
Who did he love more?

Posted By: astro

Who did he love more? - 04/20/04 11:34 AM

I'm just wondering who Micheal loved more? Apollinia or Kay? And did Kay mean it when she told him that she loved him in GF3?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/20/04 01:59 PM

Welcome Astro! smile

Although I realize many may marry, for whatever reason, without loving their spouse. I think Michael truly loved both. smile I don't think he loved one more than the other. They were different personalities of course, but I think his affection for both was sincere.

It's sort of like asking a parent which of their children they love more. I don't think there is an answer.

Posted By: kasanova

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/20/04 05:01 PM

Personally i feel it was Apollonia, she was his thunderbolt, and they were each others soul mates. The passion and affection they showed for each other, In my opinion shows that Mike loved her more than Kay.

When Michael proposed to Kay,although it was out of his love for her, i feel that his loss of Apollonia and his eagerness to gain a suitable spouse who would suit his new head of the family role and his eagerness to have children was the underlying factor in his choice to marry her. Not one primarily out of love, which was the reason he married Apollonia.
Posted By: ColinB

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/20/04 05:18 PM

Kay I think. He wanted a women not a girl.

If he was able to stay with Apolonia he would be completely surrounded with the Mob-culture. He needed Kay to anchor him to the outside world, a women who could think for herself with her own value system. There was still a part of Michael that yearned to be like he was at the start of GF 1.

IN the 3rd part he succeeded to an exent in getting back there. He had a lot to thank Kay for for that.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/20/04 06:43 PM

He did love both. But by the time he wooed Kay in New Hampshire, he was older, colder, more calculating. That scene in NH, with him dressed in a banker's homburg hat, the '47 Cad limo trailing him, is almost chilling. I don't doubt he loved Kay, but he also wanted her WASP credentials and persona to put the veneer of respectability on his life and business.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/20/04 08:14 PM

I do believe he loved Kay, but his true love would always be Apollonia. She was his thunderbolt, nuff said wink
Posted By: tuneturner

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/20/04 08:30 PM

I think Michael loved Apollonia more, not that he didn't love Kay, just loved her more. Apollonia was an old fashioned girl and she and her family "approved" of Michael and his way of life. Michael always had to "sell" things to Kay: He didn't kill his sisters husband, make the family business legit, I can change, etc.
I think Michael saw Kay as a vehicle to give him children to keep his way of family going.
Michael was always pretty even tempered and level headed no matter what was presented to him, except for when Kay told him she had an abortion eek
Granted what person would not be beside themselves but his reaction showed me he cared more for the children she could bare than her.
Posted By: Bella_Dana

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/21/04 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Krlea:
I do believe he loved Kay, but his true love would always be Apollonia. She was his thunderbolt, nuff said wink
i believe too he loved apollonia more. if she didnt die he would have been with her. but i also believe he loved kay in an other way.
Posted By: NotAnotherDon

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/21/04 02:51 PM

i'm not too sure about this, i don't think he really loved kay in the highest sense of the word, i mean hadn't he been back in the country for a year before he bothered finding her? and he got married to someone else when he was moved out of the country, not exactly the signs of someone deeply in love. i would add however that when said...

"his eagerness to have children was the underlying factor in his choice to marry her. Not one primarily out of love, which was the reason he married Apollonia."

at the time he seems to decide to marry Appollonia 'lose a father instead of....'
he hadn't actually even heard her say a word? whether he could have fallen in love with her just from seeing her walking in the field with those girls is a whole different question...
Posted By: Doc

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/25/04 02:07 AM

After Apollonia dies he loses all spontaneous rapport with woman.

paraphrased - I love you Kay. I believe we should be together Kay. We're for each other Kay.

It's all planned out.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/27/04 07:04 PM

It's always been noticeable to me how we are shown Michael's wedding to Appolonia, all it's beauty, love, and innocence. While Michael and Kay's wedding is never even referred to except when Michael says "I want to marry you, Kay." He loved Kay, but it would never be the same innocent and pure love he had for Appolonia.
Posted By: Chancre

Re: Who did he love more? - 04/28/04 10:51 AM

Without giving a definite answer ... clickety, click, click
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