting with "Ace" Rothstein (Robert DeNiro), and trying to get his brother-in-law's job back. It occurred to me that it was mildly similar to the Pat Geary and Mike Corleone meeting. They both tried to remind Rothstein and Geary, they were guests in Las Vegas and were only endured by the local powers to be, for a price. Of course with Casino, good old boy Pat Webb, got to show who's boss. Even the senator (Dick Smothers) got away with nary a scratch.

"Mr. Rothstein. Your people never will understand the way it works out here.
You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you somethin', partner... you ain't home. But that's where we're gonna
send you if it harelips the Governor."
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: A tale of two Pats......Geary and Webb. - 12/27/18 03:20 AM

Welcome back, Johnny! wink
You're absolutely right about the connection between the two Pats. I posted a long time ago that, in the GFII era , Nevadans in public office who traced their families back a few generations thought they owned the state, could get away with any kind of questionable behavior, and had the right to lord it over any "newcomers." (BTW: Olivant said some Texans had the same attitude.) How else explain how Geary, a crook, a bribe-solicitor and a whorehouse patron, could lecture Michael about "coming out to this clean country, oily hair, dressed up i silk suits, and pass yourselves off as decent Americans." But Geary was a "decent Nevadan" by his definition. Same with County Commissioner Pat Webb, who knew he had the right to impose his incompetent, useless brother in law on Ace in a forever job.
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