
Corleone family too powerful to be realistic?

Posted By: Dwalin2011

Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/15/13 06:44 PM

Does anybody else think that the Corleone family is presented as too much a powerful entity compared to all the rivals of theirs?

I think that massacre Vincent ordered at the end of part 3 and the one Michael ordered at the end of part 1 are 2 most unrealistic moments in the movies. No crime boss can be that powerful to go against so many different powerful enemies and win without being killed. Not even Carlo Gambino or Lucky Luciano could have attacked Vatican, Swiss bankers, Italian freemasons and rival mafiosi at the same time just like that without paying the price.

In real life the criminal world is made of complex alliances, balance is very important, I think if somebody just went ahead like a bulldozer like Michael or Vincent they would never be allowed to live.
Posted By: Iceman999

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/17/13 12:11 AM

Well I think it's important to remember that even thought the GF story was based on actual incidents and personalities, it was, after all, still a work of fiction.

Also, one needs only to look at what happened to real world bosses like Maranzano, Genovese, and Galante to see what happened to those who tried to set themselves above other bosses.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/17/13 01:19 AM

The Great Massacre portrayed at the end of III was ridiculous, but plot strength isn't one of III's strong points. rolleyes Vito was portrayed realistically as a Mob boss for his time--he had gambling and the unions, and left the rest for the others. He was on top because of his police/political power. Michael's Great Massacre at the end of GF could have been viewed as a defensive measure--since Barzini was plotting against him, and infiltrated his inner circle, it was kill or be killed. Many of us here have commented that Michael didn't need to kill Cuneo and Stracchi (only Barzini and Tattaglia were killed in the novel), but it made for a dramatic ending to the film.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/17/13 02:51 PM

I don't see how Vincent, just months from the streets, could have plotted all those murders even with Michael and neri giving him advice from the sidelines (unless George Hamilton knew something no one else did). But in ll firness, look at the price Michael paid.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/17/13 03:33 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I don't see how Vincent, just months from the streets, could have plotted all those murders even with Michael and neri giving him advice from the sidelines (unless George Hamilton knew something no one else did). But in ll firness, look at the price Michael paid.

Vincent could have never done that alone, just as Joey Zasa couldn't have done that helicopter raid on the Commission (which was even more ridiculous but nevertheless a great action scene). However, both Vincent and Joey had the support of powerful people.
Posted By: Trilogy

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/17/13 08:08 PM

It was actually pretty smart to kill off the other families as well. Cuneo and Stracchi could team up and plan an attack against Michael if they were left alive.

Why should Michael have to worry about it at night!
Posted By: Dwalin2011

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/17/13 08:18 PM

Originally Posted By: Trilogy
It was actually pretty smart to kill off the other families as well. Cuneo and Stracchi could team up and plan an attack against Michael if they were left alive.

Why should Michael have to worry about it at night!

The point isn't that he should have felt guilty about it, but that he would never have managed to do it in real life. Even Gambino, Luciano or Accardo knew where did their power end. Look what happened to Maranzano who proclaimed himself "boss of bosses". Going against FOUR powerful organizations at the same time would be suicide in real life, while in the movie Michael is a sort of "superman" who can crush everybody he wants without any problem.
Posted By: Trilogy

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/17/13 08:24 PM

I'm not too familiar with the real life crime figures, but the movie gave us a great visualization seeing an attempt like that possible. Also it did seem like 10 years for them to plan this attack, so it was just a matter of timing.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/19/13 04:15 PM

As TB has pointed out above, a director's dramatic license is almost open-ended and in the Trilogy it is definitely so.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/20/13 01:46 PM

I would think by killing all the families, especially Tatt who had already lost his son would weaken them to the extent that the Corleone Capo Regimes could chisel in on their territories and convert the other bosses and small timers into the Corleone Business. After all Rocco now had a regime, and the Ressio regime had to be passed on to someone, and Clemenza's eventually went to Frankie.

I think to some extent Roth, through the rosatos filled in the vacuum, and eventually the whole thing became the commission.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Corleone family too powerful to be realistic? - 04/22/13 07:48 PM

There are a few things (too powerful aside) that make the Corleones unrealistic - at least to some extent. I've posted before that having just two capos might simplify things for Puzo's storyline, but it's unrealistic. Also, Tessio and Clemenza seemingly having the option to form their own families. I don't think so!

Of course, putting too powerful back in the mix, being able to pull off the murder of four NY dons with such precision (and without attracting the attention of law enforcement).
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