
Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake

Posted By: cdennehy2000

Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake - 07/29/13 12:32 AM

Throwing a birthday party for my uncle this week and want to have my wife bake Hyman Roth's "Cuba Cake" from GF II, but even enlarging a photo to 400% can't make out beyond Hyman's name any of the other script on the cake. Spanish? English? It doesn't look like "Happy Birthday" or "Feliz Cumpleanos". Any help appreciated.


Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake - 07/29/13 01:35 AM

Probably Spanish. Here's a full-hd screenshot:

Posted By: Lou_Para

Re: Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake - 07/29/13 01:46 AM

Maybe it's something unique to the Cuban tradition for a birthday. I also can't make out anything besides Hyman,and its not any Spanish birthday message that I ever saw. The nice thing about this board is that someone will know. I am really curious to know what it is,so c'mon guys and gals,step up!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake - 07/29/13 02:07 AM

Originally Posted By: cdennehy2000
It doesn't look like "Happy Birthday" or "Feliz Cumpleanos". Any help appreciated.



It is feliz cumpleanos.
Posted By: carmela

Re: Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake - 07/29/13 02:16 AM

It's very clear that is says Feliz Cumpleanos Hyman.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake - 07/29/13 03:25 AM

Also note that it's his 67th birthday. Since the party was held in December 1958, that'd give him a birth year of 1891.

What's interesting to me is that, in a deleted scene after Sr. Roberto leaves young Vito's office shaking like a leaf, young Clemenza introduces him to young Roth. Vito looks to be about 30 in that scene; Roth looks to be 17 or 18. But, the birthday cake in Havana would make Vito and Roth about ths same age.
Posted By: cdennehy2000

Re: Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake - 07/29/13 10:24 AM

thanks to all who responded; in fact, now after a second look, i am seeing the "feliz cumpleanos", including that little squiggly over the the n in cumpleanos...

Supplementary question -- give the importance of the spirit to the island, are we supposing this is a rum cake?

chris D
Posted By: Danito

Re: Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake - 07/29/13 05:03 PM

Original geschrieben von: Turnbull
Also note that it's his 67th birthday. Since the party was held in December 1958, that'd give him a birth year of 1891.

What's interesting to me is that, in a deleted scene after Sr. Roberto leaves young Vito's office shaking like a leaf, young Clemenza introduces him to young Roth. Vito looks to be about 30 in that scene; Roth looks to be 17 or 18. But, the birthday cake in Havana would make Vito and Roth about ths same age.

There we have it: The Cuba scene takes place in 1970, when Batista once again lost the elections ... wink
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Hyman Roth's Birthday Cake - 07/29/13 05:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Also note that it's his 67th birthday. Since the party was held in December 1958, that'd give him a birth year of 1891.

What's interesting to me is that, in a deleted scene after Sr. Roberto leaves young Vito's office shaking like a leaf, young Clemenza introduces him to young Roth. Vito looks to be about 30 in that scene; Roth looks to be 17 or 18. But, the birthday cake in Havana would make Vito and Roth about ths same age.

Maybe he just looked young. Obviously at that point his ticker was still in good shape.

In the "Who Gave the Order" Scene Rothy talks fondly about Moe Greene, and he refers to him as a kid who he mentored. Now Moe was older than Micheal, maybe around Santino's age. I am guessing that puts Roth as a contemporary of vito, and maybe thats why they deleted the scene of the younger looking Roth.
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