
Tessio's men

Posted By: Immobiliare

Tessio's men - 07/16/11 01:15 PM

In GFII, when Micheal visits his father in hospital, he finds him alone. The detctives have been sent away and Tessio's men are also nowhere to be seen.

What I'm left wondering is, if Tessio's men had been sent away, why didn't Tessio himself inform Sonny of the situation? Surely he must have realised something was awry? And does the fact that he didn't contact Sonny give an indication of the treachery he is to later show?

His role and help in the killing of Sollozo and Mcluskley perhaps negates the suggestion that he had already begun to turn traitor but I'd still like to know what everyone thinks of this?!?
Posted By: SC

Re: Tessio's men - 07/16/11 02:01 PM

I think you're reading too much into this. It's quite possible that Tessio didn't know his men were sent away yet. Perhaps they had been arrested. Nobody had cell phones in those days and it's quite possible that Tessio's crew didn't have access to a phone.

Don't sweat the small stuff. smile
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Tessio's men - 07/16/11 02:08 PM

Originally Posted By: SC
I think you're reading too much into this. It's quite possible that Tessio didn't know his men were sent away yet. Perhaps they had been arrested. Nobody had cell phones in those days and it's quite possible that Tessio's crew didn't have access to a phone.

Don't sweat the small stuff. smile

Ditto. Good question, though.

I don't think it portended anything about Tessio's future treachery because that treachery was directed at Michael, not Vito. I have to believe (or like to believe) that Tessio was as loyal to Vito as Clemenza was. But Tessio was more pragmatic. With Vito gone, he made a choice. The wrong choice, but what seemed like the smart choice at the time.

Michael's own words: "Tessio was always smarter."
Posted By: Immobiliare

Re: Tessio's men - 07/16/11 02:37 PM

Thanks for your answers - both are great. Particularly valid is the point you make about Tessio's treachery being aimed towards Micheal and not Vito, a problem for The Family which perhaps first reared its head at the meeting between Micheal, Vito, Tom, Carlo, Clemenza and Tessio. During this meeting, Tessio and Clemenza both approach Vito for permission to start thier own family's despite Micheal being the new head of the family and the one who would make such a decision.

However, one issue I have with your assertion that Tessio was 'as loyal to Vito as Clemenza was' : Tessio's treachery was in full effect by the time of Vito's funeral - does that in some way counter that notion?
Posted By: olivant

Re: Tessio's men - 07/16/11 03:37 PM

No, as PB states, Tessio's treachery was directed at Micahel and was not effectuated until after Vito's death.

By the way, in the novel Tessio's men were arrested, not sent away. You'll find that sometimes our posts commingle the film and the novel.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Tessio's men - 07/16/11 04:12 PM

And the nurse says they were sent away/arrested only "10 minutes" ago. Like mentioned above, Tessio couldn't have been informed in that short notice.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Tessio's men - 07/16/11 04:44 PM

Welcome, Immobiliare! You're asking good questions! smile

One thing that often applies in the Trilogy is directorial license. The dramatic impact of that scene--Michael arriving at a nearly deserted hospital with no guards around Vito--wouldn't have happened if Tessio had called Sonny with the bad news about his men being arrested.

I agree that Tessio's treachery was directed against Michael, not Vito. But it was being hatched before Vito died. In the fishtank scene, Tessio starts the bitching. Then, when Vito says to Tess and Clemenza, "do you trust my judgment?", Clemenza replies, fervently, "Yes, Godfather." Tessio just hisses, "Yessssss" through clenched teeth. I think he also gives Michael the left-handed handshake. orange
Posted By: Immobiliare

Re: Tessio's men - 07/16/11 10:13 PM

Thanks Turnbull, I noticed his left-handed handshake too and this leads me to believe that Tessio's treachery began at this meeting and not during the time of/after Vito's death. The theory that 'Tessio as as loyal to Vito as Clemenza was' is something I just cannot accept - I think its clear that he had already entertained the idea of betraying the Corleones before Vito's passing.

