
DRAMA on the set of The Godfather

Posted By: Just Watching

DRAMA on the set of The Godfather - 04/10/04 01:59 AM

By listening to FFC's commentary on the DVD's, it is obvious that Paramount put him through a lot of drama in the making of these masterpieces. One point that I believe is very disrespectful is that fact that they hired another director to follow him around "just in case" he got fired! Do you all know WHY the drama happened in the first place? Did they just not like Coppola or something? Also, how did Brando act on the set? I heard that he had to beg for the part. It's so funny to me how there was so much turmoil "behind the scenes," but the movie ended up being a classic.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: DRAMA on the set of The Godfather - 04/10/04 05:01 AM

You can find all this, and much more detail, in Harlan Lebo's excellent "The Godfather Legacy." To answer your questions briefly:
1. FFC was a young, relatively unknown director at the time. Paramount hired him mainly because they thought he could do "The Godfather" on the cheap(!).
2. Brando was generally cooperative on the set and was a calming influence. Brando didn't have to beg for the part. Mario Puzo wanted him for Don Corleone. So did FFC. He rejected the script initially because he'd never before played an Italian. But he thought about it. Paramount execs didn't want Brando at all. But FFC showed up at Brando's home with a hand-held camera and did some screen tests with him. When Paramount execs saw the tests, they enthusiastically endorsed Brando.
There are plenty of other great stories in Lebo's book.
Posted By: Chilltown

Re: DRAMA on the set of The Godfather - 04/10/04 12:36 PM

Well, while it is certainly true that Part I served as more drama for FFC, the most 'drama' set of the three was apparently the third one. I think it had everything to do with the fact that everyone had an ego and had become so much bigger than they ever could have imagined. It was reported if i remember correctly in Vanity Fair's article "Under the Gun", that discussed the various fights and arguments that broke out on the set of GFIII. They included, if i remember correctly: the obvious Robert Duvall dropping out, Pacino asking for more money and FFC threating to rewrite/shoot the entire movie to begin with his funeral, Talia Shire and Diane Keaton's battle over top billing. Of course the biggest focus of the drama was the casting of Sofia as Mary which resulted in, once again not sure if i remember correctly, Pacino and Shire threatening to quit the movie. Also, Franc D'Ambrosio was treated poorly on the set by other castmates, crew, etc.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: DRAMA on the set of The Godfather - 04/10/04 04:20 PM

I wouldn't be surised that GFIII was a warzone... Al Had Gotten at Several More Nods for the Oscar, Diane got and Oscar for Annie Hall, Talia did great in the Rocky Films, Duvall got an Oscar for APocalypse Now. It was bound to happen!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: DRAMA on the set of The Godfather - 04/10/04 10:14 PM

Just to add to what Turnbull said regarding Brando's calming influence: Lenny Montana, who plays Luca Brasi, had no prior experience in acting, and his first scene to film was that of when Luca thanks the Done on the day of his daughter's wedding. With the camera facing Lenny and looking over Brando's shoulder, when Lenny was about to deliver his lines, Brando stuck his tongue out, attached to which was a piece of paper with the words "F**k You" (not CERTAIN on that specific detail though) written on it, sending Montana into fits of laughter.

Another time was when they were filming the return of the Don from hospital. The two guys carrying The Don's bed upstairs struggled mightily. It was because (they would later learn) Brando had weighed the bed down with loads of weights. ;D

Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: DRAMA on the set of The Godfather - 04/10/04 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Another time was when they were filming the return of the Don from hospital. The two guys carrying The Don's bed upstairs struggled mightily. It was because (they would later learn) Brando had weighed the bed down with loads of weights. ;D

That was in the commentary I belive... It helps to make Brando seem more human insted of a legend...
Posted By: Just Watching

Re: DRAMA on the set of The Godfather - 04/11/04 01:45 AM

Thanks, All, for the info. I will definitely pick up Lebo's book.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: DRAMA on the set of The Godfather - 04/11/04 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Chilltown:
It was reported if i remember correctly in Vanity Fair's article "Under the Gun", that discussed the various fights and arguments that broke out on the set of GFIII.
You know if that is on that magazine's(never heard of it) website? I'd like to read it.
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