

Posted By: Bozak

Woltz - 01/26/16 02:48 PM

So, I was watching the Godfather Epic last night and the scenes with Woltz brought up a question in my mind. When Tom first meets him, he explains that he's got one client and his client would be grateful if he gave Johnny the part in the movie. Woltz loses his mind and says that isn't going to happen.

Next scene is at Woltz's house. He asks Tom why he didn't tell him worked for Corleone. Said he thought he was just a hustler that Johnny sent. But then at dinner he tells Tom he knows all about the band leader story.

My question is, if Woltz knew about the band leader, why would he assume that Tom was just some hustler that Johnny sent. Why wouldn't he assume that this singer/actor with a well know connection to the mafia wouldn't use that connection to get the part?
Posted By: mustachepete

Re: Woltz - 01/26/16 03:04 PM

First, I think you have a good point.

It could be that when Woltz earlier told his flunky, "Check him out," that the bandleader story was one of the things the flunky brought back.
Posted By: Bozak

Re: Woltz - 01/26/16 03:22 PM

That's possible. But I think that since the band leader incident happened several years prior that the owner of a studio would have already known that, or would have at least heard the rumors, prior to Tom's visit.
Posted By: Mr. Blonde

Re: Woltz - 01/26/16 04:52 PM

At the time of their initial meeting, Woltz didn't know Tom was connected with Corleone. Even if Woltz had heard of the bandleader story before, he had no reason to link that with his new "kraut mick friend".
Posted By: mustachepete

Re: Woltz - 01/26/16 05:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Mr. Blonde
At the time of their initial meeting, Woltz didn't know Tom was connected with Corleone.

But if he had prior knowledge of the bandleader story, he would know Johnny had a connection to Vito, so if a mobster approached him about Johnny he could assume the Corleones were involved.
Posted By: Mark

Re: Woltz - 01/26/16 06:07 PM

Originally Posted By: mustachepete
Originally Posted By: Mr. Blonde
At the time of their initial meeting, Woltz didn't know Tom was connected with Corleone.

But if he had prior knowledge of the bandleader story, he would know Johnny had a connection to Vito, so if a mobster approached him about Johnny he could assume the Corleones were involved.

Woltz let his ego and libido get in the way of dealing with Hagen.
Posted By: Bozak

Re: Woltz - 01/26/16 07:58 PM

I would think the band leader story would have made the rounds in Hollywood. I think it's a safe assumption that Woltz at least heard the rumor. Just find it hard to believe that when Hagan said his client would be grateful if Johnny got that part, that Woltz didn't put 2 and 2 together at that point. Or maybe his brain had gotten soft from all that comedy he was playing with that young girl.
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Woltz - 03/30/16 02:32 PM

I always found it odd that Woltz would invite Tom over, imply a sort of fear now that he knows he works for Corleone, show him the horse, do his best to schmooze him over dinner...only to suddenly abuse Tom worse than he did before in their previous meeting!
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Woltz - 03/31/16 03:27 AM


The novel explains that Woltz invited Tom to ask him what it would cost him to settle the pending labor dispute that Tom referred to when he met Woltz earlier that day at the studio. Woltz didn't want an alliance with Vito, and especially didn't want to give Johnny the part. He was just interested in getting past the labor dispute.
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Woltz - 03/31/16 10:11 AM

Interesting that he didn't come from that angle in the movie, just more concerned about losing his piece of ass.

(Do we worry about Spoilers for a near 50 year old novel anymore??)
Posted By: olivant

Re: Woltz - 03/31/16 04:54 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull

The novel explains that Woltz invited Tom to ask him what it would cost him to settle the pending labor dispute that Tom referred to when he met Woltz earlier that day at the studio. Woltz didn't want an alliance with Vito, and especially didn't want to give Johnny the part. He was just interested in getting past the labor dispute.

True TB. In the film (and novel), Woltz's emotional outburst perfectly portrayed his failure to grasp the meaning of Tom's visit.
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