However, I think the posts in this thread have definately negated my original query of wether or not Tessio began his betrayal much earlier(during the Sollozo saga) - like I said, it wasn't much of a question in my head as Tessio provided invaluable advice on how to kill Sollozo and Mcluskey but its good to have a logical answer provided for my questions regarding the hospital scene. Thanks very much!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Tessio's men - 07/16/11 10:22 PM

By the way, I attach no signifiance to the handshake. Why handhake at all if that was Tessio's intent? He was just in a physical position to offer his left hand.
Posted By: Immobiliare

Re: Tessio's men - 07/16/11 10:35 PM

Yes it may just be a mountain made out of a mole hill to be fair though I must point out that Tessio was in a physical position to offer his right hand too. There is also a slight stand-off before Micheals reaches to accept his handshake.

Clemenza didn't shake Micheals hand at all.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 03:04 PM

Did the men have to leave so fast that one guy, had to leave behind his sandwich?

By the way did Enzo the baker get his squeaky shoes from the same place as Luca?
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 03:06 PM

Speaking of Tessio's men, what happened to them after Tessio, was taken for a ride?
Posted By: olivant

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 03:34 PM

Originally Posted By: johnny ola
Speaking of Tessio's men, what happened to them after Tessio, was taken for a ride?

As the novel states, Neri took over.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 04:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Immobiliare
Yes it may just be a mountain made out of a mole hill to be fair though I must point out that Tessio was in a physical position to offer his right hand too. There is also a slight stand-off before Micheals reaches to accept his handshake.

Clemenza didn't shake Micheals hand at all.

I've never paid much notice to that particular handshake, but I think it could indeed be meant as a sign and give the (wrong) idea that it would be Clemenza who turn traitor. But the 'left' handshake could also be a secret hint that Tessio would be the traitor.
Posted By: johnny ola

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 06:46 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: johnny ola
Speaking of Tessio's men, what happened to them after Tessio, was taken for a ride?

As the novel states, Neri took over.

We know that Mike could trust Neri, but how could Neri trust Tessios men? Wouldn't it seem plausible that some of Tessios men would have been involved with Mikes assasination?
Posted By: olivant

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 07:08 PM

Originally Posted By: johnny ola
Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: johnny ola
Speaking of Tessio's men, what happened to them after Tessio, was taken for a ride?

As the novel states, Neri took over.

We know that Mike could trust Neri, but how could Neri trust Tessios men? Wouldn't it seem plausible that some of Tessios men would have been involved with Mikes assasination?

In the words of Rocco: "Difficult; not impossible."
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 09:02 PM

Tessio was loyal and respectful of Vito. He would never turn on vito while he was in charge. However when Michael was the new don he knew that the leadership had taken a step down. lets face it Mike wasn't the kind of leader Vito was. so tessio turned traitor
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 09:40 PM

I don't think Michael was a step down. He was a different kind of leader than Vito. Sonny would have been a step down...
Posted By: olivant

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 09:44 PM

"Tessio was always smarter" per Michael and per the novel, Tessio sensed in Michael a force clevely kept hidden. So, it is surprising that Tessio deserted him.
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Tessio's men - 07/17/11 10:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
I don't think Michael was a step down. He was a different kind of leader than Vito. Sonny would have been a step down...

Well lets put it this way he was a step up from sonny but a step down from vito
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Tessio's men - 07/18/11 10:50 AM

Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
I don't think Michael was a step down. He was a different kind of leader than Vito. Sonny would have been a step down...

Well lets put it this way he was a step up from sonny but a step down from vito

Still disagree. wink
Posted By: manhattandon

Re: Tessio's men - 07/18/11 11:57 AM

I agree that Tessio was probably 'on the fence' from the beginning - he was prepared to go with the side that won..... as Michael said, "Tessio was always smarter". Think about it... you are assigned to protect The Don in the hospital..... cops chase you and your gang away.... you take no action? Make no calls? Inform nobody? C'mon!
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Tessio's men - 07/18/11 02:20 PM

Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
I don't think Michael was a step down. He was a different kind of leader than Vito. Sonny would have been a step down...

