
Corleone chain of command

Posted By: The Sicilian

Corleone chain of command - 02/03/04 02:40 AM

In GF2 during Michael Corleone's trial there is a posterboard which shows the chain of command in the Corleone family...It shows Mike as the head and Fredo as UnderBoss...does anyone know where to get a copy of that thing online...im so curious to just go up and down that list and see who was who within the family...
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/03/04 03:51 AM

Keep in mind that the setup was only what the feds thought was how the family was set up -- not the actual roster known by the family.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/03/04 05:42 AM

I'm not sure you can get it online. You can get it in Harlan Lebo's excellent book, "The Godfather Legacy." But you won't get much enlightenment. Nearly all the names are of characters who never appeared in the films--just filler. Look for Coppola's father in the chart. And, Joltin' Joe is right: it's the Feds' (wrong) view of the family hierarchy. No way was Fredo an underboss over Neri and Rocco.
Posted By: Cross De Lena

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/03/04 02:33 PM

Since the Fed's roster was wrong, how about some opinions from the gallery on the real heirarchy?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/03/04 03:16 PM

In my opinion, by the time that chart was shown, there was only one member of the hierarchy: Michael. I think he had compartmentalized his relationships with Hagen, Neri and Rocco, so that none of them actually had a complete overview of Michael's total business operations. This left all the power in Michael's hands. His little speech to Tom before leaving for Miami says it all. Neri and Rocco may have had regimes under them, but we never say any of their day-to-day action in GFII.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/28/04 12:54 AM

I'm not really but i know Frank Pantangelli was Capo.
Posted By: EnzoBaker

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/28/04 03:25 AM

Pentangeli was capo of the regime formerly headed by Clemenza. (Remember, Pentangeli and Clemenza are in fact the same character with only some minor differences.)

Also, Clemenza's death is quite recent at the beginning of GF II -- Pentangeli is still wearing his black mourning arm band, and he breaks into tears when somebody starts talking about Clemenza's death, implying it was very recent.

The regime formerly headed by Tessio, I would guess, would have been taken over by Neri.

Hagen was very specifically kept out of most of the "family" operations and restricted to dealing with legal and political connections.

This was to protect him legally (so he could say, truthfully, he was not involved in normal 'gang' operations) and also isolate him from the inter-family vendettas and rivalries, both in the Corleone family and between the rival families.

Thus, when the hit attempt is made on Michael, he knows Hagen is not allied with any of the internal groups (Pentangeli/Roth, etc.) and can hand over authority to him safely.

As far as Fredo is concerned, the Feds just have it wrong. He doesn't really have any authority over anybody. He might be allowed to give orders in some situations, but most likely any orders he gave would have to be OKd by somebody like Hagen or Neri or even Michael himself.
Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/28/04 05:06 PM

The Structure is like this when Vito ruled the Family. Sonny was like an Underboss (But in the Novel he was a Captain). Tessio and Clemenza were both Captains running their regimes. Hagen was the consigliere

The Structure was like this when Mike ruled the Family. No Underboss or Consigilere. Pantangeli headed Clemenza's former regime in N.Y. while Neri headed Tessio's former regime. Rocco headed his secret regime in charge of tahoe security. So Pantangeli, Neri, and Rocco were all definitely Caporegimes. Fredo? I'm not to sure what he is, but he's definitely not an Underboss. Mike indicates that he has people under him. So I'm guessing he must be a Soldier heading a group of associates.
Posted By: madewoman

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/28/04 07:48 PM

I always assumed Hagen was Consigleire to Michael
in G2.
Posted By: The Sicilian

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/28/04 08:32 PM

i think Fredo might have been given the title of underboss by Michael because of who he is...fredo had no REAL power but its just his title...like prince charles...i mean hes not really in charge of the uk...
Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

Re: Corleone chain of command - 02/29/04 02:05 AM

Hagen was out during GF2. He was strictly a lawyer for the organization.

Sicilian? I think you might be right
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Corleone chain of command - 03/01/04 11:27 AM

Originally posted by The Sicilian:
like prince charles...i mean hes not really in charge of the uk...
No, that's Tony Corleone wink
Posted By: Bella Mafia UK

Re: Corleone chain of command - 03/01/04 02:45 PM

Originally posted by The Sicilian:
i think Fredo might have been given the title of underboss by Michael because of who he is...fredo had no REAL power but its just his title...like prince charles...i mean hes not really in charge of the uk...
Actually Prince Charles is heir to the throne, which means he will be King when the Queen dies. Its not a mickey mouse title.
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Corleone chain of command - 03/01/04 05:24 PM

True, Charles is heir to the throne but even when he becomes King he will have no real political power...unlike Michael Corleone cool
Posted By: Self Made Man

Re: Corleone chain of command - 03/01/04 07:11 PM

Originally posted by The Sicilian:
i think Fredo might have been given the title of underboss by Michael because of who he is...fredo had no REAL power but its just his title...like prince charles...i mean hes not really in charge of the uk...
First post by a frequent lurker. Love the boards.

Could Fredo have been considered a Consigilere of sorts to Michael? Since Tom had the title taken away to protect himself, certainly no one else would have acted in that capacity. And a Consigilere is someone who, while typically having a great deal of respect, has no real power of his own to exercise.

Michael probably would have wanted his older brother to be respected and honored, to feel like as much of a big shot as possible. Yet, Michael knew not to give him enough power to do any damage. It would be quite a balancing act, but it's not unthinkable that Fredo was actually Michael's Consigilere, in title at least. This is probably more likely than him being underboss at least.
Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

Re: Corleone chain of command - 03/01/04 09:19 PM

Fredo? A consigliere? Not a chance.
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