
Is she lying?

Posted By: Hagit

Is she lying? - 04/04/04 07:16 PM

I've being wondering about it for some time: did Kay really aborted her child or was it a miscarrige after-all? I mean: it could be a misscarige with the shock after the shooting and after that she really did wanted to hurt Michael which she did. (Either way I don't like her)
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Is she lying? - 04/04/04 07:38 PM

I do believe it was an abortion. She blamed him for their unhappiness and believed he had turned "evil and unholy". She never wanted that type of life, she made that clear in the begining, and resented the fact that she was drawn into it.

Micheal might not have made the best decisions but I do believe it would have made a huge difference to have had a supportive wife, instead of a judgmental one. She never even gave him the benefit of the doubt, that maybe he was doing the right thing when he had Carlo killed. I always wonder what would have happenend if Appolonia (bad spelling) had lived and he had never gone back to Kay.
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Is she lying? - 04/04/04 07:42 PM

it was an abortion.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Is she lying? - 04/05/04 02:54 AM

It definatly was an abortion. Michael had become an evil person in her eyes and everytime she would have looked at any of her and Mikes children, she would have been reminded of that. She didnt need another one reminding her.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Is she lying? - 04/05/04 04:17 AM

A very interesting question, Hagit! Never thought about it before.
Yes, Kay could have lied about a miscarriage and told Michael it was an abortion to hurt him and to underscore her resolve. But I think that after the Tahoe shooting, she had enough resolve already to have the abortion. Look closely at the look she gives Michael after the shooting, when she's sitting with the children. If looks could kill...so she killed Michael's son "because all this must stop!"
Posted By: Bella_Dana

Re: Is she lying? - 04/05/04 07:50 AM

i do think it was an abortion.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Is she lying? - 04/05/04 12:50 PM

I don't think Kay would have ever 'made up' the abortion just to hurt Michael during that hotel room scene. In fact, I don't think she had ever originally intended to tell him about the abortion, and finally did only because he was so resistant to her leaving with the children.

Which was in itself a huge misjudgement, because as Michael said in his own words...what else would she expect him to do?

Anyway...she DID have the abortion it was not a lie. That's not how Kay ticks.

Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Is she lying? - 04/05/04 01:32 PM

Nice question. One of the few these days. I think it's an abortion.
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Is she lying? - 04/06/04 03:46 AM

This question was discussed before here:


Here is my opinion, again:

"I always thought that Kay really did have a miscarriage, and later lied to Michael about having an abortion. She wanted to hurt him so he would let her leave.

It would have been very very difficult for Kay to find a doctor to perform an illegal abortion. Kay was practically under "house arrest" at Tahoe. Hagen wouldn't let her out of the compound. Therefore, how could she go out and find a Doctor - WITHOUT HAGEN'S KNOWLEDGE - in the pre-Roe v. Wade days? I wonder if the mob ever had any control over illegal abortions? And, what doctor would perform an illegal abortion on the wife of Michael Corleone!!!???

Also, I don't think Hagen would lie to Michael. Therefore, Hagen also believed Kay had a miscarriage. Otherwise, we must believe that naive Kay was smart enough to fool Tom Hagen!!"
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Is she lying? - 04/06/04 02:06 PM

Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
...It would have been very very difficult for Kay to find a doctor to perform an illegal abortion. Kay was practically under "house arrest" at Tahoe. Hagen wouldn't let her out of the compound...
It can be assumed that although under house arrest (which is how Kay saw it but not Tom), Kay would still be allowed, even if heavily guarded, to keep Dr. appointments during her pregnancy. Even if a Dr. would have to be summoned to the compound to conduct the examination(s), it's even easier to assume that a woman in Kay's financial and social position could provide the means to have an abortion performed once she made the decision that it is what she would have to do.

Though Roe v. Wade was certainly years in the future...this was the 1950's, NOT the 1850's. Women like Kay could get certain things done behind their husband's backs.

When the film was made, I don't think there was anything in the writer's/director's minds other than that Kay Corleone in fact DID have the abortion.

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