
What's up with Kay's husband in GF3?

Posted By: RedSeal

What's up with Kay's husband in GF3? - 04/19/14 07:49 PM

I just noticed that she introduces her husband at the party at the start of the movie. Then he's never heard from again and she falls in love with Michael over the course of the movie? What's up with that? Just ridiculous writing or did I miss something?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: What's up with Kay's husband in GF3? - 04/19/14 09:31 PM

You didn't miss anything. Kay's husband was introduced briefly to show us that she'd remarried; and that since she and her husband attended Michael's investiture (prominently late) showed that they were at least on some terms of civility with Michael.
Posted By: paprincess

Re: What's up with Kay's husband in GF3? - 04/19/14 11:38 PM

From what it looked like Kay Married well. The man was educated... some lawyer I think.
Posted By: mustachepete

Re: What's up with Kay's husband in GF3? - 04/20/14 10:08 AM

The forum front page says, "What's up with Kay's h...," so I thought it was going to be, "What's up with Kay's hair?":

Posted By: paprincess

Re: What's up with Kay's husband in GF3? - 04/20/14 09:36 PM

I agree loll!! wtf is up with her hair?? did Michael scare it off the top of her freakin head or what??
Posted By: HandsomeStevie

Re: What's up with Kay's husband in GF3? - 04/21/14 01:30 AM

Honest to god I have never watched Godfather 3 because everyone says it was terrible. I just dont know how terrible it could really be I mean it is the Godfather and the first two were great. Im pretty sure Michael dies in the 3rd but shit they could of made 5 or 6 godfathers just like they did the rocky movies. It would of been pretty great in my opinion. But im going to have to check out GF3 and see it for myself.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: What's up with Kay's husband in GF3? - 04/25/14 02:59 PM

I always thought that Kay's husband was introduced for some reason that never came to fruition as FFC and Puzo improvised their way through GFIII. He was totally unnecessary. Some people have him as a lawyer and some have him as a judge, but whatever the case how in the world could he allow some trial to get in the way of his attending Tony's debut in Sicily except to move the plotline)? If he had a shred of power or influence he could have obtained a continuance of the trial and gone to Sicily. And while I am at it I repeat something I posted someplace else....Doug sent stupid telegrams. How could Anthony be such a bad singer in the shower and so good onstage?
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