Well lets put it this way he was a step up from sonny but a step down from vito

Still disagree. wink

Well, that's a different topic altogether: Whether or not Vito was a superior Don than Michael. I personally feel that he was, but that's an entirely subjective opinion. There's really no right or wrong answer. They're fictional characters. All you can do is agree to disagree.

I don't read anything into Tessio "not doing anything" when his crew got chased from the hospital. It was 1945, no one had cell phones for God's sake! lol It's entirely plausible that Tessio would have called Sonny five minutes after Michael did. Plus, Tessio was so instrumental in the planning of the Sollozzo-McCluskey murders, I can't imagine that he was "one the fence" from way back then.

I think that Tessio came up with a contingency plan while Michael was serving his apprenticeship to Vito. When Vito died he made the more practical choice. Of course it was the wrong choice, but who would have bet on Michael from the outset?
Posted By: Immobiliare

Re: Tessio's men - 07/18/11 02:40 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
I don't think Michael was a step down. He was a different kind of leader than Vito. Sonny would have been a step down...

Well lets put it this way he was a step up from sonny but a step down from vito

Still disagree. wink

Well, that's a different topic altogether: Whether or not Vito was a superior Don than Michael. I personally feel that he was, but that's an entirely subjective opinion. There's really no right or wrong answer. They're fictional characters. All you can do is agree to disagree.

I don't read anything into Tessio "not doing anything" when his crew got chased from the hospital. It was 1945, no one had cell phones for God's sake! lol It's entirely plausible that Tessio would have called Sonny five minutes after Michael did. Plus, Tessio was so instrumental in the planning of the Sollozzo-McCluskey murders, I can't imagine that he was "one the fence" from way back then.

I think that Tessio came up with a contingency plan while Michael was serving his apprenticeship to Vito. When Vito died he made the more practical choice. Of course it was the wrong choice, but who would have bet on Michael from the outset?

I think the part in bold sums it up really well!
Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Tessio's men - 07/19/11 12:46 AM

Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
I don't think Michael was a step down. He was a different kind of leader than Vito. Sonny would have been a step down...

Well lets put it this way he was a step up from sonny but a step down from vito

Still disagree. wink

I disagree with your disagree lol
Posted By: Danito

Re: Tessio's men - 07/19/11 09:39 AM

Original geschrieben von: manhattandon
I agree that Tessio was probably 'on the fence' from the beginning - he was prepared to go with the side that won..... as Michael said, "Tessio was always smarter". Think about it... you are assigned to protect The Don in the hospital..... cops chase you and your gang away.... you take no action? Make no calls? Inform nobody? C'mon!

Tessio's men were at the hospital. Not Tessio.
And McCluskey had them all arrested. Later, just before he hits Michael, he says: "I thought I got all you guinea hoods locked up!"
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Tessio's men - 07/19/11 01:45 PM

Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
I don't think Michael was a step down. He was a different kind of leader than Vito. Sonny would have been a step down...

Well lets put it this way he was a step up from sonny but a step down from vito

Still disagree. wink

I disagree with your disagree lol

If you're a man of reason, you would agree to disagree. wink
Posted By: olivant

Re: Tessio's men - 07/19/11 03:01 PM

But surely Phillips knew. Why didn't he alert Sonny?
Posted By: mustachepete

Re: Tessio's men - 07/19/11 05:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Immobiliare

What I'm left wondering is, if Tessio's men had been sent away, why didn't Tessio himself inform Sonny of the situation? Surely he must have realised something was awry? And does the fact that he didn't contact Sonny give an indication of the treachery he is to later show?

It's always seemed fishy to me that it was Tessio who knew the layout of Louie's, right down to the toilet configuration.
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