

Posted By: Freddie C.

Anthony - 03/04/04 04:17 AM

Is it possible that Anthony Corleone was homosexual? Not that it is a big deal, but I think it's worth discussing. There is no concrete evidence of this, but there are some things that may be suggesting he was homosexual. He'd rather be an opera singer than a mafia don? The only major character in all three films without a hint of any kind of romance? The way he dressed and talked? And he was definitely a momma's boy. I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone. I just wonder what you all think.
Posted By: OleificioAndreassi

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 04:35 AM

never thought of that
not a bad theory tho

i always hated that character, I always thought it was just cus of the bad acting but maybe I hate him cus he really is gay

its possible
Posted By: Bella_Dana

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 09:12 AM

oleificio andreassi,

you say maybe you only hate him because he might be gay? why you should hate him if he would be gay, there is no reason for it. i dont really like the character of anthony either, but it doesn't really matter if he is gay or not. maybe i dont like him because i expected more from him because he was michael's son and he was totally different than michael was.
Posted By: EnzoBaker

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 10:37 AM

I don't get the impression that he's gay, but very pampered and snobby (probably very sheltered by Kay during his upbringing).
Posted By: Bella Mafia UK

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 10:48 AM

Anthony was brought up by Kay since he was a young boy, with possibly very little influence from his father or his father's family. After her bad experiences with the Corleones, Kay probably actively encouraged him to be as different from them as possible, encouraged him to be un-macho and take an interest in music and art etc etc. Perhaps she hoped (knowing how similar he was to the young Michael) that he would turn out how she hoped Michael would've turned out if he hadn't got involved in the family business.

Don't know if Anthony is gay or not, don't think the character was developed that far. Would have been an interesting storyline though, wonder how that woul've gone down with Michael!! lol
Posted By: Bella_Dana

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Bella Mafia UK:

Don't know if Anthony is gay or not, don't think the character was developed that far. Would have been an interesting storyline though, wonder how that woul've gone down with Michael!! lol
i guess it wouldn't go down with michael no way. he wouldn't accept that probably, thats what i think, he would accuse of kay for that. lol
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 01:01 PM

I think BM Uk is right. He wasn't developed enough to determine whether he was gay or not. I think he's just a soft lad with a passion for the Opera. It's a bit stereotypical to label him as gay for that.
Posted By: The Scottish Don

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 03:56 PM

Also alarming that anyone could "hate" a fictional character for the fact that they might be gay in 2004, but that's another story for another day.

It certainly crossed my mind that Anthony might not be too interested in the fairer sex, certainly an interesting future plot twist that could have been explored further.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 04:14 PM

Actually, Anthony was in love with his sister, Mary.

But since she was clearly smitten with their first cousin Vincent, he realized of course that she was off limits. All he could do to display his affection was try & keep her sheltered from the family business.

Trying desperately to maintain some sense of heterosexuality, Anthony thought about pursuing his Aunt Connie...but she was just a little too devoted to her brother, Anthony's dad.

Anthony then had no choice but to turn to his other cousin, Tom's son the priest (what was his name again?). An interesting subplot which usually goes unnoticed because there is no indication of it whatsoever in the flm...is that they were lovers all along.

Congrats, Freddie C. You figured out the whole thing.

Posted By: Bella_Dana

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 07:08 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Actually, Anthony was in love with his sister, Mary.
do we talking about them same movie confused confused confused what made u think he was in love with mary??? ohwell
Posted By: Alonzo the Armless

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 07:28 PM

I think Apple On Ya is joking. That is a pretty funny scenerio -- good enough for a SNL parody.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 07:36 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Actually, Anthony was in love with his sister, Mary.

But since she was clearly smitten with their first cousin Vincent, he realized of course that she was off limits. All he could do to display his affection was try & keep her sheltered from the family business.

Trying desperately to maintain some sense of heterosexuality, Anthony thought about pursuing his Aunt Connie...but she was just a little too devoted to her brother, Anthony's dad.

Anthony then had no choice but to turn to his other cousin, Tom's son the priest (what was his name again?). An interesting subplot which usually goes unnoticed because there is no indication of it whatsoever in the flm...is that they were lovers all along.

Congrats, Freddie C. You figured out the whole thing.

Picture me mopping up all the sarcasm that was dripping off this post. Good one AOY. Sounds like Freddie is doing a little sexual preference profiling. I hope he's not a NJ State Trooper. rolleyes

Mary and Vincent: hetero-incest
Anthony and Andrew: homo-incest
Let's hope they write that into GF4.....NOT.

BTW, are the 3 Tenors gay?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 08:51 PM

Thanks for all the smart-ass comments. I guess this is my hazing for being the new guy. I just wanted to introduce a new topic that may not have been discussed before. I anxiously await other future topics.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
I think BM Uk is right. He wasn't developed enough to determine whether he was gay or not. I think he's just a soft lad with a passion for the Opera. It's a bit stereotypical to label him as gay for that.
Turi I like that term "soft lad". It has a respectful tone to it and not offensive. That's what I love about this internet exchange of culture.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Anthony - 03/04/04 09:41 PM


The word "homosexual" is offensive but you saying I'm "doing a little sexual preference profiling" is not?

