
Soundtrack question

Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Soundtrack question - 05/02/06 12:42 AM

I would really like a copy of the tune that Connie and Carlo are dancing to at the wedding. We only hear it for a few seconds, but its such a cool tune. Is it available anywhere?
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 02:01 PM

So, no-one can help me?
Posted By: Don Mataya

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 02:05 PM

Hey, I also would like a recording of the wedding songs, along with the version of Manhattan Serenade (Tom goes to Cali) that was used in the movie. Unfortunatlely, for the song you're looking for, all I can find is the recording used on the orignal soundtrack, which is not the complete song. And I've never been able to find the same recording of Manhattan Serenade.

Hopefully one day a SE Godfather soundtrack will come out, with ALL the music used in the film. Until then...I guess were stuck hearing a 45 second clip on the original soundtrack. ohwell
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 02:10 PM

Have you checked out the credits? Songs used in the film, even ones that aren't original musical scores, are usually listed.
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 02:27 PM

Mataya - Yes, I want the Hagen goes to Cali one, and the Micheal visits Fredo in Vegas one. Along with Connie and Carlo dancing which is not on the CD. You only get the ones with Clemenza dancing and Tessio and the little girl dancing. Oh and Johnny singing.

any help would be appreciated
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 02:44 PM

What you want to get is this :

[Linked Image]

It's available through Geoff's Site.

Go here http://www.mariopuzo.com/store/cds.shtml and then type in Godfather Suite under search all products at the bottom of the page.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 02:48 PM

Whats the name of the track?
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 02:53 PM

Im pretty sure this CD doesnt have any of the tracks im after.

Hasn't anyone made a recording of the actual film?
Posted By: Don Mataya

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 08:16 PM

The Godfather Suite does have recordings of the songs in Connie's Wedding--"The Godfather Tarantella" (Clemenza dancing), "The Godfather Mazurka" (Sal and little girl), and the "Godfather Fox Trot" (Connie and Carlo dancing). Tracks 2, 3, and 7 respectively. However they are different recordings than the ones in the film, the orchestra is beefed up considerably. Good recordings, but for me, it doesn't have the same feel as what was actually used in the film. You can hear 30 second clips off of amazon.com:

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0.../0 02-7216771-0048840?%5Fencoding=UTF8

As for the Manhattan Serenade (California), the only recording I've been able to find is on the CD "Mob Hits 2". And it's again different from the Godfather film and has female vocals. The quality is also not the best on that CD.
And finally, I've never, NEVER, been able to find a recording of the song that plays in Vegas, I wish I could.

Hope this helps!
Posted By: WildTrout

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 08:24 PM

Don Cardi,
Does the Godfather Tarantella have Mama Corleone singing?
Posted By: WildTrout

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 08:45 PM

Or am I thinking of the wrong song?
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 09:21 PM

Thanks a lot Mataya. Thats been a big help. I think we are long overdue a complete godfather one soundtrack.

Are the following available

- Song being played when the dancers are dancing right at the start of the communion party

- The lovely tune playing when Michael and Kay are dancing at the communion party
Posted By: Don Mataya

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 10:17 PM

- Song being played when the dancers are dancing right at the start of the communion party
I've never really looked around for this song before. I can tell you that it's not on any of the Godfather soundtracks, The Godfather Suite and Godfather Trilogy included. There possibly may be a recording somewhere but I'm guessing that we'll never find the version used in the movie.

- The lovely tune playing when Michael and Kay are dancing at the communion party
This is on the official Godfather Part II soundtrack. The track name is "Every Time I look In Your Eyes/After the Party." It's a short track, starting with that tune for about a minute and half, before going into a version of the waltz.
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/03/06 10:37 PM

Much obliged

I only have the official CD of part 1. Good old Limewire.
Posted By: Don Mataya

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/04/06 02:27 AM

Does the Godfather Tarantella have Mama Corleone singing?
You're thinking of Che La Luna (I believe that's the title), sung by Mama and the old man (debated to be old man Nazorine lol )
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/04/06 09:05 AM

He looks like one of the Don's to me. Either Stracci or Cuneo...the one who dies in the lift
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/04/06 12:35 PM

My most sought-after song from GF is the piano piece playing during the war montage.

Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/04/06 12:57 PM

Yes, Id also love that piece too

It all points to an SE Godfather Soundtrack...I just hope we don't have to wait for the 40th Anniversary
Posted By: The Hollywood Finochio

Re: Soundtrack question - 05/05/06 12:34 AM

Ok, some Part III requests.

I don't suppose that sort of groovey 70's disco track that is played at the party after the ceremony is available? Its the one where there are lots of kids dancing, and its interspersed with Vincent and Mary chatting
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Soundtrack question - 10/19/06 12:42 PM

Much of the source music in G1 was especially recorded for the film in the style of artists from the 1940s, as Paramount did not want to payout on royalties to singers and publishers. So, it is impossible to find the exact versions of "Manhattan Serenade", "All Of My Life", "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town", and "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas", as they are unavailable commercially.

The music used for the "Going to the mattresses" montage is "This Loneliness" which appears on "The Godfather's Wedding Album" LP.
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