
Mall Entrances

Posted By: johnny ola

Mall Entrances - 08/02/11 12:40 AM

How many entrances were there to the mall. In the beginning of GF, you see one entrance with the dancing going on, on the other side of the wall. Then we see an entrance, with all the parked cars, leading to the bandstand. Was this another entrance?

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Mall Entrances - 08/02/11 03:26 AM

Johnny, logically (I emphasize "logically" because "logic" doesn't always apply to the Saga), the Mall should have had only one entrance/exit. The reason was security: Vito built the mall not as an ostentatious venue for holding big parties and showing wealth (as Michael did the Tahoe estate), but to provide security for him and his family--even to the point of having Clemenza and other "retainers" (novel) living there. But directorial license: the gate shown at Connie's wedding conveniently opened up on a big parking lot so we could see the extent of guests invited to the wedding (and have that nice scene where Sonny spits on the FBI guy's credentials). But the gap in he wall you posed was perfect for showing a wrecked car blocking the entrance.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Mall Entrances - 08/02/11 01:19 PM

There was only one entrance. The one on this picture is the same as the one seen with the parking lot at the wedding. It just looks different due to the angle from which it's filmed.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Mall Entrances - 11/26/11 06:04 AM

While watching the GF this weekend I noticed three mall entrances. There's th emain one (pictured above). Then there's the wedding reception scene near the beginnin gof the film tht shows guests parading through an entrance leading to the bakyard festivities. The guest move to their right to enter the backyard. Then there's the gate through which Sonny et al walk to confront the FBI.

Are any of these the ones you are referring to TB?
Posted By: Danito

Re: Mall Entrances - 11/26/11 12:43 PM

Original geschrieben von: olivant
While watching the GF this weekend I noticed three mall entrances. There's th emain one (pictured above). Then there's the wedding reception scene near the beginnin gof the film tht shows guests parading through an entrance leading to the bakyard festivities. The guest move to their right to enter the backyard. Then there's the gate through which Sonny et al walk to confront the FBI.

Are any of these the ones you are referring to TB?

I've just lokked it up. And it surprised me too that those "three mall entrances" are in fact all the same!
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Mall Entrances - 11/26/11 02:52 PM

Like I said, it's the same entrance.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Mall Entrances - 11/27/11 01:30 AM

I have to side with Sonny and Danito.
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