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Anthony - 03/05/04 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Freddie C.:

The word "homosexual" is offensive but you saying I'm "doing a little sexual preference profiling" is not?

Dear Freddie,
I'm confused. Are YOU saying the word "homosexual" is offensive? If you are offended by my characterizing your post as "sexual preference profiling", just read your post again (below). If it is not profiling it is definitely stereotyping. And I believe in today's vernacular the legal system has substituted "stereotyping" with "profiling." I believe that Apple and I were just poking a little fun at your question and the way you "stereotyped" homosexuals.

from Freddie's original post:
"but there are some things that may be suggesting he was homosexual. He'd rather be an opera singer than a mafia don? The only major character in all three films without a hint of any kind of romance? The way he dressed and talked? And he was definitely a momma's boy. I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone."
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Anthony - 03/05/04 02:15 PM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
[QUOTE]...BTW, are the 3 Tenors gay?
They weren't...until each saw GFIII and realized that, as opera stars they were supposed to be.

To this day though, Pavoratti is fighting it by continuing to have babies at the age of 68.

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Anthony - 03/06/04 03:31 PM

Don't worry about it Freddie C, this is a frequently asked question. A few of us are just ball breaking but it's probably the best Gay Anthony thread we've had.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Anthony - 03/07/04 01:54 AM

Although wouldn't it be sweet to see Anthony take almost a Michael-esque transition in (hypothetical) GF IV after seeing is sister slayed before his very eyes? cool
Posted By: EnzoBaker

Re: Anthony - 03/07/04 04:48 AM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Although wouldn't it be sweet to see Anthony take almost a Michael-esque transition in (hypothetical) GF IV after seeing is sister slayed before his very eyes? cool
Yeah, that's one of my pipe dreams for GF IV: After seeing Mary killed, Anthony becomes twisted and vengeful, and decides to junk his music career, go to law school, and join his father's business to get revenge on those who caused his sister's death. All of this of course over the stringent objections of ... no - his FATHER!!!!

(Subplot: KAY is the one who tells Anthony to get into the family business!! Mary's death has made Kay vengeful at the world and she wants Anthony to help her take revenge. Connie of course is in on this plot. Michael, having lost one child to mob violence, wants Anthony to stay out of the business, to have nothing to do with it.)

That could segue into Anthony taking a Tom Hagen-like role to Vincent as a smooth, polished legal advisor working along side the vengeful, mercurial Don Corleone.

Michael, as Vincent's consigliere and Don Emeritus, urges him NOT to take Anthony into the business, but Vincent sees Anthony's great legal talents and cold ruthlessness as exactly what the family needs.

Aunt Connie, whose voice now carries as much weight in the family as Michael's, tells Vincent that Anthony is perfect for bringing the family back to its former power.

Michael and Kay, now barely on speaking terms, of course have it out. "You think telling Anthony to join the family business is a favor to ME?" Michael yells.
"I don't care if it's a favor for you," she says. "I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for me."

So Vincent takes Anthony on as the family's top lawyer (allowing the merciful writing-out of George Hamilton) against the advice of Michael. Hmmmm....

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Anthony - 03/07/04 02:01 PM

The only flaw with the plot we are talking about is that most if not all of the people who tried to whack Michael and whacked Mary did get taken out in GF III before Mary got killed. Zasa, who tried to kill Michael, is whacked (along with "The Ant") at the parade. Don Lucchese is whacked by Calo after he Lucchese had the assassin kill Don Tommasino. Don Altobello is poisoned by Connie. Who is left? The assassin is killed by Vincent, and the "donkey-boy" might be left, I can't remember. Oh, and Al Neri hit the archbishop, and Keinzsig got rubbed out as well.

The enemies that hit Mary are wiped out...I'm not sure how they could handle this. ohwell
Posted By: EnzoBaker

Re: Anthony - 03/07/04 08:02 PM

Well, one of the things you learn throughout the GF series, is that "your enemies" are like cockroaches - you never really get rid of them. You get rid of the guys you think were your enemies, and it turns out there were a bunch of others behind them pulling the strings.

I'm sure they could come up with a new set of adversaries, with enough "connections" to the old bad guys, to keep everyone busy. You couldn't hit an archbishop and one of the big boys of the Italian mafia without SOMEBODY coming after you.

And the Corleone Family - Vito, Michael and Vincent - has been having people rubbed out for 70-80 years. There's generations of people who'd have a motive to nail them.

For instance, how about another federal investigation, headed by U.S. Assistant D.A. Frank Fanucci...? Or a hostile takeover attempt of the corporation, spearheaded by hot young Wall Street vulture Brian Barzini?? eek

Or - try this one on for size - pressure put on the family by slimy political weasel Phil Geary (think Gary Busey)... a smarmy, Clintonesque presidential candidate from Nevada? eek eek
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